
When I woke up as an Incubus

Ryouya, a teenage boy who has been trying to get over his not-so-pleasant past has become a target of mutual bullying by the so-called upper caste of his high school. One of those days when he was on the verge of death because of the degree of bullying elevated to another level, something snapped inside of him. His origin was triggered by the incident and Ryouya came to know about his reality. The powers that had been lying dormant inside of him since his birth would help him overcome all his circumstances and live a memorable life. He shall improve his life and enjoy it until he can since when he dwells deeper in his origin, he will get to know the world that awaits him on the other side of this reality. *** Additional tags: #Incest #Netori #No Yaoi #No Yuri #Yandere #No Netorare #Manipulation #Proactive Mc #Prostitution *** A/N: - There would be no yuri amongst Mc's harem except for some rare kissing. Mc's women won't be sleeping with their partners once they embrace him. There's no shit like free-to-use stuff in here. Mc would eventually become OP. There would be incest between step relation means no blood-related sex (until a certain point) There would be very less insta s*x scenes since I like build-up, so be patient for the forbidden fruit~ There is a guide system in the novel but no status panel or anything else. Just a guide for Mc to grasp his powers. The prostitution tag is for MC since he would work as a masseur and escort for some time. For further queries ask me in chapters or reviews.

V_king · Fantaisie
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44 Chs

Chapter 10- Shocking news~2

Ryouya felt a cold chill marching down his spine upon hearing the announcement from his homeroom teacher.

The person who caused this unnatural awakening to occur in Ryouya—Kamimura Sato was destined to be hospitalized after how brutally Ryouya beat him up yesterday. But severe brain damage?

"Not only his facial structure has been molded to the point where only plastic surgery could help but he might have suffered a memory loss as well."

'Huh?' Ryouya couldn't help but gasp at the information which seemed too unreal to believe.

However, considering the person sharing the news, it was given she wouldn't be joking about this out of nowhere. In the first place, she knows about the brawl despite there being no surveillance whatsoever, which signifies how profound this matter has grown.

The class was burdened under a heavy silence upon hearing the news. There were some delinquents who fought and bullied people on a daily basis but still, this was too much even for them to stomach.

Getting admitted to the hospital was a common occurrence for them, however, comma? Not something these delinquents would ever go that far.

"*Sigh* From the eyewitnesses I have come to know that the aggressor was a student of this school. I am not targeting anyone here, but if someone has something to say about this incident then this is your chance."

'What....?' Ryouya couldn't help but feel even more apprehensive hearing that there were witnesses around as well.

'Not good...if someone had seen my face...won't I get jailed?'

It was given to someone like Ryouya who has kept himself far away from any kind of crime and refrained from any act that could break laws, would become panicked in this situation. Forget about him, any youth of that age would fall under hysteria.

It didn't help that for some reason, he felt the teacher's narrowed gaze lingering on Ryouya for a bit there, before she turned away toward the blackboard.

The class soon began, however, Ryouya was not in his correct mind to even understand the heading of today's topic.

[Breath, you dum-dum. Think about it carefully and you would know why aren't you taken away for interrogation yet, if they had any clue or witness.]

Reading the text subconsciously, Ryouya felt a tinge of hope radiating at the horizon but he didn't relax immediately. After all, this was nothing but a system guide assuring him.

'They might not have enough witnesses now or maybe they are preparing my sketch?'

Since the incident happened yesterday, there was a chance that the police were processing and piecing together all the information they had received about the case and might come to take Ryouya into custody once they got enough hints indicating Ryouya was the assailant.

[The reason why you were ambushed by that boxer blondie at that spot yesterday, was because he knew there were no people around, and who places a camera under a bridge? In my opinion, you should be elated that he lost his memory so there's no point for you to get stressed about it.]

'Even if you say so...' It wasn't like Ryouya didn't already know what the system was pointing out but still, hearing it from someone else at times of crisis felt a little assuring.

However, the news was too big and world-shattering for Ryouya to focus on the class anymore, and before he knew the lunch break arrived.

If not for the cluster of students gathering all around the place, Ryouya might not have woken up from his daze any time sooner.

'I should remain calm for the time being...' There was no gain in panicking here. Even if he gets interrogated about the incident with all the clues speaking in support of Ryouya being the aggressor, he would simply accept the punishment.

What could he do against the police in the first place?

Running was not an answer since Ryouya didn't want to make his family worried nor did he have any kind of savings he had to allow him to remain away from home for more than a week or so.

The only person he could think of who might be able to help Ryouya was his aunt, Kasumi. However, considering their past he really didn't want to talk to her ever again.

'But...do I have an option here?' His thumb fiddled on the phone screen, scrolling down the contacts as his thoughts remained unclear on what he should do.

Amidst his internal chaos, someone shook his shoulders, bringing him out of his daze.


"Ah..." Turning his gaze, he found it was the pink-haired girl named—Ichihara Miu, the class representative.

"Kuri sensei wants to see you. Don't make her wait." Saying so with a complaining look on her face, Miu turned on her heels and walked away to finish her lunch.

....leaving an even more messed up Ryouya behind.


The teacher's staff rooms were in a separate building. It was a hassle for every teacher to make a trip after each of their class to collect materials but since the academic block didn't have much room to allow all the teachers to accommodate comfortably, this separate building was made.

The ground floor was mainly there for storage purposes for sports festival props, infirmary equipment, and gymnasium stuff.

Staff rooms were all on the second and third floors. Since the building was huge, there was a room given to all the teachers for either to rest in their leisure period or use for counseling.

Since the lunch break was nearing its end, all the teachers were rushing past Ryouya who unlike usual, didn't greet them and just walked absentmindedly toward the last office of the corridor.

He already had considered the fact that the teacher knew everything about the incident and who was behind Sato's current condition.

Resigning to his fate, he knocked on the door before a feminine voice replied with a short, "Come in."

Pushing the door, Ryouya was greeted with the scent of what seemed like light incense in the room with a peaceful vibe overall greeting him. The walls were completely white with some gray triangular patterns. A long table on which some files and laptop were sprawled. There were some small plants resting on the shelves built behind the table.

Turning his gaze toward the right he found there was a comfortable-looking couch with the person he came to meet, currently resting over it.

"Take the seat."

Her domineering voice echoed vividly in his senses before Ryouya nodded and pulled a chair to sit in front of her.

The older female kept on staring at Ryouya for a good minute before she once again parted her lips, "Father of Sato-kun is a small industrialist...you know what that means, right?"

Ryouya felt the cold sweat accumulating at the base of his neck, finally sliding down as all his concerns were proven to be on the mark. Regardless, he wasn't weak-willed enough to give in so easily.

"Umm...why does it concern me, teacher?"

The look on the violet-haired's face changed at the reply as a small grin extended her thin lips as she rested her back on the couch and draped her left leg on the other.

Under general circumstances, Ryouya might have found this gesture a bit too alluring for him, but right now, he wasn't in the right mind to think anything straight.

"It does concern you, Ryouya. After all, when police would arrive at your house and take you in, it surely would break your mother's heart right?"

[...here it goes again...]

Even the system expected Ryouya to fall into a panic attack, however...

"What do you want?"

Her grin extended as she licked her lips seductively before replying in a fervent tone.

"An hour you have. Impress me through any means you can and I will help you with this case. Ah, and don't think about anything sexual tho. I am engaged after all~"


A/N:- I am trying to make chapters longer.

And yeah, you cannot expect a high schooler to take things like these maturely.

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