
When did I become invincible?

Deep in Mud Flat Alley. Inside a neatly cleaned large courtyard. A handsome young man lay sleeping in a chair. Ding! At this moment, an electronic sound rang in his ears. Chen Ping'an stretched lazily and opened his sleepy eyes. The peach tree bathed in the bright courtyard came into view. "Five years have passed in the blink of an eye, and you've kept me company the longest." This peach tree was the one he planted himself when he came to this world.

zuntian · Oriental
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138 Chs

Guidance from Different Realms

Chen Ping'an had understood everything.

Just now, when Ximen Chen mentioned that he was a cultivator, he didn't continue further. 

At this moment, Chen Ping'an pieced it all together and guessed everything.

Looking at the elder's robe, Chen Ping'an found it a bit strange. 

There was an alchemy furnace embroidered on the blue robe. Earlier, he didn't know what it was, but now he realized—this was the attire of a member of the Alchemist Guild.

And the elder's question about digging channels for water irrigation meant he must have been growing plants. 

Moreover, these plants were spirit herbs! 

For the elder to ask such a question, he clearly didn't know the irrigation techniques and had been foolishly watering the plants all this time!

The world was like this—some simple things were still in a primitive state with no knowledge, but some areas had developed exceptionally well, like cultivation.

Ximen Chen thought Chen Ping'an would mention some powerful existence, but when Chen Ping'an said "it's me," he was instantly dumbfounded.

You... You're the existence that deduced everything?!

He was very surprised. 

Then, he understood it all.

Just now, he had wondered why he couldn't discern this person's cultivation level. 

He thought there were two possibilities.

It turned out this person wasn't an ordinary being but an extremely powerful expert!

Of course, he still needed to verify this.

But at this moment, Chen Ping'an spoke again. 

"Elder, are you from the Alchemist Guild?" Chen Ping'an suddenly asked.

He wanted to see if he had guessed correctly. 

Ximen Chen heard this and his eyes lit up, nodding eagerly.

Of course, this didn't prove Chen Ping'an had strong deductive abilities since he was wearing an alchemist's robe. 

But seeing Ximen Chen nod, Chen Ping'an became more confident in his guess. 

He smiled and asked again, "Then elder, you must be troubled by some spirit herb's growth issue, right?"


Hearing this, Ximen Chen was now completely convinced. 

This person was truly no ordinary being!

He had already figured everything out!

Even the reason for his troubles. 

Ximen Chen nodded vigorously like a pecking chick.

The Longevity Flower was the spirit herb he cared most about, and it was because this flower matured so slowly that he had come here. 

Seeing Ximen Chen nodding frantically, Chen Ping'an smiled. 

He had guessed correctly. 

The herb field must be too large for him to water everything properly by himself, so he was troubled.

Now that he heard Chen Ping'an's method of digging channels for irrigation, he was interested.

Chen Ping'an smiled and said, "This trouble isn't a big deal, easy to solve. Elder, come to my courtyard and take a look, then you should know what to do."

Hearing this, Ximen Chen's heart raced rapidly.

Not a big problem?

That made sense—for such an existence, some soil issues would naturally be trivial. 

And hearing Chen Ping'an wanted to take him to the courtyard, he also wished to go see.

So Ximen Chen quickly nodded and said, "Thank you, senior!"


Suddenly hearing "senior," Chen Ping'an was dumbfounded. 

Didn't he just call me young man earlier? 

Did that visual bug suddenly take effect?

Chen Ping'an was truly confused now. 

That's right, I mentioned Murong Gong earlier. Could it be that mentioning that name triggered the visual bug?


Chen Ping'an blinked, then asked again, "Elder, you still haven't answered me. Do you know Murong Gong?" 

This time, Ximen Chen nodded directly and said, "I saw him not long ago."

Hearing this, Chen Ping'an fell deep in thought. 

So he does know him!

But why didn't the visual bug trigger initially?

It only triggered after he mentioned Murong Gong?

The more Chen Ping'an thought about it, the more confused he became. 

What kind of bizarre bug is this? It's even harder to figure out than women.

