
What Lies At The End

Being weak is a thing people hate and will continue to hate and if you failed to succeed you could just go back drawing. Hang on there and pull yourself together,you're on the ball. Alex is someone we'll call "Weak" but aren't we all the same when we're born?But gaps will appear later on. People can have an intimidating face but could be worse than a date.

Khyza · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

If one will improve,How?

This world,which is filled with different sorts of species is covered by ocean,lands,trees and others which are living in our planet Earth.Over 85% of the beings living here has superpowers,and the others are either scientists,police or unlucky people.

Im one of them,but my power....is beyond useless,one could say its trash.

I always admired the skies(strongs) and always hoped to reach them.

But the difference is huge,like apple and orange.

My superpower is "supervoice" but it could only work if there are no people around me,I tried to measure the distance I must make and figured out that a certain amount of distance is needed to be computed.

There are a lot of things I want to discover about my power but I always wanted to use it in a good way.

People's power has boundaries and conditions but some people overcome it and their powers are said to be God-like.

Beside the planet Earth,It is said thats its possible for other species to exist,I wonder if my power would work if Im with them....

I sighed and lay down on my bed.

"If one day,I could scream like before,I wish it could reach people's ear....but It probably cant right?" I closed my eyes after thinking about this.

I woke up realizing the unknown place,its similar when I'm a kid,Mom and Dad set me up in a secret room....I was able to realized my power at that time.

I tried to talk "Ga" and a howl of sound was heard in the small room that destroyed the wooden door.

I get out of the door and saw another door,this time its made of steel.

I easily pass and look at the glass above me,I then finally saw a huge space incomparable to a city.

Its spacious but no one exists.

I,then saw a red button.

Without further thinking,I pressed it.

A message appeared that shocked me.

"Experiment 7892,superpower "supervoice".

This place is free of people which can enhance your powers,for shall the bounderies be reached and you shall me the administrator."

There are a lot that I want to say,but Im afraid that this place would be destroyed.

But as that voice said,my power can be enhanced,much stronger than now.But is it really What I want?.....

And who's the Administrator?boundaries?he/she meant the conditions?....

I let out a sighed and a door appeared,It aint different from any other door,yet it doesnt contain anything and just a door outside.

I opened the door and saw a room similar to mine.

A message pop up in my sight.


"Experiment 7892,when you enter this door,you could return to your original world.

But this world is different,this is where the strongest were enhanced at,You've been chosen out of the 8 billion beings existing on planet earth,If you want to overcome the boundaries,then finish the test,you'll meet a lot of people in this place and your powers can be use with people,yet it has a cooldown,Once in 12 hrs with people but you could enhance it with fighting to other playes who has the same condition as yours.

Also,you'll find a small sound button on your hand,if you tap it,you'll see your stats"]

I checked my hand and saw the mark,I tapped it as the message said and it did show my stats.

Alex Robinson



Genius of the East


Lvl 1






Skill points left:4


Voice:Level 1

Exp left to level up 1500/2000

Times used: 3

Cooking:Level 10

Cleaning:Level 10

Dancing:Level 10









Suddenly,a door appeared in my sight asking "Enter space? Yes,Later or No?

I clicked later and searched around the room.

I searched and searched every corner,then I saw an unlocked door.

Inside it are weapons including guns and knives.

I inserted some guns and knives in my inventory and proceeds to search more.

After searching for a while,I saw a can,inside it are cash $5000.

I took it and inserted it in my inventory and proceeds to the space earlier.

I clicked yes and I was transported into a village like in games.

"I wonder if I could find an inn here"saying this,wait.... "I could now talk?"

"Is this my voice?!"

I was overjoyed and begun searching around,finally I saw an Inn.

I entered it and saw a girl with bunny ears and tails(is this the reason I could speak?)then I go with a common room costing 1000 xonan coins or $10 a day.

I slept and woke up the next day by people arguing.

I go outside the inn and saw a young man with cat ears black hair and dark brown eyes getting pushed over,he looks cute and about to cry.He neither speak nor move,the old man just keep pulling him and cussing at him.

I ran over to him and shielded him.

"Young lad,dont try to help him"

I shook my head and hold the guy's hand and we ran.

After some minutes of running,we stopped and was purely exhausted.

A message then popped up "Vit +3"

I ignored the message and asked the boy "Whats your name?"


"Then John,why are you getting pulled over?"

"I...owe him cash"

"How much?"

"100000 Xonan Coins"

Suddenly a message pop up[Converting to orig world money "$1000"]

"How about,I pay you and you have to join parties with me?"


The boy's eyes grew larger and he smiled brightly.

"Yes,I'll transfer some of my cash to you then"

"En,Anyway Sir,Where did you get cash?"

"Just got it somewhere"


[John asked if you want be form a Group yes or no]

I clicked yes and John smiled at me

"Sir. Alex?"

"Drop the formalities." I smiled

"Yes Brother"

*laughs* I giggled and asked him "Do you know where I could earn money?"

"Quests" he said


"Its near the inn earlier Haven't you noticed?its not crowded yesterday though "

"Oh...lets go then"

We ran back and John paid the old man first

"Tsk,Im about to fry you earlier,anyway thanks for paying"

John smiled and we entered the questroom

There are hundreds no thousands of quest pasted in the wall.

Some are searching for Dragon questa while the beginners are lookong for easy ones.

I took a goblin quests since its said they're the weakest and John looked surprised.

"Are you sure?Goblins has evolved makinh them stronger than before,you seem new Brother so lets take a delivery one"

I shook my head and told him its fine.

He nod and told me "If it's what brother wants"

Then lets go prepare then.

We took the goblin quest,its just near this village,Gayuam Cave.

And the quest must be completed in 3 days and the reward is 100000 xonan coins and 30000 exp.

John also told me that I could keep it since he paid for me earlier and he grew attached to me.

Since its my first quest,I want to discover things in the cave too..

Suddenly a message popped out

Skill Learned:Sociability


To be continued....