
What The Hell Is This Mess!

Suddenly, MC is pulled from his world by a unknown God and put into their massive world as a test! Not only that the MC is in control of three characters from Tokyo revengers! Will he survive or will he fall! •••A/N: This story will have elements of DnD which I will bend to fit the story better and I have a large plane for this story so it's be a long one which I hope some will love reading!•••

Trash_Monkeys_20 · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

First Side Quest!

When the first light of the sun shines on the land Hanmas pain fades leaving him knock out which lets us remove the stick from his mouth.

"Even though we share one mind I'm just glade we can't feel each other's pain." Sanzu mumbles as he helps Draken wips down Hanmas body as best as they can before putting back on his clothes.

"Looks like we're staying here for the day" Kesor appears from somewhere which Draken rolls his eyes at.

"Where do you go?" Draken ask as he get ready to go to gather for something to eat.

"I just take a look around that's all!" Which is return with a simple head shake.

"You're coming with me and stay close, if you see any danger say so." Draken picks up his great axe before adventuring into the wilderness which it didn't take him long to get the usual fruits we eat.

"Draken!" Kesor squeals before hearing a growl coming from a bush, with speed Draken takes a hold on his great axe from the forest floor and watch out the corner of his eye

as a furless beast that resembles a wolf with white eyes and thick strings of saliva dripping from its mouth but whatever this creature is it's clearly starving beyond saving. Quickly he stands to his feet right as it lunches for him but he rolled out of the way and gives his great axe a swing which slices it's hind leg as it try to move out of the way, the creature gives a howl in pain before lunching again but only to be meet with a hard swing which throws it at the edge of the brush it emerged from and before it could try to get up it's head is rolling across the forest floor.

"Holy shit!" Draken expressed, knowing this day would come and try to prepare their mind for it but it's completely different from knowing and doing it. Having what he needs, he quickly returns to camp where the other two are waiting.

"What the hell was that?" Sanzu questions as Draken sort through what he got.

"Why don't you just check the archives?" Kesor snaps the HUD into existence with a sheet and picture of the beast.


Moon Madness Wolf

A regular wolf that had come down with a sickness called Moon Madness, they will loose all their fur as the mind descend into nothing but evil intentions causing them to attack anything in sight even their pack and these with this sickness won't eat anything they kill. In the late stage of no return the eyes will turn completely white as the moon and the body is starving, KILL ON SIGHT!


"I left it in the open!" Draken said after reading.

"That might a good thing! Haven knows what you'll get by touching it! Plus we don't have gloves or a shove to do anything with it!" Sanzu reasoned as he gives a hand full of fruit to a weak Hanma that's leaning against the tree, with that discussion over we continue on with the day helping Hanma get back to his feet and once completely fine around noon a notification pops up in our vision.


You have survived Hunter's Bane, heres your rewards:

- Crimson Rite

- Blood Maledict

- Primal Rite List

- Esoteric Rite List

- Blood Curses List

Crimson Rite

You learn to invoke a rite of hemocraft within your weapon at the cost of your own vitality, you may choose one rites from the Primal list and one from Esoteric list. As a bonus, you can activate a crimson rite on a single weapon with the elemental energy of your chosen rite but if you let go or become unconscious the rite will fade into nothingness. Inorder to activate a rite you must be prepared to substain some type of injury upon chance though with practice and strength the this will lessen, you gain +10 damage as it's magical and increases as you become more proficient in the Blood Hunter ways.

Blood Maledict

You now have the ability to channel and, sometimes sacrifice, a part of your vitality to cures or manipulate creatures through hemocraft magic. You may choose one blood cures for the list and when you using your blood cures you have the option to amplify it's affected before it touches the target but be prepared to substain some type of injury upon chance though with practice and strength the this will lessen, as amplifying the cures adds additional effect, creatures with no blood are immune to blood curses unless amplified. Every day you can use Blood Maledict four times a day.

'Though Hanma's Lycan order has many pros he's class eases it out with many cons.'

I thought as we read through everything on the lists before choosing Primal Storm, Esoteric Roar, and Blood Cures of the Marked which causes the three lists to fade from the HUD. After choosing Hanmas rewards we quickly moved one again which we spend many days traveling in the wilderness, using any large and clean water source to clean everything we have as best as we can.

"You actually do have the scar." Hanma points out at Draken's waist when we all washed the first time in a stream that collects into a big hole deep enough for us which we camped beside it for the night and after washing our clothes we're luck enough to have extra clothing among the other things we've been carry on our persons to dress in after drying, Draken and Hanma has common clothes except for Hanmas fancy vest while Sanzu has a set of fine clothes.

"It's funny how you're the smallest one out of the three of us!" Hanma laughs at Sanzu height as he easily pick him off the ground and onto his shoulder before hopping around causing Sanzu to growl at the tower of a man.

"But I'm tall enough to kick you in the balls!" He shouts as he pulls at hair causing Hanma to drop him harshly onto the ground.

