
When did I become invincible?

Deep in Mud Flat Alley. Inside a neatly cleaned large courtyard. A handsome young man lay sleeping in a chair. Ding! At this moment, an electronic sound rang in his ears. Chen Ping'an stretched lazily and opened his sleepy eyes. The peach tree bathed in the bright courtyard came into view. "Five years have passed in the blink of an eye, and you've kept me company the longest." This peach tree was the one he planted himself when he came to this world.

zuntian · Oriental
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183 Chs

Keep Pretending, Big Shot!

No one answered Chen Ping'an's question.

Tian Shanshan and the others could only stare at Chen Ping'an, speechless.

The answer was obvious - Pan Hang's condition was due to the beast's overwhelming strength.

Tian Shanshan and Wang Dagui looked at Chen Ping'an as if they'd discovered a new world.

They never imagined Chen Ping'an could be so formidable.

Initially, they thought he was the weakest among them.

Now, it turns out he's the strongest!

Not only did he nearly slay a Core Formation eighth-level beast,

But he also blocked an attack from a Nascent Soul first-level monster.

It was simply unbelievable!

Liu Shuai scrutinized Chen Ping'an, his eyes full of suspicion.

"Keep pretending, big shot!" he thought. "Just keep up the act!"

At this moment, he was convinced that Chen Ping'an's cultivation level was fake.

Not only could a Core Formation first-level cultivator block a Nascent Soul first-level attack,

But he also let slip that these two beasts weren't strong.

From this statement, Liu Shuai was certain that Chen Ping'an had made a mistake when he said "not strong."

He had forgotten he was pretending to be weak.

That's why he said such a thing.

Liu Shuai's eyes gleamed, as if he had seen through everything.

Tian Shanshan stepped forward and bowed to Chen Ping'an, "Brother Long, we're counting on you for the martial arts competition in a month!"

Their kingdom actually had many hidden talents.

Some geniuses were secretly cultivating.

Some were even training outside the kingdom.

It's possible they might return upon hearing about this competition.

If that were the case, with their current strength, they would be mid-tier at best in the competition.

But now, with Chen Ping'an as their trump card, their chances of winning first place had increased significantly.

After all, this expert could go toe-to-toe with a Nascent Soul first-level cultivator!

Moreover, this big shot had just said he had a chance to kill those two beasts, so his strength must be above Nascent Soul first-level.

Chen Ping'an was a bit confused and smiled wryly, "Miss Tian, you jest. I'm only at Core Formation first-level. You're all stronger than me."

Hearing Chen Ping'an's words, Liu Shuai was exasperated.

"Keep pretending, big shot!" he thought. "Just keep it up!"

Tian Shanshan, convinced that Chen Ping'an was being modest, still said, "Regardless, let's do our best to achieve a better ranking."

Chen Ping'an nodded.

This time, he was aiming for first place.

That way, he could make his name even more renowned.

After their discussion, Tian Shanshan and the others remembered Pan Hang, who was still lying on the ground.

They went over together to check on his condition.

As soon as they got close, Chen Ping'an smelled a foul odor and couldn't help but wrinkle his nose.

The Black Dragon and the divine weapon exchanged glances and chuckled.

He definitely needed a change of pants!

An hour later.

Chen Ping'an and the others returned to the royal city.

Pan Hang, now being carried by Wang Dagui, had actually regained consciousness but pretended to be unconscious to save face.

He had been crying.

He couldn't understand what had happened.

What grudge did that brown tiger have against him?!

Why did it single him out for torture?

Did he kill its entire family or something?!

After returning to the royal city, seeing that it was almost dark, everyone said their goodbyes.

They agreed to meet again at noon the next day in the same teahouse.

Chen Ping'an didn't plan to teleport back to Qingyuan Town immediately.

He needed to buy some books on cultivation.

However, he didn't have much spirit stone currency, so he had to sell some pills first.

Although he could sell pills at the Treasure Gathering Hall, it would definitely be better to do so at the Alchemists' Guild.

Moreover, he wanted to try out the token Xi Menchen had given him, to see if it worked.

Chen Ping'an looked at Liu Shuai and smiled, "Brother Liu, I'll take my leave now. I need to visit the Alchemists' Guild. See you tomorrow."

Liu Shuai, feeling bored and not wanting to go home so early, quickly said, "What a coincidence! I was thinking of going to the Alchemists' Guild to buy some pills too. Why don't we go together?"

He was convinced that Chen Ping'an was extraordinary.

