
when life happens.

Fifteen year old Tasha talks about the sudden changes in her life after she and her family shifted to the U.S. after living in her hometown all her life.

Daoist537832 · Sports, voyage et activités
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Friends I guess?

We finally found a middle school for Rain and a highschool for me. My counselor told me that I had to complete geometry to be put in algebra 2 honors but in my hometown, I did integrated math where we studied parts of geometry, algebra and arithmetics, every school year. Now I have to take separate classes for geometry during summer but we didn't know how. Just then my mom came across a summer school program that the school district provided for students. I was put into it, while Rain was put into a science course. My course was about seven hours long. This made the class group become closely knitted. The teacher was also very nice. I found a few people who became my friends but this one girl- Tony. We quarreled like cats and dogs. To put it precisely, we were FRENEMIES. On the last day, we all exchanged our numbers and prised each other to meet someday that summer (we never did anyway). I finally got over my weird anxiety of staying idle. I studied throughout the rest of the summer and made friends with the other people I met during the registration for school. My mom finally let me pluck my unibrow and now I had two eyebrows to show off. My dad's cousin coincidentally lives a few miles away and this made our lives a bit better. I finally had cousins to have fun with. The cousins in my hometown were too old or too young and too bossy but these kids were nice, although I was the oldest in this group. We soon found an apartment complex and started to live there. Our furniture would arrive one or two months later and my reunion with my guitar was flamboyant. The food finally started to taste normal. Now all I was waiting for is for the school at reopen. I had to spend my time at school, with new people. Claire calls occasionally, they keep giving her exams every now and then. I tell her everything in detail and our conversations go to about one hour. I finally get my new mobile number and get added into the school's group chat that is hilarious. I also become close to those people I met at the registration- Sharron, Sara and Ava. I became especially close to Sara. She is a nice person.

wattup readers!

Tasha finally has friends. Super cool right?



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