


Next day came and I and flourish went to school, although flourish mom told her not to go to school but she refused by telling her mom that she didn't want to miss school due to the exam happening the following week,her mother did not have any choice but to let her go to school,that was how I and flourish ended up in school,we were on assembly ground when the principal came to lecture the students about behaviour, listening to the lecture,I knew he was talking about what happened to flourish, while he was talking,I and flourish eyes met unconsciously then we immediately stopped looking at each other. After taking for a long time he then told the whole school that he wanted to present to the students,few students that were involved in immoral way, hearing this,all the student started murmuring wondering who the principal wanted to bring to the assembly ground,few minutes later,two policeman escorted four girls to the assembly ground,and this girls were none other than Marisa and her gang,the students seeing them were all shocked to see them in that state,they looked tattered and dirty,that they themselves were to ashamed to lift their heads up,it was an embarrassing sight indeed,the principal then came to the assembly ground and pointed his hands at them telling the students all what they did, when the students heard all what they did they were so shocked that all of them started looking at I and flourish, looking at flourish,I could see that she felt uncomfortable with their stairs, even I was starting to feel uncomfortable but thank God the principal came to our rescue by gaining the attention of the students. Some of the students were already causing Marisa and her friends,while some were looking at them in disgust.i kind of pitied them in a way because the embarrassment was too much,the students were not only causing them and giving them a look of disgust some of them even went as far as taking matters into their hands,they started picking some stones they could find on the assembly ground and started throwing it at them,it was the teachers that calmed them down by giving them some punishment,due to the stones thrown at them,the girls all had bruises on them,this made them look miserable,while all this were happening,my classmates were checking on flourish and I if we were okay,they didn't join in on the violence going on. After the students calmed down,Marisa and her friends were taken by the policemen, while they were going,I could see tears in Marisa's eyes and that was because she turned back to look at me,I pitied her but there was nothing I could do. After all the drama that happened on the assembly ground,we all went to each of our class,when I and flourish got to class,our classmates surrounded us and started asking us different questions,they were also surprised that the rumors were true,while they were asking us questions,a teacher entered the class, seeing a teacher entering the class,they all went to their various seats.

Immediately everyone settled down,he asked I and flourish if we were okay,we told him we were okay then he continued teaching. Few hours later,I and flourish were asked to come to the principal office,on getting to the principal's office,we knocked on the door,we then heard a voice telling us to come inside,the principal was a Forty years old handsome man but he could pass as someone of thirty years,he was a tall and handsome man,his well shaped face could make a woman faint just because of his beauty his sharp jaw was something to write home about and let's not talk of his charming eyes that can suck your soul out of your body just by looking at him. when we entered his office,we met two people in his office,we greeted him,he greeted us back in response and told us to meet the parent of Marisa, immediately he told us that, the parents of Marisa turned their heads to see us,I saw a woman who looked exactly like Marisa but you could tell the difference because Marisa only took the structure of her face, looking at the man beside her,I noticed the man was the father,the man was strikingly handsome,it was then I noticed that Marisa took the eye colour of the man and also the hair colour, looking at the parents of Marisa I and flourish greeted them to show the sign of respect, immediately we greeted them,they stood up from their seat and stood in front of us,the two of them then apologized for what their daughter did by also explaining to us how shocked they were to find out there little princess was a killer because we were not her first victim,while the mother was explaining,she was crying while the father was trying to calm her down, flourish then moved near the mother calming her down,the father then faced I and flourish in a serious manner telling us that they didn't come there to apologise to us so that we can save their daughter but because they were really sorry and they won't mind any thing the court would decide on their daughter's case,after all she deserves it, even if it means loosing their only daughter,hearing this I felt pity for them,even flourish felt the same,after talking to us for a few minutes we were dismissed from the principal's office. Few hours more and school ended,I and flourish went back home,on reaching home,we ate our afternoon food and went to our various rooms.evening came and an aroma filled the whole house,I could perceive the aroma from my room, tracing where the pleasant smell was coming from with my nose like a dog,my nose took me to the kitchen,upon entering the kitchen,I saw flourish mom cooking, seeing her I immediately greeted her she replied me back and asked me what I wanted,I was too embarrassed to talk but finally forced a few word out of my mouth,I told her I came because of the aroma I was perceiving, listening to what u said,she started laughing,while I listening to what I said felt embarrassed.few minutes later,we all went to dinning room as a complete family,we ate laughed together and I was glad that there was no more people. and everything was settled.

I kind of pity Marisa's parent. Thank you all for reading this novel and I would love it if you all can comment and give me a review so as to know what you think about my novel.love you all and please stay safe.

adebogunflourishcreators' thoughts