
when life happens.

Fifteen year old Tasha talks about the sudden changes in her life after she and her family shifted to the U.S. after living in her hometown all her life.

Daoist537832 · Sports, voyage et activités
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24 Chs


The first semester is over. Guess what? We've already started to plan and choose our course for next year in highschool. Apart from that, my family wants me to make a four- year plan, despite making one themselves for me. If I made a choice, they say "well, I don't think that's a good choice" and they try to talk me out of it. Honestly, I love their choices, but I just want to make things complicated. Just for fun's sake. I wanted to be a doctor for the longest time. I still do. But I don't know if I must do what my parents tell me or what I think I want to do. Planning is difficult but negotiating isn't. Throughout this journey of planning, I've learnt how to negotiate certain terms with my family. Maybe this is why they say, whatever happens, happens for our good.

heya! My collections have finally grown a bit. I'm extremely excited now. I'm sorry for the very short chapter but I'll update long ones pretty soon. thank y'all so much for reading my book.



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