
When Destiny Plays

cgellai08 · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Thunder Strikes⚡

Adrian Yowo came running despite the heavy downpour of rain in the City. His hands were holding the tools that he would use to condition his motorcycle. He didn't care how heavy the rain was. Adrian is the youngest son of the City's crowned King, Charles Yowo. He is the stubborn one. People likened him to a dog without an owner. His coat was soaked in the rain and his boots were dripping wet.

While he was so busy prepping himself for a motor show, Hannabi showed up, wearing her pale grey jacket. Adrian didn't give her a look but positioned himself to get the coat Hannabi was holding. "You can move out now." Hannabi was staring at him for long since she showed up in the garage. "What???" shouted Adrian while sternfully looking at Hannabi. "You know what. You're full of yourself!" said Hannabi while rampaging out of the door.

Hannabi was the second-born child of Mr. & Mrs. Lutai, the promised daughter, the brave one. The family of Mr. & Mrs. Lutai were the only survivor when famine hit HungHung City and war erupted. The Yowo Clan who live closed to HungHung City have heard of the bravery of Mr. Lutai and decided to offer the family protection while HungHung City was in the midst of undying war. Lutai Family had found its haven with Yowo Clan not until Adrian showed up one day ruining the harmonious relationship the Lutai and Yowo family had.

In the midnight of August, Adrian came back like a theft in the night, barging into a dark room. Hannabi who was peacefully sleeping during that time suddenly woke up and saw a figure of a man in her room. He slowly moved out of the bed and got herself under the table while holding a metal bar. Adrian crept through the dark room and stumble. Hannabi hit him with the metal bar but Adrian was able to take hold of it and realized that he was holding a hand of a girl. "Who are you?" murmured Hannabi. Her voice were pleasing to his ears and he moved closer to where she was hiding. The thunder struck hard and Hannabi covered her ears in fear. Adrian was also in the state of shock. The thunder was so strong, strong enough to bring him to the ground. They were both quite for some time and Hannabi opened her dry mouth to speak, "Who are you?" but she received no response from this intruder. Adrian found himself calmer and warmer in the presence of this young lady. "Get out now or i'm going to call the police," plead Hannabi but as soon as her mouth closed, a warm lips touched her trembling pink lips. Hannabi could feel the warmth that was brought about by the kiss and found herself responding to it. But the moment she opened her eyes, the man was already running out of the room. She stayed in shock for seconds and shook her head, "What did I do? How stupid I am." She had not slept the entire night after that accident.

Hannabi could not understand herself. She lost control of her emotion. How could he kiss a total stranger?.....

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