
What if Naruto was a Genius from Birth and didnt hold back?

In a world where the village of Konoha is plagued by the Nine-Tailed Fox, Naruto Uzumaki is born with extraordinary intelligence and potential. Unlike the original storyline, this alternate version explores what would happen if Naruto's genius was nurtured from birth, and if he never held back. From an early age, Naruto's intelligence becomes apparent. He quickly grasps complex concepts, surpassing his peers in academic studies and mastering advanced jutsu with ease. With the guidance of his sensei, Kakashi Hatake, Naruto's natural brilliance is unleashed, and he embraces his full potential without any reservations. As Naruto grows, his intellect becomes a formidable weapon. He becomes a tactical genius, devising intricate plans to outsmart enemies and protect his loved ones. His strategic thinking and quick decision-making skills make him an indispensable asset to his team, leading them to victory in missions that were once deemed impossible. However, Naruto's journey is not without challenges. As his power and influence grow, he faces adversaries who are threatened by his exceptional abilities. The fear of Naruto's unlimited potential becomes apparent, and he must confront not only physical threats but also the prejudice and envy of those around him. Throughout the story, Naruto's character development takes center stage. As he navigates his newfound genius, he grapples with the burden of his own expectations and the pressure to live up to his potential. Despite the weight on his shoulders, Naruto remains true to his compassionate nature, using his genius for the betterment of the village and its inhabitants.

AntisocialJay · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

Chapter 3: A Whirlwind of Destiny

(Timeskip) 5 years has passed since Naruto's encounter with Kurama in his mindscape. The village had undergone significant changes, and Naruto had grown both in strength and maturity, he is now 12 years old. (Naruto is now High Kage Level and has mastered his KEKKEI TOTA Gravity Manipulation, he has also become a master at fuuinjutsu and has mastered all of the Jutsu in the village and also made his own Jutsu, Naruto also learned and mastered every taijutsu style and every Kenjutsu style and also every medical ninjutsu and knowledge and he also is a sensor and could read peoples emotions, He has also mastered up to 3 tails cloak for his Tailed Beast Powers, he now can use Yin release and the substitution jutsu (Only reason he didnt know it before because there were no more scrolls available in Konoha and Hiruzen having to do Hokage Duties), and he now use lightning cutter/chidori which he saw an Gravity defying Gray Haired Shinobi performing the jutsu, (Naruto now stands at an rule breaking 5 foot 9), and his IQ has increased to 420

Naruto was always on top of his class with Sasuke Uchiha following closely behind him. Their rivalry fueled their determination to excel, pushing each other to new heights. Naruto's unyielding spirit and relentless work ethic made him a natural leader, while Sasuke's prodigious talent and intense drive kept him at Naruto's heels.

Their dynamic created a healthy competition that extended beyond the confines of the classroom. They challenged each other in training, pushed the boundaries of their abilities, and sought to surpass one another in every aspect of their shinobi training. 

(We already know who passes so lets just skip to team announcements)

The sun shone brightly over the village as the last day of the academy arrived. The students gathered in the training field, their nerves mixed with excitement as they prepared for the final test that would determine their fate as genin.

In the center of the field stood Iruka Umino, the academy instructor, his voice projecting with authority. "Alright, everyone, listen up! Today, you will face a challenging test that will push your skills to the limit. Passing this test is the final step in becoming a genin. Are you ready?"

The students nodded, some with determination etched on their faces, others with anxious anticipation. Naruto Uzumaki, ever the energetic one, couldn't contain his excitement. "You bet we are, Iruka-sensei! We've been training so hard for this day!"

Sasuke Uchiha, standing stoically beside Naruto, gave a small nod. "This is our chance to prove ourselves, Naruto. Let's not waste it."

Iruka-sensei smiled warmly at the two aspiring shinobi. "That's the spirit, Naruto and Sasuke. But remember, this is not just about individual skill. Teamwork and strategy are just as important. You will be divided into teams of three for this test."

