
The Game of Death Begins

When Blackjack and the group heard the countdown they started to run like crazy as they tried to escape by kicking the door unfortunately their legs hurts instead since they felt kicking a steel door.

"W-what should we do? There's no way we can fucking kill that guy. Just his murderous aura is enough to make me go mad, hearing all those wails, cries, murmurs to those people who have died in his hands!" Old Two said in a frenzied state as he roared to the two in front of him.

"You guys disobeyed what I just said earlier again. And because of that..." Ji Yuan said while shaking his head as he look at the three guys who are shivering in fear, trying to escape while being covered by his murderous aura that can even make any weak-willed person go insane.

Blackjack, Old One and Old Two felt their heart sank as they heard Ji Yuan's voice.

"P-please let us go, it's John Tim's faul--" Blackjack was interrupted due to a sudden extreme pain making him nearly lose his mind.

"Soul Erosion" Ji Yuan murmured as his hands turned black, and appeared in front of Blackjack and immediately touch his head.

A shriek that no longer resembles a human can be heard in the dorm, making Old One and Old Two look back at Blackjack as they saw him shivering in the floor while shrieking making them lost their wits as they madly tried to escape because by just seeing Blackjack is enough for them to see his sufferings.

Seeing the two pathetic guys trying to escape, Ji Yuan used Soul Erosion again as he watch these three guys in the floor shivering and shrieking. If someone can hear outside then they would immediately think it's a slaughter house rather than a dorm luckily Ji Yuan didn't forget to use Sound Barrier earlier.

After five minutes of torturing the three pathetic guys, Ji Yuan decided to stop when he remembered they are just mortal or else they would have died long ago.

"So how was my gift?" Ji Yuan said playfully as he look down in the three guys who currently dont have any strength to move.

"P-p-please n-no more." Blackjack said as he cried he doesn't want to feel it anymore since it feels like something is slowly slowly eroding inside of his body, but he also felt like it wasn't his body making him nearly go crazy luckily the pain stopped.

Ji Yuan shook his head and decided to give a hand, well by giving them a Qi so they will be immediately go back to their peak. How helpful he is.

"Now, time to experience again?" Ji Yuan said to the three guys who are watching him with extreme fear.

"Nooooo, no-, no moree." The group kneeled in front of Ji Yuan as they cried, begging so hard as the they dont want to feel that hell again.

"Good now that you are at your peak I guess we shall go back to the right track. You can use any parts in your body, even if you bite him to death is fine but if you tried to kill using an external object then I will make sure to make you feel that pain again, you should remember I can make you feel energize anytime so you wont really die if I dont want to." Ji Yuan said as he chuckled making the three remember again the hellish moments again. Well obviously Ji Yuan lied since he cant recover a soul injury who is currently a mortal anyway unless he is a God just like in his previous life, unfortunately he is still just a mortal like them but with a little tricks in his hands.

As Ji Yuan saw them distancing to each other, he sat down while cursing in his heart since he nearly collapse due to diziness from overusing Curse Technique. In Curse Technique, every Curse Magic has its levels from 1 to 9 and what he used earlier was a level three Curse Magic. The more complex the curse is, the more your soul needed to be strong enough to cast it or you will end up being injuring your soul instead, this is also the reason why there are not many Curse Users since even a top 1 sect can only cultivate three Curse Users at most since they cant afford it, let alone if they failed casting a Curse Magic and ended up having a soul injury which is much more costly than cultivating another Curse User.

As Ji Yuan no longer feels dizzy, he stand up and clapped and said,

"It seems you guys are ready, then, I will count for five seconds..5..4..3..2..1..GO!"

Old One and Old two look into each other and nodded. However Old two, who thought they will team up together to kill Blackjack didn't realize that before he can approach Blackjack a heavy fist from Old One hit his right eye, making his mind go blank and another fist that suddenly appeared also hit his left eye.

"What the fuck did just happen?" A thought appeared in Old Two's mind as he fell down and passed out due to a raining fists that keeps strucking his body and face.

Old One then approached Old Two and kneeled as he killed him by twisting his head and said silently,

"I'm sorry."

"Good!" Blackjack said with a pleased face, seeing his subordinate who betrayed Old Two. In fact they already planned secretly and the reason why is because Old Two is among the member in the gang who has already killed people while Blackjack and Old Two are simply masters behind the scenes, and although they can kill someone just by giving orders it is still not the same of killing someone with your own hands thus they decided to elimate Old Two since he will be much more trickier to deal with, that's what Old One and Blackjack thought.

What they dont know was that Old Two in fact decided that if they killed Blackjack, he will let Old One kill him since they came from the same village and also they have been friends for more than 30 years, and hoping Old One will be able to live because he had killed many peoplebefore including innocents so this is why he feels like it's time for him to atone his sins but he never thought he would get betrayed by his bestfriend.

Ji Yuan who saw this sneered, if he knew Old Two's resolution he would perhaps laugh so hard.

Blackjack and Old One are left, one thing they knew is that they wanted to live. As they keep getting nearing to each other, Blackjack and Old One started to form their fighting stance.

