
What would you do? (Ideas and concepts)

Thoughts and Idea's with regards to fanfictions, builds for characters, weapons and more. I'm not an author, my interests in a concept don't last long enough to write it and I am admittedly not the strongest in writing a decent dialog. I'm someone who is Hyper Aware of a lot of things, and one of them is if something severely lacks. Whilst I can do art Inspite of that, I just can't bring myself to write dialog that doesn't feel perfectly natural. That said, I do often write drafts for stories, sometimes I even manage a chapter worth of dialog that any author would be proud to own, but when it's about the baseline that I achieve for my dialogs, then I prefer not to publish. However, I do have ideas, so many ideas and thoughts on things that I feel the need to express them. Hopefully, they will be of help for authors, who are feeling stuck or unsure how to develop their story, or want to write one but are unsure about what to write. So, long story short. What follows are drafts for fics and stories. Ideas on how to build a convincingly strong character without needing all those rediculously overpowered bloodlines and abilities. Ideas on how to develop abilities and exploit them, that you might not have thought to try. Because let's face it, a creative mind can make even the simplest of abilities into a versatile master piece. All of those things, you will find here, sooner or later. So have fun, be inspired or horrified at what you read. ;p

SUBSCRIBE_MY_LIST · Politique et sciences sociales
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I decided to write this to share my ideas and input on things. Perhaps by doing this I can inspire someone or kickstart their imagination.

Why I'm doing this is simple. My talents lay in other places than writing. Particularly because I'm not strong on character interactions.

What I excel at is imagination. I'm the guy people go to when they need new ideas at work and I manage to do all that without ever having needed to touch drugs! Hah!

Seriously tough, I will approach topics and fanfic specific ideas for people to consider. Share what I would do if I were in a situation and why.

I hope this is a fun read that will be fun for people to discuss in the comments or on paragraphs themselves and won't offend anyone. Tough considering my form of humor, that might be difficult!

There are so many novels and fics on here that I'm a bit sad to see that across all these many platforms, most people do what essentially amounts to preserving Canon for max advantage.

If you ever stalk me, you will notice that I rate stories higher if they have a concept I like for it's originality, then the actual content, followed by the pacing of the story.

So if the concept is so important, what makes a concept? I could just refer you to the writing excuses podcasts, but since most fics here are specific in their setting, it pays off to treat their aspects individually.

There won't be an order to what fic or the chapters, or the subjects there of, or my What Would You Do (I in this case) chapters.

I hope this will be a fun, engaging, constructive and controversial read for everyone.

Else, I hope you won't feel offended if by context. If you feel my subject is bashing your fic without naming you explicitly or infringes on your faith, morals or other such things, then it was not my intention to do so.

Have fun!

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