Sakura Haruno, standing nearby, raised her hand. "Sensei, are the teams assigned randomly?"

Iruka-sensei chuckled. "Not quite, Sakura. As your instructor, I've observed your progress closely and have put together teams that complement each other's strengths. Now, let's see..."

Iruka-sensei glanced at his clipboard, then announced the teams. "Team 7, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and Sakura Haruno. Team 8, Kiba Inuzuka, Hinata Hyuga, and Shino Aburame. Team 10, Shikamaru Nara, Ino Yamanaka, and Choji Akimichi..."

As the teams were announced, the students exchanged glances, some with excitement, others with a hint of nervousness. Naruto turned to Sakura, a grin stretching across his face. "Looks like we're on the same team, Sakura! Let's show them what Team 7 is made of!"

Sakura nodded, determination shining in her eyes. "Absolutely, Naruto. We've come so far, and this is our chance to shine as Team 7."

Meanwhile, Kiba Inuzuka, Hinata Hyuga, and Shino Aburame, the newly formed Team 8, exchanged glances. Kiba grinned, his excitement evident. "Alright, Team 8, let's prove that we're the best!"

Hinata, her voice filled with determination, added, "We'll support each other and show everyone what Team 8 is capable of."

Iruka-sensei stepped forward, addressing the teams. "Now that your teams have been announced, I will reveal your senseis. Team 7, your sensei will be Kakashi Hatake. Team 8, your sensei will be Kurenai Yuhi. And Team 10, your sensei will be Asuma Sarutobi."

The students listened attentively, their excitement growing at the prospect of training under skilled shinobi. Iruka-sensei continued, "Remember, your senseis will guide and mentor you throughout your journey as genin. They will help you develop your skills, teamwork, and prepare you for the challenges ahead. Work hard, respect your senseis, and make the most of this opportunity."

With their teams by their side and their senseis revealed, the students felt a renewed sense of determination. They were ready to face the final test and prove themselves as genin, guided by their senseis and strengthened by the bonds they had formed.

And so, as the teams gathered and prepared for the test, they knew that their journey as genin had just begun. With Team 7, Team 8, and Team 10 ready to take on the world, they set their sights on the challenges that awaited them, eager to prove their worth and make their mark on the shinobi world.

(After Iruka announced the teams)

Kurenai and Asuma walked into the classroom, their presence commanding attention. Kurenai directed her gaze towards Hinata, Kiba, and Shino, the members of Team 8. Hinata's eyes widened with a mix of nervousness and anticipation, while Kiba's excitement was barely contained. Shino, as always, remained stoic and composed.

Kurenai smiled warmly at her new team. "Team 8, which consists of Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, and Shino Aburame. I am your sensei, Kurenai, and I am eager to teach you all. We have a lot to cover, so let's get started."

Hinata, her voice filled with determination, spoke up. "We're ready, Kurenai-sensei. We'll do our best to make you proud."

Kiba, his eagerness bubbling over, added, "Yeah, we're gonna be the best team out there, Kurenai-sensei! You won't regret choosing us!"

Shino, his voice steady and composed, chimed in. "We will utilize our strengths and work together efficiently, Kurenai-sensei. You can count on us."

Kurenai nodded, pleased with the enthusiasm and determination displayed by her team. "Excellent. Teamwork will be our foundation. Each of you brings unique skills and abilities to the table, and we will learn to leverage them effectively. We'll focus on honing your individual strengths while also developing a strong bond as a team."

Hinata, her voice showing a hint of newfound confidence, spoke up. "I'll work on improving my Byakugan and mastering gentle fist techniques. I want to be a shinobi my clan can be proud of."

Kiba grinned, his excitement evident. "And I'll train Akamaru to be the best partner ever! We'll become an unstoppable duo!"

Shino, as always, remained calm and collected. "I'll continue to perfect my control over insects and explore new methods of utilizing their abilities effectively in battle."

