
When darkness meets light

Ancient times the realm was under one Dark Lord with enormous powers. With guidance to the oracle he managed to identify his lover, however his lover turned out to be a blind man ousted by his own kind due to his disability. The Dark Lord bestowed the Empress crown on Ji Lie a man in humiliation of his sister Zetian. It took a while for the realm to accept their marriage, however their marriage wasn’t the only problem. Ji Lie to fulfil his wife duties risked his life to a child for Hwan. Successfully he fell pregnant, Zetian with no exception to get Hwan back plotted a plan to kill her brother. The oracle projected even greater power was to uncover, the power greater and mightier than Hwan. A lover gave birth to a son, the day the child was born tragedy unfolded. Dark Lord sealed away his castle from all creatures, but his son was missing. To end the war a human king was bestowed as an Emperor to rule, to protect his people he trained his best human to hunt vampires. King Henry refused to fall under the jurisdiction of a human, the other kings sealed away his people. King Uriah raised a son from a mysterious mistress, he was calm and very beautiful. He was named Juan, all girls in threw themselves at him but he showed no interest. King Qin had two children, Princess Shin was older and Prince Shion was younger. Another love interest filled with adventure and pain unravelled…read more to find out how these four lovers stories ended. Disclaimer: The art work is not mine please support the authors. Thank you for such beautiful artwork.

DaoistvtdATq · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Volume 21 The bloody lands

Takato stood on the hallway facing Junta's door, he was hesitating to knock. Junta suddenly opened the door, "I figured I should help you out." The decorations in Junta's room were exotic and eye catching, the layout of the room was top notch.

Junta was settling his thoughts after his confrontation with Henry, Takato suddenly bowed on the floor, "Thank you for saving my life countless time!" "Please sit on the bed it is cold." Junta helped him to settle on the bed.

"I admire your courage Prince Takato, you chose to come here fully aware of the consequences. I am thankful to you for saving my life back at the mountains." There was a moment of silence.

"Looking back now I realised my parents never abandoned me, each step of my life they were there protecting me from harm's way. To others my mother might be a demon but to me he is my loving mother. I am happy and blessed to have those two as my parents, given another shot in life I will choose those two to be my parents. I will fight to protect my mother even if it means sacrificing my own soul." Junta's eyes changed as he poured out his feelings to Takato.

In different forms Hwan and Ji Lie approached their son as he was growing up, all the heroes in his life were his parents.

Takato held Junta's hand, "When the war is over, please allow me to stay by your side. I love you." Before Junta could reply there was a loud roar outside, on the doorway the four of them knelt on the ground.

Hwan's feet never touched the ground, no one had ever seen his true form until that fateful night…he poured dark liquid on his hex and said, "The horn has been blown, we shouldn't keep them waiting." Ji Lie was standing on top of a black dragon.

Junta knew it was a suicidal mission to face Zetia and her army just the four of them. Takato was dressed in a special armour by Maria, "This armour cant protect you from harm's way, you are already an enemy…don't expect them to go easy on you."

"I have a favour to ask from you Queen Maria." Maria locked the door to hear to Takato's plea, she already knew Takato had chosen a path best suited for him and Junta. Takato clenched his fists and said, "I know it is selfish of me but I really do love Junta, I want to spend the rest of my life with him and raise a family. But the sins I have committed are weighing me down, please look after Junta when l am gone."

Maria held his hands, she could see the honest and love in his eyes, "He is my son and I am obliged to look after him as a parent. We all have our dark pasts…do you think Junta will celebrate your death? You were blinded by your father and l do not blame you for anything…" "Please promise me…look after him."

"Do you know how us vampires make promises? By drinking each other's blood….so here…I promise." Takato drank from Maria's blood, he wiped his mouth as he felt assured to have Junta being taken care of after he is gone.

Junta knocked on the door, Maria left the room to give them space to have a chat. "You look fierce but I like the outfit. Let us talk again when the war is over…please be safe." Takato grabbed Junta by the collar and kissed him.

Hwan in a hurry opened the door, "Junta your armour is…" he quickly closed the door when he saw them kissing, the two of them were so embarrassed. Hwan hugging Ji Lie waiting in the corridor said, "I just witnessed Junta's first kiss."

Flame was pacing up and down in the room, looking over the map he said, "If he awakened my father, then who else did he summon from the dead. We have to find…" "We shall not waste time pursuing him, he will come to me and die in my trap." Zetia had handsome men massaging her body whilst she had a glass of whiskey in her hands.

King Qin was kneeling in the temple offering his prayers with his wife, he burnt essence on a tablet that was engraved Takato's name. His wife in silence watched the deeds of her husband, deep in her heart she wished to be set free from the misery she endured daily.

Talin was on duty standing watching the gates, his heart skipped a beat when he saw a huge black dragon floating in the sky. The other guards panicked as they yielded their weapons, when they looked on the ground six figures appeared.

Talin blew the horn to alert everyone the demon had arrived, Zetia was in the midst of sexual intercourse with various man…half of them were lying dead on the floor.

As the huge gates opened thousands of men rushed out with spears and sword in their hands, arrows flew in the sky as they aimed towards the enemy. Junta was surprised to see his parents calm in the worst situation ever.

Takato braced himself as the arrows aimed for his head, Hwan with a wave of a hand created a barrier. Arrows fell on the ground as they hit the shield, they hadn't changed form yet.

