
Start of a friendship

Shane smiled and said "I know you won't, but that is okay"

With a smile on her lips and feeling butterflies on her tummy She said, "Let start over, but let's start as friend so that we can learn everything about each other.

Shane thought about it for a little while and said "mmm I can't wait, to get to know you as friends first."

They both laughed and Mits got up, "Would you like some breakfast."

"That will be great, but let me take you to get breakfast."

Mits smiled and said "Okay but just as friends."

Shane could not help but have a big smile on his face with that answer.

Mits decided to put on a skirt with a nice top, it is hot outside already and she would just like to be comfortable.

Mits came out of the room and saw Shane was deep in thought.

Shane saw must and got up, "Are you ready to go."

They walked out of the apartment down to Shane's car, he opend the door so Mits could get in. He walk around the car and got in, "Anywhere that you would like to get breakfast?"

Smiling Mits said "Look at the time, I think we will rather have lunch, but no surprise me."

With a big grin on his face, Shane started the car.

They went to that little quite Italian restaurant that Mits likes, and were she had been last night with Mel, but decided that she will phone Mel tonight, she know's Mel likes to sleep late when she as been out the night before.

Deep in thought, Mits thought that she need to call Mel and find out how here evening went.

They had a lovely lunch, talking about everything in Shanes live that she did not know about, things she never even thought about asking.

With everything going on Mits knew that Shane did not have any where to stay, because his wife chased him out of the house.

Out of the blue Mits said "Shane, you know you can stay in my guest room if you like."

"Thanks Mits I really do appreciate it, but I don't have any clean clothes, and we have to go to work tomorrow!"

With a big sigh and a sad face, Mits answered, "Let's go and get your clothes at your house."

"You know that Janine is going to be there right?"

"Yes I know!" Was all Mits could say.