
What To Do if You’re the Villain and the Heroine Likes Youu

‘Girl, I Just Want to Cultivate’ is a famous novel with multiple female heroine that expressed their interest in romance to the main protagonist, but the author of this book guarantees that this book is a single heroine story and not a harem story. But the Readers (including me) have expressed their doubts. It wasn’t until I transmigrated into the story as the handsome antagonist that I realized the main character’s younger sister is the hidden final boss—a martial arts prodigy with an incredibly strong Yandere tendencies! And now, she has caught me. How can I make the female lead fall for the villain?

greekgod223 · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

In the middle of the month, at noon.

In the city of Yinjing in the Great Qi Kingdom, there was a place called the Spring Breeze Pavilion.

Behind the pavilion, there was a secluded courtyard where a man stood, gazing absentmindedly at his reflection in a basin of water.

Up until this moment, He Xiao had always considered himself a straightforward guy, but as he looked at his own reflection in the water, he had to admit that he was smitten.

Who was this?

Was this really him?

With fair skin tinged with a healthy blush, delicate features that needed no further description, a high nose, thin lips – but the most outstanding were those peach blossom eyes, invisible hooks that made one's heart itch.

If the dream lovers of young girls had a face, it would undoubtedly be like this.

Absolutely perfect.

Before He Xiao could continue his thoughts, an information panel appeared in front of him.

[Name: He Yunxiao

Relationship: Self

Specialty: Handsome

Affection Level: 100]

He Yunxiao!

This name exploded in He Xiao's mind.

Countless memories flooded in.

He Yunxiao, the male antagonist from the popular novel "Girl, I Just Want to Cultivate." This relatively rare high martial arts genre novel had been serialized for over two hundred thousand words and had quickly risen to the top of the monthly rankings after its release three days ago.

He Xiao, a seasoned bookworm, had initially refused to read this brainless, white-washing novel due to its clichéd and illogical plot.

But this novel had numerous heroines, and the character descriptions were exceptional. Although the author claimed repeatedly and swore it was a single-heroine story, readers like He Xiao knew better.

It's all about satisfying one's desires.

And this antagonist, He Yunxiao, was a martial arts expert, arrogant, fond of drinking, and a lecherous scoundrel. Despite his handsome appearance, he was despised by righteous people.

This rascal, relying on his good looks, had even made improper advances towards the male protagonist's sister. The result was predictable – before he could achieve his goal, he was killed by the male protagonist.

He Xiao remembered this scene vividly because he had made a donation.

It happened in Chapter 21 of the book. He Yunxiao was incredibly arrogant, not only making inappropriate remarks but also getting physical with Chu Xiaoxiao. At that time, Chu Fan had just arrived in the capital, and he deliberately confronted He Yunxiao during a martial arts competition at the brothel.

Facing He Yunxiao's formidable martial skills, Chu Fan took out his sword and, in front of the brothel's audience, angrily beheaded the antagonist. He not only protected his sister but also significantly increased the favorability of the brothel's top courtesan, Miss Du.

It was truly satisfying, but what He Xiao never expected was that he would now find himself in this world!

He Xiao, no, He Yunxiao had accepted the reality.

He quickly took a few deep breaths to regain his composure.

No matter what, I must survive!

I now have two unique abilities: a 'golden finger' that allows me to see other people's favorability ratings, and my memories of reading novels in my previous life.

It's challenging, but I can't give up.

I need to think about how to change my fate!

Can I control myself and not make advances on Chu Xiaoxiao?

No, I can't! Because before the transmigration, He Yunxiao had already made advances!

Now, I just have to wait for the martial arts competition to start, where Chu Fan will raise his sword...

Can I run away?

Yes, but the main character's martial arts are immeasurable. I can run for a while, but I can't escape forever! It's a last resort.

I need to think about how to solve this from the root!

The main character is an orphan from a prestigious family. In the original novel, the renowned General Chu Tianzhu's family was slaughtered, and the protagonist, Chu Fan, was the only survivor. After growing up, he returned to the capital of the Great Qi Kingdom for revenge.

Although the novel was unfinished, as long as I follow the clues left by the author and confirm the true culprit behind the massacre, and then inform the protagonist, I, the antagonist who hasn't committed major wrongs, can successfully switch sides and turn into the protagonist's follower.

So, in the novel with over a hundred chapters, based on the existing clues, the most likely culprit behind the massacre is none other than He Yuanhao, the Marquis of Wujing...

Oh no, that's my father.

This is really bad, from 'making advances on my sister' to 'bloody vengeance.'

It's getting worse and worse!

He Yunxiao remembered an old saying: 'Reading ten thousand books is not as good as traveling ten thousand miles.'

And another saying: 'A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.'

For the sake of survival, He Yunxiao didn't hesitate. He lifted his foot and executed top-tier lightfoot techniques. His body glided through the air like a swan in flight, stepping onto the courtyard wall in one leap, and then gracefully descending to the ground with another.

Looking at his extraordinary skill, there was a moment when He Yunxiao thought he could actually defeat Chu Fan.

But he quickly regained his composure.

That's the novel's protagonist!

I can never defeat him.