The dragon burned the men with its flames, their flesh burnt into ashes. Zetia suddenly appeared on the frontline, looking at the burnt bodies of her men she said, "Now I am facing you again…I can see the family has united. Today surely is my lucky day."

Hwan looking at her replied, "I can see the years did more damaged to your already defected face…cover yourself up I feel nauseous." Zetia broke down in laughter, her tone was colder than the look in her eyes. Hwan head heavy chains dropping on the ground and the cages were unlocked, "Kill them all!"

Hwan saw the gods wrath corpses charging towards him, they were powerful and hungry for flesh and blood. Slowly their forces were breaking the shield, Maria and Henry were ready for war but the sight of the corpses scared Takato.

Others might have seen monsters but in his eyes, Hwan remembered the kind gods who kindly opened their arms to welcome him in the heavenly realm. Looking at Ji Lie he said, "I have got this, don't underestimate her honey…I love you."

Handing Junta his a sword in his hand he said, "Protect your mother…I love you both." Ji Lie drew his soul sword and flew the dragon towards the palace.

Hwan took a piece of wood from his pocket, his form changed as he enchanted a spell. His body slowly lifted in the sky as he completed the spell, "As darkness roam on earth only death will triumph, they drove you to the depths of hell for your existence brings nothing but death. I hereby awaken you, arise!"

The ground cracked open, out came men with six meter their bodies moulded with lava. These beasts were merciless they devoured anything that stood in their way. Hwan cut his wrist, with his blood his accomplices where safe from harm's way.

The monsters knelt before Hwan, in an ancient tongue Hwan said, "Show no mercy…drag them all to hell." Maria and the others joined in the fight, their clothes were soaked in blood.

Hwan managed to seal the fighting area, the monsters were locked inside the battlefield. One after the other he took down the dragons and gods, Maria was unstoppable as he quenched her thirst of blood.

Hwan was attacked by Isiah's wrath corpse, "Oh Isiah, open your eyes…Ji Lie will never forgive me if I were to kill you. Please wake Up!" The corpse continued to attack, the real Isiah was already dead.

Hwan couldn't bring himself to attack Isiah, he kept deflecting his attacks. Henry suddenly threw his knife at him, "I have always wanted to fucking kill you Isiah…acting better than your creator."

Isiah turned to face Henry, he had angered him far much worse. Henry drew his soul weapon, they were two knives each tied at the end of a chain, he killed the other corpses as he made way to attack Isiah.

Their fight was personal, it was Henry who turned Isiah into a vampire to save him from death. Isiah wasn't an easy target he fought with all his might injuring Henry as much as he could.

Henry managed to tackle him down and kill him, painting from exhaustion he said, "You should have shared the beauty with your master you spoilt brat." He pulled his knife out of Isiah's heart.

Takato face to face with his brother said, "Look around you brother, it isn't too late to seek forgiveness for your sins." "Our deeds will haunt us for the rest of our lives! Innocent lives slaughtered by our father to satisfy his greed…can you love with the innocent blood you shed in the name of justice?" Talin clenched his sword tighter as he poured out his words to his brother.

"I aren't going to atone for my sins…you better drag me to hell brother because I stand fighting alongside Lord Zetia." He charged towards Takato attacking with full force to kill. King Qin looking at his sons battling at the top of the gates sighed and said, "What have I done?"

King Qin puked out blood, he felt sharp pain from his chest…a sharp sword had pierced his heart, "You have done enough." His wife whispered in his ear before she pulled the sword out. Before she walked away she saw Maria standing in front of her.

"Wives are meant to protect their families, not destroy them." Maria kept starring at Qin's corpse. Qin's wife was focused on saving her sons from killing each other…she said, "I did nothing wrong, I just want to save my sons."

"Sometimes doing nothing is a sin…you watched your husband in silence as he butchered my people. The only regret I have is…I can to kill you once." Maria with full force attacked the Queen. She wasn't an easy target given she was once a General.

As much powerful as she was Queen wasn't powerful enough to defeat Maria, lying on the floor she help onto her wounds. "We are both the same…from the shadows you did nothing as you people were being killed! My sin was to be married to him! Let me save my…"

Her heart stopped beating for a second as she watched the corpse of Talin falling from the top of the building. Takato was badly injured during the fight with his brother…looking at the corpse of his brother that had fallen down he said, "You are right brother…our sins are greater than our lives…"

Takato standing at the edge of a tall castle closed his eyes as he fell down. Junta popped his eyes open as he rushed over to catch Takato from hitting the ground, one of the monsters grabbed his leg and he fell on the ground, "No! Taka…" Junta kept starring at the pool of blood underneath Takato's corpse.

On the other hand, Queen froze as she witness her whole world crumble before her, she clenched the two swords in her hands, "Please open your eyes…this is another nightmare."

When Junta reached Takato he was already a cold, hugging him tightly he whispered in his ear, "Takato, please wake up…didn't you say you would stay by my side after the war. Takato…I am begging you…don't leave me please. I love you."

When Ji Lie reached the royal court he saw Zetia already waiting for him, "I was starting to wonder when you would finally show up. It creeps me out…I mean the way you blankly looking at me with your blind eyes."

Ji Lie stood in silence, Zetia threw a sword at him with anger and said, "Is it a dummy?! I thought your little lover would finally grow balls to clean up the mess he created." Ji Lie caught the sword with his bare hands, the darkness was consumed by the light in him. Zetia with dazzling eyes said, "I lied for years running away from my own true path…just like my father this world shall burn."