

Takeda moved in more to hear what they were saying but all he heard was Sugawara asking were he was and Ukai saying why he wanted to know "can i ask a question Coach?" he smirked his way "go ahead" He said.

Sugawara then moved a little closer and asked "do you have a crush?" while smiling "yeah...why do you wanna know?" the Coach said while blushing from ear to toe "who is it?" he asked with excitement "come" he said while waving his hand.

He moved his face closer as Ukai whispered something into his ear "Oh!! Perfect choice!" He smiled more brightly "Suga are you here?" Daichi Looked around "that's my que٫ see ya Coach٫ good luck!" then he went back to the cafeteria with Daichi.

Takeda tried to walk pass without being noticed after that awkward situation but he Hey somehow bumped into him having an even more awkward situation or at least he thought "Ah...sorry" he said then walked away back into there room.

Being the confused person he was Takeda didn't look into it and just continued on with his life.

The Next Day

"Alright as you all know today is the last day for your supplementary lessons which also means that if you fail today you'll be held back another year...I hope you all do good on your tests!" Then he handed out the papers and set the timer while the other kids were doing their test.

Unfortunately Takeda got bored after a few minutes in so he decided to contact Mary for the time being.

Take-Chan~: Hey Mary?

Mary-sama: Yes Take anything happened?

Take-Chan~: I'm just bored since I'm not doing anything..

Mary-sama: idk what to tell you takeda I'm stuck testing too..

Mary-sama: I got an idea let's go drinking after this!

Mary-sama: maybe you could invite that special someone with you~~

Take-Chan~: Mary no!! I'll embarrass myself

Mary-sama: your loss then, so are you up for drinking?

Take-Chan~: sure since I don't have no other plans after this

Mary-sama: great see you soon Takeda!

He then swiped out of there messages and stumbled upon another 'Ukai-Kun huh..' he thought to himself about what Mary had said and decided to just go with it.

Takeda-sensei : hello Ukai-Kun

Coach-Ukai: Hello Takeda

Takeda-Sensei: would you like to go drinking with us?

Coach-Ukai: sure but who's us?

Takeda-sensei: a co-worker from work

Takeda-sensei: but I don't know if she'll bring a friend

Takeda-sensei: we can meet at 8:00 since that's when I finish school work

Coach-Ukai: okay see you Takeda

He smiled to smiled to himself as a light red blush appeared on his face thinking about how he was going to be spending time together with Ukai without having to use work or the volleyball team as an excuse.

The timer then stoped as the students placed their pencils down as Takeda got up to collect the papers "alright see you guys have a great day!" He smiled heading back to the teachers lounge.

"Good timing" Mary said as she saw him walk through the door "ah I see you finished early?" She nodded "luckily they gave me fast ones again!!" She praised herself.

Takeda sighed in relief "I sometimes forget your the one who tested Kageyama and Hinata" she laughed "don't tell me you have no faith in me Take!" Taking a sip of her drink she places the glass cup down and taps a place on the couch.

As he sat down she quickly pulls out her phone "you invited him didn't you?" She giggles "how d-did y-yo-you know!!" He blushed a dark red.

"No need to be shy Take-Chan!" She smirked as she looked at the time "it's  7:50" she said out loud "he should be here around 8:00" leaning back on the couch Takeda found something in between the cushions.

He picked it up only to find an engagement ring there "this is really pretty" he said out loud as Mary turned her head to see what he was talking about "oh you found it!" He gave her the ring as she put it on her finger "your engaged Mary-San??" She nodded.

She took his hand and placed a box in it "if you ever get with the coach give one of these to him" she smirked as his face turned and even darker shade of red "M-Mary please keep it I-" she cut him off by telling him that it's a good start to a new relationship.

So he ends up taking it and putting it in the cabinet so he won't lose it "alright let's go they should be here now" he nodded as they started walking towards the front of the building together.

When they got in the front of the building everyone introduced each other as they headed to the bar.

(Idk what to say so After the bar?)

Mary ended up getting piss drunk so her and her friend had to leave early and because of this the other two had to walk home together.

"Ah wait I need to get something from the school" Takeda said as they started walking towards the school.

He went inside the teachers lounge and opened the cabinet but before he could grab the box he was then pushed down onto the couch "U-Ukai!" He blushed a bright red "Takeda..I like you a lot" after saying that Ukai then slowly but surly kisses the other male.

Takeda's hands were on both sides of him as he was letting himself get carried away by the other male "w-wait..Ahh..!"   Takeda moaned out as Ukai bit down oh his neck.

The taller male then started taking off the shorter mans shirt as he kissed him from his neck to his stomach, unbuckling his belt he then zipped down his pants revealing his


"Your really hard right now~" Ukai said as he teased Takeda "N-no!.." he pleaded as Ukai kept on teasing him "I don't like being played with.." Takeda said as he wrapped his arms around Uaki's neck.

Takeda pushed the coach down so he could climb on top of him, as soon as he went on top he heard a small moan coming from him which turned him on a little more.

He then starts grinding on him again as more moans escaped the coaches mouth. Ukai placed his hands on his waist clenching on to him tightly, asking him for more friction which he gave.

Ukai was still drunk if not intoxicated but he was sober enough to understand the situation and that he then pushes him down onto him as both of there moans became louder than before.

Soon they both came in there pants and there paints start lowering slowly "hah...that felt.." his sentence got cut by a kiss planted by Ukai "yeah..it felt good" he smiled "let's stay here a little longer" Takeda then started drifting to sleep.

Ukai started stroking him hair but then something fell out of the cabinet and landed on the floor, he went to go pick it up and noticed it was a box so he picked it up and opened it.

"Promise rings..?"

To Be Continued