
What If We Fall In Love

Rose Graham is an ordinary reader who dreamed of finding true love and spending the rest of her life with him. But unfortunately, her dreams are shattered after her father's death and is now married to one of the coldest man in New York. Ryan Hartford is one of the youngest billionaire of New York and refuses to get trapped in a game of love but after having to marry the daughter of his most admired friend, he feels protective of her than anyone else. After spending 10 months in the same house and barely talking to each other, things start to change. Feelings are Confessed. Secrets are Revealed. Hearts are Broken. (I do not own the pictures. Credits goes to the real owner.)

AriaShah · Urbain
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47 Chs


When I opened my eyes again, at first, my vision was blurry and I could only hear the beeping sound of the monitor attached to me.

Soon as my vision cleared, I heard the sound of my breath.

After taking in the surroundings and realizing I'm at the hospital.

I already was.

I don't know if I saw Jack in my dream or somewhere else but his words are roaming around my head.

After I gathered my thoughts, I felt a hand holding mine, I tilted my head to find a brunette head resting on the side of my bed


My eyes fell on our joined hands.

How long has she been here? How long have I been asleep? When did she come in? What is happening?

I felt Rose move and her head lifted, she didn't look at me, she didn't notice I was awake and she didn't let go of my hand.

Her hair was tied in a bun and few hairs were poking out, she used her free hand to rub her eyes then looked at me.

She froze. We locked eyes. Her hand didn't move away from her eye and she was still holding my hand.

"Hi," that was the only thing she said as she removed her hand from her eyes, I bit back my smile

"Hi," I said back

We both stared at each other till she blinked "oh- oh! You're awake!" She exclaimed and quickly got up from her seat, letting go of my hand "I'll go get the doctor," she raced out the door to find the doctor and I was left alone in the silence. I suddenly missed her touch.


The doctor said that they were able to kill the bacteria inside my body and I was okay again but I still had to take few medicines.

They were going to keep me in the hospital for a day or two then I was ready to leave.

Rose hasn't spoken a word, she only smiled at me when doctor said I was okay then she left to get us food.

Now we both are eating take outs, silently.

I hate it.

"Did you tell Bree?" I asked, her head shot up, I didn't look at her

"No, I didn't tell anyone," she replied

I nodded and took a bite of my chicken "how long was I operated for?"

"3 hours, 22 minutes, 30 seconds." She said

I froze. Not at the time duration but at the way Rose perfectly counted. I looked towards her and she was looking down her at her rice bowl

"What," I said

She cleared her throat before saying "I was pretty worried. Time was passing by really slowly…" She said

I found myself smiling at the way her face flushed from embarrassment.

I reached for her hand and held it. She looked at our joined hands with her eyes wide then at me. I locked eyes with her and found myself saying "thank you for caring so much,"

Her face softened, she took a beat then smiled "that's a stupid thing to say 'thank you' for but you're welcome."

I chuckled and so did she. I was ready to give our marriage a try because there's no one else I want her to be with.