"I'm just going to say that you three are pretty lucky that Angus is so mercyful to leave you on the only island in the High Lands that's close to resembling your home world instead of somewhere that has a lot of strong opponents!" Kesor said to Draken as he sits on a rock watching the two play fight on the ground.

"If you two have energy to play around then you two can train." He pulls Sanzu off of Hanma after a little while of watching which he gently shoves him a little ways to have some space between the two to spar while Hanma practice his aim with the bow with the few arrows he has but decides something else.

"You two think it would be a good idea for me to go hunt something to eat since we've been eating fruits, berries, and nuts the whole time we've been here! I know we want to eat some meat and since we don't even know how long we'll be stuck in this forest or medieval fantasy world it'll be a great idea to learn how to hunt and skin!" Hanma explained though he didn't have to but it's becoming a habit of the three to speak their ideas instead of using the hive mind they share as it's also becoming obvious that each of them are forming their own personalities the more days that pass but they had seen this coming since the first day so it doesn't really alarm them.

'It reminds me of that Harry Potter fanfic I had read long ago about Harry becoming a five headed Hydra. Hanma is outspoken and a troublemaker but can be very slick when he needs to be, Sanzu is quiet like Draken but if bugged enough by Hanma he can be roped into his messes, and Draken is like the leader with a nice level head.'

"Take Kesor with you!" Draken calls out to Hanma before he could leave and Kesor immediately start following behind, the two are left to spar. Hanma sneaks through the forest as quite and careful as he can with his over towering height while trying not to get to far from camp but Kesor speak up after a while.

"I don't think you'll get anything for a while as I believe your presence is too loud to sneak and hide around." Hanma sends her a glare.

"Which it why I have bow and as long as I don't get too close I should be fine." Hanma carefully climbs a tree to sit on one of its high branches and wait with an arrow notched into the simple bow.

'Hanma has already have incredible eyesight which confuses me on why would he need glasses for except appearances and now their going to be more incredible once I get his Order of the Lycan unlocked.'

I thought as I turn my focus on the two sparing back at camp, Draken takes a swing which Sanzu quickly rolls under towards the other male and before Darken can do anything Sanzu is already holding a dagger against his throat as he had gotten in the space between the great axe and his body which Sanzu is great for flexibility and speed to get into small spaces unnoticed when needed plus this helps Draken to learn to protect his openings.

"It seems I have win again." The scar on the right corner of his lips stretch as he smirks at the taller black haired man which Darken rolled his eyes at.

"You need to get faster at swinging that axe and don't swing to far as it leave you completely open." Sanzu removes his dagger to create distance between the two again.

'Though Sanzu has two daggers he'll only get the +2 damage from using one which I'm trying to get him better at dodging until he can get close up'

The two stands still as they wait for any sign and suddenly a strange call from some animal breaks the silence also causing the two to move quickly towards each other as they start to spare once again, with that I return my focus back to Hanma as he's still sitting in the tree but can see movement in the distance about half a mile out but wants to see what it is before shooting. The sound of it moving is to clumsy for it to be any type of prey as it breaks sticks and bushes without a single care so as a step of caution he pulls the string back while continue on watching before realizing what's stumbling towards his location and let the string go, the arrow forces itself into the chest of the Moon Madness Wolf instantly killing it before it could pounce on the poor scared and crying little girl.

"Hello, it's ok I'm here to help you." Not caring Hanma a stranger the little girl immediately ran into his open arms which wrapped around her tightly to try to calm her down from her sodding while the other two at camp stop their sparing to pack up everything quickly and make their way to the yellow dot on the HUD map.

"What happened?" Hanma questions the little girl when she had settled down a bit.

"Momma! Papa!" She points in the direction she was stumbling from right as Sanzu and Draken appears, Sanzu lays Hanma pack by his side and take the little girl in his own arms so Hanma can have his hands free to put his pack back on when a notification pops up.

Side Quest!

Return the girl to her relatives!

Reward: ?

- Would you like to (Accept) or (Deny) this quest?

"What's your name?" Sanzu asks in a motherly voice after accepting the side quest thought he send a glare to Hanma when he started laughing.

"Remember, you have a second identity so you might as well get some practice in." Draken suggest which Sanzu sighed at as he knows he's right and has to make his act as a lady of the high society believable.

"Well, you two are my servants." Sanzu smirks when he remembers that Hanma is butler Jasper while Draken is Troy a bodyguard, this slightly scares the two when Sanzu hands his things to Hanma.

"Jasper! Troy! We must get moving!" Sanzu's fine clothes doesn't really hides his manliness though he can hide the obvious like buttoning up his shirt and the dent in his pants to make himself look like a woman try her best to disguise herself as a man while we're hoping that Sanzu gorgeous face will distract anyone from the small details, right now we don't have much to make his second persona more realistic expect for Sanzu's disguise kit though he haven't looked through it yet and he can make a convincing woman's voice but needs to practice. Once Sanzu is done fixing himself he retakes the girl from Hanma so they can start moving on in the direction the girl had pointed in which Draken takes the front with Hanma in back to leave Sanzu and the girl in the middle.