
Wheel-kuns Picks 2023

Demon slayer one shots There will be a commination of Au's and a thing stating what Au and what ship is in that chapter at the begnining (there will be acts in these but if theirs more the two acts they will be moved into their own book) There will be smut

MioShiTomioka · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs


Au: vampire

Ship: Sabigyuu

Amount of chapter: 1

Rating: Not Safe For Work

Human: Giyuu

Vampire: Sabito

First Vampire au of the year! Here we goooo!!

I am basing the smut scenes off something I read in a Manhwa (or as they call it a pornhwa) called 'Dine with a vampire'. I am most likely going to fuck this up as I have had no expeance writing vampire smut like this before but we'll see how it goes.

I would also like to thank my friend; @livlivlife17 on ao3 for writing the smut in this chapter <3

-Mio <3


When a vampire drinks your blood they have to give you something in return whether that be money, clothes, mansions or sex you still get your end of it even if you do it out of good while you will be given something as a thank you.

That was something Tomioka Giyuu did not know when walking home from work that night.

"Just put it in the oven"

"No! I'll die!" the crackled voice on the other side of the phone line whined at its older brother who was attempting to put dinner on while he wasn't there to do it personally. His sister doesn't like cooking; she had a panic attack last time and almost burned the house down so now Giyuu had to be the one to cook dinner.

"Do you want you dinner for breakfast tomorrow?" the question lingered in the air around him as he kept walking, the steading 'tap tap tap tap' which sounded each time his feet hit the foot-path assured him that this was indeed a real conversion and that he wasn't still at DSHQ working on the advertisement which would be post all around the city in a few weeks.

"No.." the small voice on the other side of the line whispered and Giyuu already knew she was chewing her nails.

"Nails out of your mouth." he said with a sigh and shook his head "put it in the oven, I'll be home in an hour or two."

"Are the trains not working?"

"Stations are closed at this time of night." he said with a small smile, after a few more minutes on instructing the sixteen year old on how to put a roast in the oven he hug up with a simple 'I love you too' so he could walk in peace, maybe even read a online book while he was at it. He looked both ways before crossing the road though there was never really anyone out at night time.

"Giyuu!" a voice called out from behind him, Sabito from work. He was nice to Giyuu and offered to help him whenever.

"Hello Sabito."

"Walking home tonight?"

"Yes, the train stations aren't open for some reason."

"Let's walk together!"


"God I'm hungry.." Sabito mumbled, now an hour away from Giyuu's house, he should've thought about eating before going to ask the smaller to walk with him, he could hear the pounding heart in Giyuu's chest and he could smell the blood in his veins, he gave in to his urge.

Sabito grabbed Giyuu's arm and dragged him into the alleyway only a few meters in front of them. Giyuu was very much confused, why was he pulled into an ally? Was something wrong, soon enough he felt his stomach warm a little, the other was holding his hand.

"I'm hungry.."

Giyuu smiled and squeezed his hand "tell me what you want, I'll get it for you."

"Are you sure?"


"Thank you.."

Giyuu's face heated up when Sabito's hands cupped the side of his face. The man's fingers tanking into his hair as he tilts the boy's head for better access, his fangs growing and sharpening to a point. God he was so hungry..."I'm sure you taste delicious Giyuu", Sabito jokes softly as he brings his mouth to space at the base of his neck.

He licks a stripe over the skin before letting his teeth sink into the warm flesh. Giyuu shudders at the feeling, an unexpected pleasure shooting through him from the puncture.

The teeth retract and Sabito sucks at a gaping wound, filling his mouth with the sweet tangy nectar of life essence and groaning at the hunger in his belly being sated.Giyuus veins set alite with a fire and burn with a new sort of pleasure.

What was this feeling?

He feels dizzy as a cloud of sudden lust falls over him. It's odd but there's no controlling his full body reaction when he trembles and his hips cant forward looking for some kind of relief.Shit. He was hard.

When did that happen?

Lust only makes Giyuu's blood that much sweeter and Sabito makes two more pictures needing even more. His free hand grips the boy's waist and pushes him into the brick wall of the alleyway.

Shit he wasn't expecting Giyuu to taste this good at all, his belly churned and heated with it.

And now Giyuu was hopelessly grinding his hips against his own. Fuck, his own dick began to grow in his pants, pressing the human body further into the wall and giving him the friction he needed.

Giyuu's head smacked against the brick as he threw it back with a moan, hands coming up to grip at the back of Sabitos shirt and pull him in closer.

"Shit, Sabito-" The boy in question responded by thrusting his hips against his own, an inhuman growl being let out against his skin as a few drops of blood escaped sabitos reach and soaked into his clothes, surely staining them.The friction and warmth between them grew and grew, sabito finally drawing back from giyuu to breath heavily and pant in the boys ear.

"Oh fuck~ so good, so sweet" he groaned licking the taffy red from his lips as some spilled down his chin. Giyuu flushed at the truly unholy sight, pressing himself more urgently against the vampire.

"Please.. Sabito", he cried as his hair was yanked to reveal the opposite side of his neck, Sabito diving in right away, eager to taste more of him. "Shit, shit-" their hips pushed against each other's needing more, desperate for more, and Giyuu's hands moved up to rake through the vampire's hair, pulling at it to get him somehow even closer to his already ripped through skin.

Sabito moaned as his stomach settled and all that remind was the heat of desire and the need to finish. He pulled back from the human boy's skin and his reddened mother closed over the other's in a searing kiss. Giyuu moaned desperately into it, feeling his tongue slide in and dance with his own, tasting the bitter-sweet tang of himself.

Sabito sucked on his tongue and nipped at the boy's bottom lip as drew back. Both of them panting and letting out small sounds of pleasure, trying to keep quiet in dark semi-public space and failing.

"I'm close baby~" Sabito whispers into Giyuu's ear, but the human boy is already cumming and gasping as he ruts against Sabitos leg with a soft cry.

The vampire quickens his movements desperately as Giyuu rides out the pleasure of his high. And not a moment later they were both soaked in their pants and fighting to recover their breaths.