
A little revenge

Thorfinn was livid Hermione had stopped treating him with warm smiles and sweet disposition, but had turned to indifference barley spoke to him, never smiled never sought out his attention even her nightmares had stopped rousing him, no longer given her radiant smiles. She smiled at his mother daily, The plants in the gardens got them, the damn House elf's got them, He got respectful nods short answers and what's worse she seemed to be controlling her nightmares in some way as he hadn't been waken with her draped over him in over two month's he was going round them bend, She had even stopped huddling in to him when she slept.

He couldn't understand she had touched him and enjoyed his company at first but now she acted as if she wanted nothing to do with him. Even when in their shared space she hardly looked at him she'd sit at her vanity lovingly touch the things on it , she treated her clothing well picked up after herself respecting his space in their room, she even sat in the window writing in her journal's or reading. Half of him wanted to read her journal to find out what she wrote about him, But the other half could not bring himself to destroy her trust . Worse was that the Dark Lord was gaining power from his poor thrall Potter, Thorfinn was given a posh job in the Ministry merely a title his lord told him for his service the dark lord didn't expect him to actually work it fortunately.

And now he was facing an inspection of his guest in a few days he had to get to the bottom of Hermione's 180 before then or something could happen to them. He needed to speak to his mother about the girl.

Hermione sat in her favorite chair in the Library chatting with Astrid the warm woman had joined her in a lovely debate, They had steadily become close and Hermione had given her the truth about his snakey ass. Astrid's moniker not her's, She had even helped Hermione give Thorfinn the cold shoulder the matriarch had given her small tips on how to get under his skin. Hermione hated to be indifferent to the man she owed her life but he was proving difficult to get through to. He didn't respond to her smile's barely spoke to her and never gave more then one word answer's to his question's. And so far it was pissing the stoic man off she could even see his anger all they had to do was wait for him to approach his mother. Astrid would snap and tell him exactly why he was being given the cold shoulder because he was a stubborn ass who treated her the way she was treating him. With the exception of her nightmares he barely talked to her after he showed her the gardens his smiles stopped all together and rarely ever spoke to her. He was getting a taste of his own medicine now all they could do was wait and see what he would do. Large bangs on the stairs alerted them to his coming Astrid's wand came out and quickly hid Hermione from view with a concealment spell Her own creation a variant of disillusionment.

The library door's flew open with a bang Thorfinn scanned the room looking for Hermione he only saw his Mother sitting staring at him with one eyebrow perfectly arched at him.

"Must you bang about like some common Neanderthal and interrupt a perfectly good book?" Astrid said softly .

"Where is she what is going on with her?" Thorfinn growled Astrid smirked.

"You really are a dumb ass Thorfinn , you are that blind she wanted to get to know you and what did you do ignore her walk away when talking refused to listen to her say anything nice to you. And now that she's been here almost 3 months and not looking to get to know you you throw a goddamn fit because she's treating you the way you treat her. I had expected you to at least be a the man I raised towards her but no you'd rather shut out your wife the only wife you will ever have. You know as well as I that even when you remove that damned thing from around her neck her magic will always be tied to yours and vice versa. There is no separating, no magic that can ever sever the bond between you now save death, and yet you turn your back on a brilliant, strong, independent, vivacious woman because of what my son?" Astrid ripped into him.

"Because Mother she will be free of me I will make sure that she is not forced to spend a unhappy life with a vile creature such as me, even if I have to Avada myself to do so she will share everything I have with you she love's you so. She will chose a far better man out of love then I, she will give you the babies you want Mother she will never turn you away just as you have never turned her away." His shoulders slumped and he sat in the chair next to his mother.

"You are even bigger fool then your Father was dear boy you don't see what you are. You suffer misplaced aggression at yourself. Have you not always worked towards saving who you could when you could . I know you had to do terrible things while he watched but you always made up for it in other ways, I know you wish you could have saved your Aunt but he wanted her dead and is enough of a ass to make you get information from her before he killed her. You didn't Avada her son hell you did your best to numb the pain she had been put under I know My sister would have loved you for it. Bottom line son you did what you did to survive the Dark Lord my sister fought to the bitter end and you helped the best you could she went pain free and sometimes that's all we can ask for. You have to stop living in the past we have to live in the now find a way to fell he who loves to be dramatic free yourself from him, free your sweet wife from him, free the wizard world. Go you want her back to how she was with you before you'll have to earn it apologize do something nice for her show her you are worth giving her heart to. For better or worse Thorfinn I always wished for love for you and now you have a chance she has a chance yes it was forced on the both of you but its permanent why not try to make it better together. Did you not enjoy caring for her during her nightmares, did you not enjoy providing her safety and clothing, she is happy and safe here with us do you not like seeing her smile?" Astrid preached at him Thorfinn shot his mother a dark pensive look.

