
What is dead may never die (Theon SI)

What to do when you wake up in a world that shouldn't exist? When can you look forward only to your death and nothing much more? You live, that's what you do, but in this world, it isn't as easy as you think. Check Fanfiction(dot)net for the rest of the chapters and other stories. It is the same name. (I am the original author, just transitioning to Webnovel too.)

Ironwolf852 · Livres et littérature
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122 Chs

Preparations for a war

Preparations for a war

Tyrion POV

It was clear that we were made out to be fooled. The Westerlands were all but lost. We have no way to recover it, at least for now. The small council was in disarray. I could feel their confusion, desperation, and fear. The lords and knights of the Westerlands that came with my father are now begging to return home to reclaim what was lost.

Still, Casterly Rock and Lannisport stand tall, even if it was the Tyrells who pushed Stannis Baratheon back. At least, that is what they claim. It was hard to say that the Tyrells had won when the Redwyne fleet was ambushed and lord Redwyne died. His sons have returned to the Reach, but it will be hard to reclaim the sea.

"My lord, the Hand has called for you," Not even knocking. If I were Joffrey, I would have already killed this impudent messenger.

"Thank you. Please lead the way," Instead, I thanked him.

I wasn't in a good situation. That fool Mace Tyrell took the position of Master of Law and already started to gather the Goldcloaks around him. I was claimed as a hero who drove away Stannis Baratheon, but all I got for that was Podrick Payne to serve me. A boy who wasn't even fifteen years old. He was presented to me as a gift for my services.

To say I was furious would be an understatement. The boy had nowhere to go. The knight he served was dead. Then another knight died who took him. If not for the name Payne he would be left to die with the rest of the levies, but the hedge knight took him under him, and he died too. Nobody else wanted the boy, so they presented him to serve me. I didn't give a damn what they were thinking, but it doesn't mean I will forget their impudence.

Walking through the halls of the Red Keep, I saw how the servants reacted to me. It wouldn't be a problem if they were from my household, but they were Tyrell's servants that infiltrated the keep. If father weren't so preoccupied with the Westerlands, he wouldn't let this happen. Cercei didn't concern herself with them. She was too busy playing a Queen.

It was a foolish errant in the end. Joffrey had taken a liking to Margaery Tyrell, so at least Tyrells could run rampant for a while. But I was their first target. With me, Mace Tyrell still couldn't take all of the Goldcloaks under him. And I manage to take part of their gold to strengthen the Lannisters. While they are in this city, every gold coin they spend is observed by me.

I am quite the pain in the ass for them. Yet they can't get rid of me. I will leave the Westerlands to my father, so I will focus on Tyrells and keep them in check. After this war, I will take what is rightfully mine, Casterly Rock. Even my father won't be able to deny it any longer. And Tyrells will be my stepping stone.

It wasn't unusual for me to arrive last at the small council room. I was always informed last. I didn't even need to get close to the room when I heard the shouting. It was mostly lord Mace Tyrell. Yet, from other voices, it seemed it wasn't a small council. When I entered the room, I was greeted by the most lords of the Westerlands and the remaining ones from the Reach.

"We must attack Stannis with all our forces," Mace Tyrell's voice was agitated.

"And from where do we attack him?" Lord Randyll Tarly asked. "From west where he holds Golden Tooth or from the east where Harrenhal stands?"

"Lord Hand, we should secure the Westerlands first," Lord Lydden stated.

Many others offered their opinions, and only now did I realize it wasn't a small council but a war council. It quickly became a shouting contest, with every lord giving their opinion. Until Tywin Lannister doesn't say anything, everyone will not listen to anyone. I came to sit next to Jaime as he was listening without making a sound.

"Where is Theon Greyjoy?" With only one question, the room went silent. "Where is he?"

"Lord Hand, he was not seen since he appeared and left Oldtown."

"While the Greyjoys are still plundering the western shore, apart from Victarion Greyjoy, nobody has seen other of the royal family."

"Royal family?" My father's voice was calm, but the man who spoke previously started to tremble in fear. "They are not royals. They are just a bunch of pirates. You should do well to remember it."

"Lord Hand, Lord Hightower had taken control of the remaining fleet of the Reach and managed to defeat Victarion Greyjoy. They are yet to be kings of the Sunset Sea," Randyll Tarly agreed. "We should leave the marine battle to Lord Hightower while we concentrate on Stannis Baratheon in the Riverlands."

What he said was the proper response to our situation and the only action we could take. Yet, everyone apart from the lords of the Reach felt uneasy leaving Theon Greyjoy alone. Many have experienced what Theon Greyjoy is capable of while heavily outnumbered. Now that he has the Iron Islands with him, no one can tell what he will do.