As they finally reached the certain distance,

Blackjack threw a right fist to hit Old One's

unfortunately he dodged it by moving his head making him wonder.

"I thought your fighting stance is just empty it seems like we've been fooled by you in the gang, Old One." Blackjack said angrily, luckily he didn't underestimate his enemy too much or else he would be done by that time.

"Of course." Old Two said chuckingly.

Blackjack threw a jab, hitting Old One. While Old One swing his right fist countering the jab which made him hit Blackjack who was dodging his attacks pretty well earlier.

When Blackjack got hit, rage started to burn in his heart since he got used for being respected for 30 years, now seeing his subordinate hit his made him go crazy as he stopped making defense stances and instead thew a fists crazily.

A fist hit Old One's eye, a clot appeared in his eyebrow which makes it bleed as he got hit again and again. Now, Old One's face is currently very bloody since what Blackjack keep doing is hitting the injured eyebrow, making it bigger and bigger.

Old One staggered as he keep getting blows, although he knew a two about fighting he's still not good enough to fight blackjack. When a heavy fist hit injured eyebrow again, due to the intense pain he used all his strength to swing his right fist.

Blackjack fell down due to the fist, making him having hard time to stand up since he has been crazily throwing his fists to Old One's face thust he felt tired.

Old One threw a fist again hitting Blackjack, and Blackjack countered hitting his Old One's face. While Old One is currently covered with blood, he is also having hard time to see since his eyes are already like a panda so all he do is swing, swing and swing with all his might trying to get a lucky hit.

Blackjack threw a fist by swinging his hand, hitting Old One's face that he fell down with a thud, thus Blackjack as if eaten a drug rushed immediatiately and punched Old One's bloody face making it more bloodier. As he threw another fist, Old One used his hands to grasp the upcoming fist and pulled when he grasped it, he pulled his fist making Blackjack lose balance thus Blackjack fell down as Old One keeps hugging him making him unable to move. While Old One barely have any strength to throw a fist so he can only hug Blackjack.

Old One who is currently hugging Blackjack felt he will passed out anytime. Desperately he felt as if his face brushed something and bite it forcefully as he tore it with full of force, and blood gushed out that filled his mouth.

"ARGHHHHHH" Blackjack screamed due to pain, making his adrenaline reach another level and bite anything he can bite, but it wasn't ear but nose! He bite it with full strength, making Old One screame forcefully trying to push him but Blackjack wont let go, unfortunately he was hit by a kick making him unable to tore what he just bitten but one thing he knew is he used all his strength just to bite it.

Now both are so fucked up that they started to bite each other where flesh would be gone once bitten. Simply this is no longer a fight nor quite similar to those gladiators but the fights of desperates!

"How amusing these two are."

Ji Yuan chuckled while sitting in the chair watching the two biting each other, he felt entertained not like in the world of gods. Since you cant torture your own kin for fun anyway you cant also just casually kidnap a weak God from Heavenly Realm just to torture him or else he would be hunted by those old foggies unless he doesn't want to live anymore.

Blackjack has gone insane as he felt his arms numb after being bitten and losing some flesh, making him more go crazy. In fact both of them have the same stamina however what required right now wasn't stamina but will to live, therefore it's hard to know who will win.

"Argh h-h-how d-dar-e y-you!" Blackjack moaned with pain when he realized that his pinky finger in his left hand was no longer there as it was just bitten.

Blackjack has gone berserk and roared, obviously his last attempt before passing out as he gambled his last shot. He stretch his left arm, trying to find Old One's head, when he found it he uses his hand to trace Old One's nose and bite into it forcefully that Old One is having hard time to move as he tried pushing Blackjack away.

Then with last move, Blackjack used his hand to trace Old One's eyes and drilled it using his finger nails and gouge it out making Old One lost all his strength.

Old One on the other hand felt clear-headed due to numbness that filled his body, he knew he just got lucky at first unfortunately even he was unlucky this time. If he had at least a bit of rationality earlier then he would've tried to gouge Blackjack's eyes out unfortunately it was too late.

"Well, let's just die together so we can follow Old Two's footsteps in Underworld." Old One said in his heart.

Old One realized that Blackjack is still biting his nose trying to remove, without further hesitation he hold Blackjack's head and pushed it away thus making even his nose getting slowly remove but he didn't care. In his last move, he tilted his head and bite Blackjack's neck, as his teeth drilled into his skin making blood gushed out unfortunately before he can push more Old One died due to losing a lot of blood.

Seeing Old One died, Ji Yuan immediately clapped as he said,

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Truly a good presentation before going to sleep."

Ji Yuan was amused by them however he is much more amuse that Blackjack is still biting. He slowly approached him as he walk in the floor filled with blood, and when he got closer he put his hand in his head which is not dirty and used his qi to make him energize again.

"Congratulations for winning the game, Blackjack." Ji Yuan said with a smile who is currently dumbstruck watching the surrounding full of blood, and Old One's face that no longer resemble a human and arms where some flesh are gone.

"C-can you let me go now?" Blackjack said hoarsely while looking at Ji Yuan's smiling face with extreme fear, vowed to himself to kill John Tim for sending him here just to meet this fucking demon.