"I will always provide for my wife she is the world, mine to care for, mine to protect I place her safety above all else even your's Mother. She does have a choice Mother and I will never force my person on her, It is my honor and privilege to care for her to sooth the fears of the night , seeing her gain weight eating well at my table fills me with strength and hope. Her smile touches something inside that even I do not understand she is young Mother Attractive oh so lovely , pink full kissable lips her curves just so, I am a beast for lusting after her, damn me for loving every second of her flush against me curled safe in my arms asleep. I dare not touch her if I do I may never stop I have never wanted any witch as much as I want her. I am a beast damaged beyond repair do you now how hard it is to keep myself in check when she wakes in the morning and smells of me." Thorfinn growled leaning forward scrubbing his hand over his face and into his hair making the long thick locks stand with the magic flowing through it. He jumped up and out of the chair long legs set him off and left the room just as abruptly as he came, Astrid smirked waved her wand canceling the charm she placed on Hermione she came into view blushing deep red.

"That was something is he always so passionate?" Hermione asked lightly.

"No Dear just with something he really cares for seems as if my son does not know he has feelings for you our little subterfuge has him all riled up it's getting to him. And I have just the night gown for you to wear tonight come we must go get you ready your gonna tempt him do you like reading romance novels?" Astrid smiled wide eyes twinkling pulling a book from the shelf with her nod then grabbing her hand and dragging her away.

Quaffed bathed smelling of Lavender, Astrid had spent the rest of the evening primping and bathing in fresh oils she now lounged in her and Thorfinn's bedroom she waited for him reading her smut as her Mother liked to say she could not help but enjoy it despite it being a prop. It was new a muggle romance story her favorite Viking berserker she couldn't help but picture the main character as Thorfinn. Her breath was hitched and she was seriously turned on her thighs rubbed together under the silk night gown in Slytherin Green fit her like a glove. She would just have to trust Astrid on this she had no first hand knowledge beyond a snog but she had read dozens of romance novel's like the one in her hand. Astrid had said to stay calm and just wait and feel out Thorfinn she didn't have to try hard at that she would just read. She almost jumped when she finally heard the door creek open heavy foot falls brought Thorfinn in the room he stopped dead in his tracks at the site of her lounging on the window seat reading . She shifted one leg up the hem of her night gown sliding down her leg a bit Thorfinn stood breathing shallow as if trying to control something.

She turned a page with a sigh and put a hand on her chest her breathing hitched her cheeks blazed red, she knew he could see the cover of her book a raunchy depiction of a large man with long hair kissing a scantily clad woman . She couldn't take anymore with one final page turn she marked her place closed her book rubbing her hand lightly just above her breast and looked out the window. She had always waited for a love like she read about in these story's she never had imagined any man in her fantasy's before now it unsettled her she had wanted Thorfinn's touch she hadn't even realized how much she had missed the small touches he had given her when she first arrived. She had yearned for a man to understand her to triumph in her intellect to support and honor her.

Thorfinn had already welcomed and protected her provided for her and had even offered her a way to continue magic without removal of the collar. She touched the silver circlet with her finger tips she had been a little unfair to Thorfinn with her cold shoulder. She had been so caught up with Astrid's plans that she forgot her own personality she forgot who she was she had been afraid the first week here but the love and kindness Astrid paid her and Thorfinn's sweet calming methods of treating her nightmares had quickly warmed her inside. She had already come to associate the manor with Home, a tear rolled down her cheek . A long finger swiped it from her cheek she jumped turning towards Thorfinn who looked on her with concern.

"What is the matter?" He asked trying to keep his eyes on her's he failed once darting his eyes to her cleavage. He was a man after all no matter how gallant the hero always peeked.

"Oh the book sad part they were torn apart by her family." She tapped the book in her hand.

"You like these kind of books?" He asked confused he always pegged her as more of a scholar.

"Every girl like romance novel's but in my case they remind me of my Mother she gave me my first novel when I turned 13 It made me hopeful that there was a man out there that would love me for me. I particularly love the historical fiction it resonates with me being magical and all." She said simply treading carefully with her words.

