
Chapter four

I looked at shawn with worry. He just nodded and smiled.

I made my way to the receptionist and she handed me the phone, I took it with shaking hands, hoping it was my mom.

"H-hello. Who's this?" I asked my voice shaking at the thought that it might be my mom.

"Hello. Is this miss Star?" A deep and firm voice said through the phone.

I sighed knowing it's not my mother. "Uh...yes this is her"

"I'm Brad Walker, the head sheriff at the police department." He said.

"Oh, is everything okay? Did you find my mom?" I asked him.

We reported her missing yesterday night. I couldn't wait until she comes back on her own.

"We didn't actually, but we need to ask you a couple of questions. If you're ready, of course." He said softly.

Probably feeling bad for me. I hate when people feel pity for me.

I took a deep breath before answering, " it's fine, I'm ready."

"Okay, that's great. We'll be there later today." He said hanging up.

I sighed and handed the nurse the phone back. I went back to the room.

"Hey, who was on the phone?" Nick asked. "The police." I answered with a sigh.

"Oh, they want to ask you questions, right?" He answered putting his attention on the twins again, like it's no big deal. "How did you know that?" I'm confused.

"I'm a firefighter, remember? I kind of work for the police." He said casually not taking his eyes off of my sisters.

"Right" I said biting my bottom lip in embarrassment and my face to heat up. "It's fine, hun, you don't have to be embarrassed." He looked at me and went back to playing with the twins. That just made my face heat up even more if that's possible.

I went and sat beside him on the bed and started playing with Mel. "So, when are they coming?" He asked. "Huh?" I answered confused. He chuckled softly and said, "the police, when are they coming?"

"Oh, umm..I don't know the sheriff said they'll be here later today." I shrugged. He just nodded.

We played with the twins and talked when they fell asleep to skip time. We were laughing when we heard a knock on the room's door and three officers come in.

"Hello miss Star, are you ready for the questioning?" I recognize the voice as the sheriff''s. "Yea I am." I nod.

"Okay, would you like Nick to leave?" He asked looking at shawn then at me. "No, it's fine, he can stay." Brad nodded and came closer to where I was sitting on the bed.

"I'm going to start with simple questions." I nodded. "Okay so, how old are you?" "19" "where's your sisters?" "They're sleeping right now."

This continued on for almost two hours. He asked me about what happened. How did I get out of the house. When did I realize the house was on fire. When was the last time I saw my mom, and much more.

After they left I felt relieved. not going to lie, I was really nervous.

After the police officers went out, Ann came in and looked at me, then at Nick and back at me.

"I have good news for you!" She said excitedly. I looked at her as to continue, "you'll be able to leave tomorrow afternoon!" She said.

"That's great!" Nick and I said at the same time. We laughed and I thanked Ann and she started walking towards the door, "Hey Ann, could you please bring me a charger so I could charge my phone? The police found it and gave it back to me." I said. "Of course, I'll be back after I check on a patient here"

I smiled thinking that I would finally go home after this.

My smile slowly faded as I remembered that my house is in almost ruins. I looked at the twins and sighed.

Where would we live now? None of my family members live here or close by.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Shawn asked coming near me and sitting on the bed. "Nothing" I answered too quickly.

Great job Bella, now he's definitely gonna know something is wrong, ughh.

"Okay, really what's wrong?" Sounding worried.

"I don't know where we're going to live now. I mean my house is in ruins, that's a problem." I chuckled softly. "Oh.." He said. " yea it's fine though. I'm sure I'll figure something out." I sighed.

We fell into a silence after that. Suddenly, Nick's eyes lit up and he said, "you can live with me!"

"Wait, what?" I looked at him with wide eyes. "You heard me. You and the twins  could come and live with me I have plenty of space" he said excitedly, although he was trying to hide it, he wasn't really good at that.

"We can't come live with you. That's too much Nick,  plus I just met you!" I said. "Well yes, but like you said you have no where to go!" He said. I sighed and looked at him. "Come on, at least until you can buy a place in your own." I thought about it a little bit and said, "fine" while rolling my eyes.

"Yes!" He cheered. I laughed at him, then he hugged me, that caught me off guard so I  fell back on the bed. He was on top of me and just hugging me. I slowly wrapped my arms around him, hugging him back.

"Thank you, Nick. For everything." I said softly. "No need to thank me. We're friends now. That's what friends do. I gave him a small smile.

After a while I said, "okay get off I can barely breathe." He chuckled and got off me. "Finally I can't breathe again!" I said putting my hands in the air, looking up at the ceiling. He laughed so hard that he fell off the bed. "Ha ha, you deserved that!" I said jokingly. "What why?" He whined acting like a little child. "I don't know, but you probably did something to deserve it." I laughed. He just rolled his eyes and shook his head trying to hide his smile.

A knock on the door startled me, I was so startled that I jumped and fell off the bed landing beside Nick on the floor. Shawn was laughing at me when Ann came in and saw us both on the floor, "what are you doing on the floor, it's cold!" She said trying to hide a laugh. "She fell of the bed!" Nick said laughing, Ann laughing with him. "Shut up, you did too!" I crossed my arms on my chest and glared at him, only making both him and Ann laugh harder.

"Anyways, I got your charger." Ann said her laughter dying down, same as Nick's. "Thanks, Ann." I gave her a smile taking it out of her hands and plugging it in the outlet on the wall and charging my phone.

Nick and I sat on the bed again, talking and getting to know each other a little bit more. "No way! Did you really?" I asked laughing. Nick was telling me about the time he pranked his sister, Aaliyah, by putting green food dye in her shampoo bottle.

"Yea but she got me back by drawing silly things on my face when I was sleeping, I'd gone a whole day without realizing it and everyone was laughing at me." he said laughing with me. "God I need to meet that gi-" I was cut off by phone ringing.

Because Nick was closer to my phone, he took it off charger and looked down, he looked disappointed and handed me my phone. I just brushed it off and took my phone looking at the caller ID. My eyes lit up at the name, "Grayson 😍"  I quickly accepted the call and put the phone to my ear.

"Blue, are you okay? You had me worried sick! Why weren't you answering your phone?" I could hear the worry in his voice.

"Hey gray, yeah I'm fine and sorry, I lost my phone." I said sounding a little sad.

"What's wrong, blue. Why do you sound sad?"

"Umm... my house kind of lit on fire and my mom is missing, I'm in the hospital with the twins." Answered him looking at the hand that wasn't holding the phone.

"WHAT?! ARE YOU AND THE TWINS OKAY?" He yelled through the phone sounding more worried than before.

"Yea, we're fine. Well, Angie almost died but she's fine now." I said trying to make him less worried.

"E and I are leaving now to the airport. Cya tomorrow morning." He said.

"Gray you don't ha-" and the line went dead.

I sighed and laid back on the hospital bed.