Kurenai nodded, impressed with the determination and goals her students had set for themselves. "Very well. I will guide you in achieving those goals. But remember, becoming strong shinobi is not just about individual prowess. We must learn to trust and rely on each other. Our success will come from working together as a cohesive unit."

With Kurenai's guidance, Team 8 felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. They were ready to embark on their journey as genin, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead. As they left the classroom, Kurenai leading the way, the members of Team 8 knew that their bond would be tested, but they were confident that together, they would overcome any obstacle that came their way.

Asuma looked at Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji, the members of Team 10, with a casual yet observant gaze. Shikamaru's eyes flickered with intelligence, Ino stood with a confident posture, and Choji's determination shone through.

Asuma leaned against a desk and addressed his new team. "Team 10, comprising Shikamaru Nara, Ino Yamanaka, and Choji Akimichi. I'm your sensei, Asuma, and I'm looking forward to guiding you. We have a lot to cover, so let's get started."

Shikamaru, his voice laced with nonchalance, responded, "Alright, Asuma-sensei. Just don't expect us to be too enthusiastic about it."

Ino, a hint of determination in her eyes, chimed in, "We'll give it our all, Asuma-sensei. We're ready to prove ourselves as capable shinobi."

Choji, his voice filled with determination, added, "We'll work hard, Asuma-sensei. Our teamwork and dedication will make us a formidable team."

Asuma nodded, a hint of a smile on his face. "Good. Teamwork will be our foundation. Each of you brings unique skills and abilities to the table, and we'll learn to leverage them effectively. We'll focus on honing your individual strengths while also developing a strong bond as a team."

Shikamaru, his analytical mind at work, spoke up. "I'll strategize and plan ahead to ensure our success in missions. My intelligence and strategic thinking will be our greatest assets."

Ino, her confidence shining through, added, "I'll enhance my skills in communication and mind-altering techniques to gather valuable information and support our team in every way possible."

Choji, his determination unwavering, chimed in. "I'll train to improve my physical strength and control over my clan's secret techniques. I won't let the team down."

Asuma nodded, pleased with the ambition and dedication shown by his team. "Great goals, everyone. I'll guide you in achieving them. But remember, being a strong team means relying on each other, trusting each other's abilities. We'll learn to work together seamlessly and support one another."

With Asuma's guidance, Team 10 felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. They were ready to embark on their journey as genin, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead. As they left the classroom, Asuma leading the way, the members of Team 10 knew that they could rely on each other, that their bond would strengthen with every mission they undertook. Together, they were prepared to face any obstacle that came their way and prove themselves as an exceptional team.

As the rest of the teams left the classroom, Team 7 found themselves alone, waiting eagerly for their sensei to arrive. Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke exchanged glances, their excitement slowly turning into impatience as the minutes ticked by. They glanced at the clock, realizing that Kakashi was running late.

Naruto's frustration grew, and he couldn't stand the idea of just waiting around. With a determined look in his eyes, he decided to make the most of the time by training in his mindscape. Closing his eyes, Naruto delved into his inner world, a vast landscape of his subconscious.

In his mindscape, Naruto found himself in a serene training ground, surrounded by towering trees and lush greenery. He grinned, ready to push himself to the limit. "Alright, Kurama! Let's train and get stronger while we wait for our mysterious sensei!"

Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox within Naruto, rumbled with amusement. "About time you took the initiative, Naruto. Let's make the most of this opportunity."

With a surge of determination, Naruto began his vigorous training regimen within his mindscape. He focused on refining his chakra control, honing his physical strength, and practicing his jutsu techniques. Each move was executed with precision and determination as Naruto pushed himself to his limits.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, Sakura and Sasuke exchanged glances, their impatience growing with every passing minute. Sakura tapped her foot impatiently. "Who is this sensei, anyway? Why is he taking so long?"

Sasuke, his voice filled with irritation, spoke up. "I don't know, Sakura. This is the first time I've heard of him. It's annoying that he's keeping us waiting like this."