Chen Ping'an stopped thinking about it since it was too much of a headache. 

He began leading the way. 

The two walked one after the other toward the town. 

Ximen Chen stared at Chen Ping'an for a while. 

He wondered what the courtyard of such an existence would be like.

Could he really understand how to solve the Longevity Flower's problem after entering the courtyard?

He became a bit nervous. 

Chen Ping'an soon returned to his courtyard gate, pushed it open, and looked at Ximen Chen, saying, "Be careful of the doorstep, elder."

Many had tripped over this doorstep before, so he needed to be cautious...

Ximen Chen nodded. 

He followed Chen Ping'an into the courtyard. 


If he hadn't entered, it would have been fine, but as soon as he stepped over the doorstep, he was dumbstruck.


He suddenly felt like his mind was malfunctioning. 

The peach tree! 

The broom! 

The rooster!

They all emanated a terrifying aura. 

Moreover, he realized these dreadful existences were staring at him!

Giving him a feeling that if they looked at him, his body would involuntarily tremble. 

And in one corner of the courtyard, there were even three plots growing spirit herbs!!

Yes, spirit herbs!!!


Ximen Chen no longer knew how to control his heartbeat.

It felt like his chest could barely contain his heart at this moment. 

His heart wanted to leap out.

Just what kind of place was this?!

At this moment, a voice rang out. 

"Big brother, I'm almost done. Just two more buckets of soil left."

Hearing this voice, Ximen Chen looked over. 

When he saw the adorable, dirt-smeared yet beaming Su Ling, he swallowed hard. 

This... This little girl is an immortal?!

That spiritual aura, he had seen it before! 

It was the aura of an immortal!

Ximen Chen had lost the ability to think as he stood motionless. 

Seeing Ximen Chen standing still after entering, Chen Ping'an said, "Elder, come take a look." 

Chen Ping'an looked at the small crisscrossing irrigation channels in the three plots and thought they were quite well-made. 

Miraculously, the water level in the small pond hadn't decreased at all and was still perfectly full. 

Ximen Chen finally regained his senses and timidly walked over. 

He approached Chen Ping'an, then stared at the three plots. 




Each was an ordinary fruit variety. 

Yet now they had all become spirit herbs! 

This was absolutely unbelievable!

Seeing Ximen Chen's shocked expression, Chen Ping'an felt he must have opened the door to a new world for him. 

Meanwhile, Ximen Chen gazed at the irrigation channels and recalled Chen Ping'an's earlier words about understanding the issue after seeing them in the courtyard.

Now that Chen Ping'an had brought him here to see the channels, did it mean these were the solution to the Longevity Flower's growth problem?

He studied the channels crisscrossing horizontally and vertically, and a flash of insight struck him. 

The soil alone might not completely solve the Longevity Flower's maturation time issue, so this senior had brought him here to see these water channels. 

But the channels themselves weren't the key—it was the pattern of their horizontal and vertical layout that mattered.

Was this... the principle of formation arrays?! 

He quickly looked at Chen Ping'an and asked, "Senior, do you mean that to solve that problem, I need to learn the arrangement of these water channels?"

Hearing the question, Chen Ping'an nodded and said, "Correct." 

Seeing Chen Ping'an nod, Ximen Chen understood. 

He hurriedly bowed deeply to Chen Ping'an and said, "Senior, your junior will go try it out immediately! Since time is pressing, I must take my leave first. Once I've resolved the matter, I will return to express my gratitude to you, Senior!"

Ximen Chen was eager to go back and try it out.

Chen Ping'an was taken aback for a moment, but didn't stop Ximen Chen, giving a smiling nod.

And so, Chen Ping'an saw Ximen Chen off.

Afterward, he carried the last two buckets of soil over to the big tree's base.

Gazing at the big tree, he pursed his lips and muttered, "I feel like this tree has grown taller. Could there be some fertilizer in this soil?"

Thinking of this, Chen Ping'an looked around and, seeing no one, changed to an area with just bare dirt and no plants.

He swiftly poured out the soil...

Only he didn't notice there was a mud hole here.

The soil poured down, directly sealing the hole's entrance.