"So, nobody knows where he is?" Tywin Lannister asked and stopped the flow of conversation. "Lord Varys, as master of whispers, what did you hear?"

"A small fleet of fifty ships were spotted sailing south, Lord Rodrik Harlaw is having an exchange with the North, so it shouldn't be him. Yet I do not know where Asha Greyjoy or anyone else is. I will surely gather more information with a bit more time, my lord."

I didn't believe he didn't know, but would he hide information when he was already under heavy pressure since he failed to notice that Theon Greyjoy took over the Iron Islands? That piece of information cost the Redwyne Fleet significant casualties. Still, we could do nothing; our family did not possess a fleet, and Stannis' fleet still blocked Blackwater Bay.

My father's obsession with Theon Greyjoy would be a detriment to us as a whole. We could not afford to divide our forces even if we had an advantage in numbers. Stannis was our biggest enemy right now, and behind him and the Riverlands, the North stood uncontested and undefeated yet.

"Lord Tarly, you shall take command of our forces and ride to Harrenhal, take it, and stop the advances of Stannis and his forces," My father commanded, and I let out a sigh of relief. "Lord Tyrell sent your second son a message and commanded him to take Golden Tooth. We will corner Stannis and finish him and his allies once and for all."

"What do you think, Jaime?" I asked my brother silently.

"Ser Garlan Tyrell is already close to Golden Tooth. Even if he were commanded to join forces with Tarly, it would take too much time. If we push Stannis to the North, it will be our victory. But it won't be that simple."

Nothing was simple in this war. Even if he had returned home, King of the North, Robb Stark, returned undefeated, with the Twins to his name. King Stannis Baratheon, his tenacious personality, was most dangerous to us. And then there is King Theon Greyjoy, the most unpredictable man of all of them. Nobody knew what his plan or goal was. He appears out of nowhere, takes what is in front of him then leaves uncontested.

And we have Joffrey, a boy who has not seen the world outside of the Red Keep. A boy who thinks that everyone besides the Lannisters and the Tyrells is nothing but cowards and traitors and they will be undoubtedly killed. It wasn't confidence. It was the arrogance of a boy who only was taught how to look down on everyone else. He was more concerned about his wedding than the war.

"How is your leg?" I asked Jaime.

"It is getting better," He replied.

Better, but enough for him to lead a host. After the command was given by lord Hand, everyone left to do their duty. Even if it wasn't stated, my job was to get gold coins to pay our soldiers, equip them with weapons and armor, and find supplies to feed them. The Westerlands couldn't afford to send their gold to us. So, once again, we will have to depend on the Tyrells.

I couldn't let it happen. I had to find a way to gather gold. Without Tyrells, I had only two options to get the gold I needed through taxes or a loan from the bank. With so many soldiers in the city, it was wise to increase taxes on brothels and taverns. Even if they complained, nobody stopped whoring or drinking.

Before the armies march out, one last wave of income will come to the city. The other tax I increased was on the blacksmiths and armorers. Knights and lords do not spare gold while buying equipment for themselves. As of now, our men are paying themselves while not even realizing it.

Even if everyone else wanted to increase the taxation on the smallfolk, we wouldn't have earned as much as we did from the soldiers. We would only have an ire of smallfolk, and riots would bring us too much damage when the soldiers leave the city. While the Tyrells sold food for the smallfolk, the Lannister could not touch them as it would tip the balance too much in favor of Tyrells.

While I couldn't tax the smallfolk, it didn't mean I couldn't touch the Tyrells. To bring so much food to the city was to gain a favor, and it worked. But now, they have to pay massive taxes for doing so. While their favor increased with the smallfolk, my purse got heavier. Still, it is only a temporally measure. I needed to make a deal with the Iron Bank for them to supply us and turn away from the others.

If the war is prolonged, those with more supplies will win. That is why Theon was a scary existence. For he took away from us and added to himself. By raiding the western shore and trading with the North, he supplied the Iron Islands with all they needed. While many call him a savage king, I knew better than underestimating him.

"What is that you want to say, Tyrion?" Father caught my intentions when we were left alone.

"I believe Theon Greyjoy will try to make a deal with the Martells," I told him. "Why else a fleet of fifty ships would go the south."

"Do you believe he will succeed?"

"If it were anyone else but Martells, I would have said yes. But prince Doran Martell is too cautious. As long as we don't show weakness, he will not move."

"Or if he is presented with something he cannot refuse."

"That's why we need to make a response to his actions," I said. "We have to offer Cercei to Oberyn Martell."

"I will think about it. Leave me be."

That was all I wanted to hear. Even if he didn't agree in the end, Cercei could not depend on our father. A wedge will be placed between them. This will keep Cercei in check for a while, and I will use it to strengthen my position. At the end of this war, I will stand victorious. No matter who my enemy is, I will not lose.