(2 Hours later)

Just as their frustration reached its peak, the sound of the classroom door creaking open caught their attention. Kakashi Hatake strolled in, his face hidden behind his mask, and his lone visible eye crinkled into a relaxed smile. "Sorry I'm late, everyone. Got caught up in a little... detour."

Naruto, his training in the mindscape interrupted, opened his eyes and looked at the mysterious figure.

Kakashi chuckled, seemingly unfazed by their confusion. "That's right. I'm Kakashi Hatake, your sensei. But don't worry, we'll get to know each other better as we train."

Team 7 looked at Kakashi with a scowl

Kakashi nodded, his eye crinkling in a small smile. "I'll do my best to help you grow. We have a lot to cover, so let's head to the roof."

Team 7, their initial confusion replaced with a sense of anticipation, went to the roof, Naruto Body Flickered to the Roof, so only Sasuke and Sakura ran to the roof

Sasuke and Sakura reached the rooftop, slightly out of breath from their sprint. They looked around, expecting to find Kakashi waiting for them. However, to their surprise, Kakashi was already there, leaning against the railing with a calm demeanor. Naruto, who had used his Body Flicker technique, appeared next to Kakashi, a mischievous grin on his face.

Sakura glanced at Naruto, slightly annoyed. "Naruto, you could have waited for us."

Naruto shrugged, his grin widening. "Sorry, Sakura-chan. I couldn't resist using my ninja speed."

Sasuke's eyes narrowed as he looked at Kakashi. "So, what are we doing up here, sensei?

Kakashi observed his team, his visible eye crinkling with amusement. "Well, since we're all here now, let's get started with our first exercise. But before that, I think it's essential for us to get to know each other better."

Sakura raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "What do you mean, Kakashi-sensei?"

Kakashi smiled behind his mask. "We'll be introducing ourselves to each other. It's crucial for a team to have a strong bond and understanding, and that starts with knowing who we are as individuals."

Naruto scratched his head, a perplexed expression on his face. "But sensei, we already know each other."

Kakashi chuckled. "True, Naruto, but there's always more to learn. We'll be sharing something personal about ourselves that the others may not know. It could be a talent, a fear, a favorite hobby, or even a secret dream. This exercise will help us build trust and deepen our connection as a team."

Sasuke crossed his arms, his curiosity masked by his stoic expression. "Alright, I suppose it could be interesting. Who goes first?"

Kakashi's eye gleamed with mischief. "I'll start, just to set the example. As you all know, I'm Kakashi Hatake, and my hobbies nun of your business, my goals include nun of your business, and my dream is also hmm lets see nun of your business.

Sakura raised an eyebrow, intrigued yet slightly frustrated. "Sensei, can't you give us any hints?"

Kakashi chuckled, his eye crinkling with amusement. "Nope, that's part of the fun! It's a little test to see how well you know me. Now, who would like to go next?"

Naruto, always eager for a challenge, stepped forward with a determined look in his eyes. "Alright, I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and my hobbies include ramen eating contests, my goals are to become the Hokage and bring peace to the village, and my dream is to create a world where everyone is acknowledged and valued."

Sasuke, his competitive spirit ignited, followed suit. "I'm Sasuke Uchiha, and my hobbies include intense training, my goals are to avenge my clan and restore my family's honor, and my dream is to become the strongest shinobi and surpass all my limits."

Sakura, feeling a mix of determination and curiosity, took her turn. "I'm Sakura Haruno, and my hobbies include improving my medical ninjutsu skills, my goals are to become a respected and skilled kunoichi, and my dream is to create a world where no one suffers from pain and loss."

After the introductions were complete, Kakashi's eye crinkled with a hint of excitement. "Great job, Team 7. Now that we know a little more about each other, it's time for your final test to officially become shinobi."

Sakura's eyes widened, a mix of nervousness and anticipation filling her voice. "What kind of test, Kakashi-sensei?"