Having recognized his role as the antagonist, He Yunxiao had no more doubts. To survive, he could only run, and the farther, the better.

However, as he landed and was about to take another step, a soft and sweet voice suddenly sounded by his ear: 'He Jia Ge Ge, where are you going?'

He Yunxiao was startled, and in an instant, all his internal energy poured into his legs. He tried to use his top-tier lightfoot technique, but his body felt as if it was weighted down by a massive stone, and no matter how he tried, he couldn't move from his spot.


What kind of technique is this?

The soft and sweet voice spoke again, this time with a hint of grievance: 'He Jia Ge Ge, are you leaving? The martial arts competition hasn't even started yet.'

He Yunxiao's muscles were tense as he struggled, but his body seemed petrified. He slowly turned his head and first saw a small hand clutching his clothes.

Then, he saw the owner of the voice.

Delicate eyebrows, rosy cheeks, a perfect nose, and almond-shaped eyes that brought out the best in her facial features.

Chu Xiaoxiao!

This person turned out to be Chu Fan's sister, Chu Xiaoxiao!

[Name: Chu Xiaoxiao

Relationship: Hostile

Specialty: Martial Arts (World's Best)

Personality: Yandere

Affection Level: 20

Romance Difficulty: Hell

Success Reward: One Resurrection]

Just a moment ago, she was pinching the hem of my clothes, and now she suddenly attacked!

Moving from the bottom up at an incredible speed, causing the air to scream. However, Chu Xiaoxiao was even faster, faster than the speed of sound!

He Yunxiao couldn't hear any noise, and his neck was already in Chu Xiaoxiao's hand. Then, the horrifying sensation of suffocation and the sonic boom of the air being torn reached his brain simultaneously.

Life and death, all under Chu Xiaoxiao's whim.

The choking sensation grew stronger, and as he was about to lose consciousness due to lack of oxygen, He Yunxiao actually felt calmer than usual.

He saw on the panel that Chu Xiaoxiao's affection level for him had increased from "20" to "0," and he carefully examined her personality – Yandere.

He seemed to grasp something...

As the suffocation grew increasingly severe, memories flickered like a slideshow.

"Mom, I'm useless..."

"He Xiao, Mom doesn't expect anything from you. I just hope you can live a healthy life..."

"He Xiao! Do you want to quit your job? Apologize to the boss!"

"Let's break up. You... you're too honest..."

I don't want to die... there must be a way...

"A reader asked if this book has a single heroine. The author here guarantees that it is absolutely a single-heroine story."

Single heroine!

He Yunxiao clung to this lifeline!

In this book of over two hundred thousand words, with so many important female characters appearing, there's only one possibility if it's a single heroine.

That is, there's some irresistible force preventing the male lead from building a harem.

Martial arts world's best, fond of her brother, and possessive to the extreme – the yandere sister!

Although it seemed far-fetched, with this setup, everything made sense!

Chu Xiaoxiao, the yandere, must be struggling with how to get rid of Chu Fan's troublesome romantic entanglements!

I have a way to help her!

This is my only chance!

Taking a gamble!

"I have a way!"

He Yunxiao struggled to say these three words.

Chu Xiaoxiao's grip on him eased, and the sensation of suffocation disappeared instantly. He Yunxiao collapsed to the ground like a discarded rag, finally able to breathe in fresh air.

Kneeling against the wall, he coughed while taking in deep breaths.

"Why are you trying to kill me?"

"The host finds it amusing."

Just because I touched you? He Yunxiao wanted to comment, but he knew it wasn't the time for that now.

"Save my life, and I can help you."

Chu Xiaoxiao responded, "You're worthless, no qualifications to negotiate."

He Yunxiao looked at Chu Xiaoxiao's affection level, which had increased from "0" to "20."

She actually increased her affection for me because I didn't beg for mercy and tried to negotiate with her?

No wonder she was attracted to Chu Fan; she likes guys who act like 'don't underestimate the poor.'

Going all-in!

He Yunxiao decided to stick to his plan. He continued negotiating.

"After you kill me, will you also go after Miss Du?"

Chu Xiaoxiao remained silent and didn't respond.

But her affection level didn't lie; it had increased from "20" to "22."

"Two can play this game."

He Yunxiao continued, "I can read people's faces. Chu Fan has an inherently strong romantic fate. What if he encounters a princess or a county princess? Will you still kill them?"

Chu Xiaoxiao responded flatly, "Kill."

"I have a solution, a win-win solution where no one has to die. I won't die, and Miss Du won't die either. Most importantly, you can get what you want."

Chu Xiaoxiao stood beside He Yunxiao, looking down at him, and he flashed a confident smile, as if basking in the warmth of the winter sun. No one could ignore such a smile, not even Chu Xiaoxiao, although it was just for an extremely brief moment.

"I will have a chance for revenge," he said.

Chu Xiaoxiao's cute smile gradually faded, replaced by an aura of indifference and dominance that ignored the world.


She walked away without turning back.

He Yunxiao watched her departing figure, looking at Chu Xiaoxiao's affection level, which had risen from "22" to "30."

Oh no, do I have a problem? Why do I suddenly find her a bit cute?