"Have you never found anyone that takes interest." His eyebrow rose like Astrid's did.

" To be truthful I have had crushes before but only one boyfriend if you could even call him that we were better friends then a couple but we did kiss twice." Hermione tucked a stray curl behind her ear.

"What about Harry and your other friend? The Golden trio as you were called." He was confused again.

"Harry was my brother I would not date my brother. As for Ron well he hated my intellect he may have fancied me but hated my ambition to be more then just a homemaker . I wanted a job in the Ministry he wanted a broodmare so it would have never worked, not that I don't want children but he just never got me. The man I always wanted would support me you know. " She crinkled her nose and sighed.

"I see it's getting late come its time for bed." He held his hand out to help her down from the seat She only hesitated a moment before allowing him to help her down. She quickly placed the novel on her dressing table and fled to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

Thorfinn watched her as she fled to the bathroom the green slinky dress tight on her form made him groan this had been the first normal conversation in weeks he didn't want to blow it. Her novel choice was curious a virgin reading something like that she had obviously been turned on when he entered judging by the way she rubbed her legs, her flushed cheeks, hand touching her skin, breath hitched. He slipped into a nice thought of her under him his hand under the circlet she wore lightly stroking the skin as he impaled her with his hard cock. He jerked himself out of the fantasy, removed his shirt and jeans he crawled into their bed using the blanket to cover his throbbing member. Hermione stepped softly out of the bathroom walked lightly to show off the entirety of the night gown , the green suited her sun kissed skin she had spent many hours in the garden with the flowers losing the pale sickly look from the captivity and life on the run.

She slipped beneath the cover and laid on her side of the bed she had wanted to lay flush against Thorfinn the way he had said he enjoyed but she had seen his growing length despite his attempt at hiding it, it shattered her nerve she was a virgin after all. She longed for his hands on her hip stroking the side of it like he did in his sleep.

"Would you consider having a family without a career ?" He asked as she settled in she turned at his question and studied his expression.

"I guess it would depend on many things at the moment no I cannot in good faith bring a child into a war torn Dark Lord controlled world. I brew contraceptive potions monthly they help with my cycle and also protect me should I decide to share myself." She answered as honestly as she could he nodded thoughtful.

"Would you consider them with me if we were to bring him down?" He asked softly afraid of the answer.

"Considering I only have one husband and will only ever have one husband who else's children would they be if not yours." She glared at him lightly as if he had insulted her.

"You would bare my children?" He gasped sitting up a bit to look fully in her eye.

"You are my Husband Thorfinn I would only ever bare my Husband children no other wizard has any claim on me . I may be a forced bride but that does not make me unhappy with our union. Why would you ever think I would cheat on you, I am loyal and true I would never betray the bond we now have, You are not what the rumors have painted you as Thorfinn, I cannot even begin to fathom the pain I would be in had you not been the one to be given me. I'm a poor bride for a man like you I have no experience to offer only my self. And if you allow me I would freely give you my heart, You are my savior I hope I can come to earn your love I know I'm young and may not fit what you want in a wife but I will always do my best to meet you halfway." She said softly turning away from him to lay on her side. He growled and reached a long arm out to pull her flush against his chest his hard cock brushed her ass her breath hitched a bit at the touch.

"As my wife I expect you to sleep in my arms anything else will come later when I have earned your affection not the other way around . We have to travel to Rowle Manor in the morning The Dark Lord has ordered an inspection It will give us just enough time to go over the plan on how they expect you to act." He wrapped both arms around her one hand lacing with her's the other lightly closing around her breast. She would have to get over him touching her intimately. Hermione shifted to look at him his blue eyes looking back at her she slid one hand up from between them and lightly touched his jaw running her fingertips along the hard angle.

Running her fingers over the solid planes of his cheek was quite lovely he was handsome and strong willed a true man willing to give up everything for his family.

"I will do my best I expect it shan't be to difficult to follow your lead." Hermione said softly trading his jaw for his thick soft hair he allowed her to invade his person. He settled back as she ran her fingers in his hair. He would not deny her any affection that she wanted or wanted to show him. She smiled as she laid her head on his shoulder allowing her fingers to slide from his chest to his strong firm chest. It did not take long for her to fall into a deep sleep smelling his dark musky smell. Thorfinn made sure she was fast asleep before planting a sweet kiss to her forehead he held her close enough to kiss her again if he wanted.