He must be hiding his true cultivation level.

He had to be stronger than Nascent Soul stage, otherwise, he wouldn't have said that Nascent Soul level beasts weren't strong.

Plus, Chen Ping'an had a divine weapon. Liu Shuai felt he must improve his relationship with Chen Ping'an.

It would be best if they could spend time together every day.

Even if it meant developing a special friendship!

Hearing this, Chen Ping'an smiled and nodded, "Alright, let's go together then."

The two headed towards the Alchemists' Guild.

On the way, Liu Shuai asked, "Brother Chen, are you also planning to buy pills?"

Chen Ping'an shook his head, "No, I want to sell some pills. I have quite a large quantity, and I think they'll fetch a better price at the Alchemists' Guild."

He decided to sell ten healing pills.

The spirit stones he'd get in return should be enough to buy a few basic books.

Liu Shuai smiled and said, "To be honest, my master has some connections with the vice president of the Alchemists' Guild here. I should be able to take you directly to see him."

Chen Ping'an raised an eyebrow, not expecting Liu Shuai to have such connections.

"That's great, I'll be counting on you then, Brother Liu." Chen Ping'an could now show the token to the vice president.

If the token turned out to be fake, the vice president would probably let it slide for Liu Shuai's sake.

Actually, he was quite worried that the token might be fake. Who knows, he might even get beaten up if he presented it in the Alchemists' Guild.

Soon, they arrived at the entrance of the Alchemists' Guild.

Liu Shuai, very familiar with the place, led Chen Ping'an inside.

The inner hall was vast.

It was decorated extremely lavishly.

The walls were even carved with colorful paintings.

There were beautiful pill furnaces.

And various types of plants.

On one wall, there was even a long portrait hanging high.

It was a portrait of a person.

When Chen Ping'an saw the person in the painting, he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Seeing Chen Ping'an's reaction, Liu Shuai quickly played the role of a tour guide and explained, "The person in this portrait is the president of the Alchemists' Guild. I've heard that this president is a legendary figure, the strongest alchemist on the continent. Tsk tsk, if I were lucky enough to have this person refine a pill for me, I'd probably die of happiness."

Hearing Liu Shuai's words, Chen Ping'an glanced at him.

He wanted to say, "Liu Shuai, to be honest, this person once told me he'd go through fire and water for me in the future."

But Chen Ping'an didn't bother saying it, firstly because he feared Liu Shuai wouldn't believe him.

Secondly, saying it out loud might seem a bit boastful.

He decided it was better to just gloat secretly in his heart.

Liu Shuai led Chen Ping'an into the Alchemists' Guild, heading towards an area where no one else was going.

Soon after, the two arrived at the door of a room.

"Uncle Tan, are you in?" Liu Shuai called out.

Shortly after, the wooden door opened.

A middle-aged man appeared in Chen Ping'an and Liu Shuai's view.

This was a middle-aged man who looked somewhat stern, wearing an alchemist's robe. His face was as green as his clothes.

He had clearly just been angered.

He was still fuming.

His face was green with anger.

Upon seeing Liu Shuai, the middle-aged man seemed less angry, but still maintained a serious expression.

"Little Shuai? What brings you here suddenly?" Tan Zhongye asked.

Liu Shuai noticed that Tan Zhongye was in a bad mood and felt a bit nervous.

However, he still explained the purpose of their visit.

It was only then that Tan Zhongye looked at Chen Ping'an.

Core Formation first level.

So weak.

"Since you're Little Shuai's friend, what pills do you have to sell? Let me see," Tan Zhongye said coldly.

He thought to himself,

What kind of pills could a cultivator of this level possibly have to sell?

It would probably be worth just a few dozen or hundred spirit stones at most.

Even if it was more, it wouldn't exceed a few hundred spirit stones.

If Liu Shuai wasn't here and Chen Ping'an wasn't Liu Shuai's friend, he really wouldn't have bothered entertaining someone so weak.

Chen Ping'an already knew that Xi Menchen was the president of the Alchemists' Guild, so he wanted to see what effect the token would have. Instead of taking out the pills first, he said, "Vice President, rather than the pills, I have something else I'd like you to take a look at."

As he was about to take it out,

Tan Zhongye, already in a bad mood, frowned.

I'm only looking at your pills as a favor to Little Shuai, and now you're pushing your luck?

Asking me to look at something else first?

"Not interested! I don't have time. If you have pills, take them out. If not, leave," he said coldly.