Kakashi's smile grew wider. "We'll be meeting at Training Field 7 tomorrow morning. There, I'll assess your skills, teamwork, and overall readiness to become official shinobi of the village."

Naruto's grin widened, his determination shining through. "We won't let you down, sensei! We'll show you what Team 7 is capable of!"

Sasuke's eyes gleamed with a competitive fire. "We've trained hard for this. Tomorrow, we'll prove that we're ready to take on any challenge."

Kakashi nodded, his eye crinkling with pride. "I have no doubt that you will give it your all. Remember, this test is not just about individual skills. It's about working together as a team, supporting each other, and demonstrating the values of a true shinobi."

Sakura's voice carried determination. "We won't disappoint you, Kakashi-sensei. We'll show you the strength of Team 7."

Kakashi placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder, a sense of mentorship evident in his touch. "I believe in you, Naruto. Tomorrow, you'll have a chance to prove to everyone why you'll be a great Hokage someday."

Naruto's eyes sparkled with gratitude. "Thanks, Kakashi-sensei. I won't let you down."

With the final test looming ahead, Team 7 left the rooftop, their minds filled with a mix of nervousness and excitement. The next day held the promise of a new chapter in their lives, a chance to showcase their growth, and the opportunity to officially become shinobi.

As they dispersed, each member of Team 7 knew that tomorrow's test would require their utmost effort, teamwork, and determination. They were ready to face any challenge that awaited them, knowing that they had each other's backs and the guidance of their skilled sensei, Kakashi Hatake.

The sun began to set, casting a warm glow across the village. Team 7's journey was about to reach a pivotal moment, and they were prepared to seize it, ready to prove that they were worthy of the title of shinobi.

The next day dawned with a sense of excitement and nervous anticipation. Team 7 gathered at the entrance of the training grounds, ready to face their final test to become shinobi. As they made their way towards Training Field 7, they couldn't help but notice that Kakashi was already waiting for them, his usual relaxed posture replaced by a more serious demeanor.

Sakura glanced at her teammates, a mixture of determination and nerves evident on their faces. "Wow, Kakashi-sensei actually arrived early this time."

Naruto's eyes widened in surprise. "This must be a really important test if he's here before us."

Sasuke nodded, his gaze focused ahead. "Let's not keep him waiting. We've trained hard for this."

As they approached Kakashi, he turned to face them, a small smile playing on his lips. "I'm glad to see you all here on time. Today's test is crucial, and I want to make sure we have ample time to go through it."

As Team 7 gathered on Training Field 7, Kakashi's eye crinkled with mischief. He looked at his eager students and revealed a mischievous smile.

"Today, we'll be doing the famous Bell Test," Kakashi announced, his voice filled with excitement.

Sakura's eyes widened, a mix of curiosity and anticipation filling her voice. "The Bell Test? What's that, Kakashi-sensei?"

Kakashi's visible eye gleamed with amusement. "The Bell Test is a traditional test that shinobi teams go through. The objective is simple: you have to try and take these two bells from me by any means necessary. But here's the catch, there are only two bells, and there are three of you."

Naruto's competitive spirit ignited. "So, one of us won't get a bell?"

Kakashi nodded. "That's right. The one who doesn't get a bell will be sent back to the academy. Only those who can work together, show resourcefulness, and display the skills of a true shinobi will pass."

Sasuke's eyes narrowed, his determination evident. "We won't let that happen. We'll get those bells, Kakashi-sensei."

Kakashi's smile widened. "That's the spirit, Sasuke. Remember, this test is not just about strength and power. It's about strategy, teamwork, and quick thinking. I'll be observing how you handle the situation, how you react under pressure, and how well you work together."

Sakura's voice carried a determined tone. "We won't disappoint you, sensei. We'll do whatever it takes to pass this test."

Kakashi's gaze shifted to the three ninja-in-training, his eyes filled with pride. "I believe in you, Team 7. Now, let the Bell Test begin!"

As the Bell Test began on Training Field 7, Team 7 immediately sprang into action. Sakura and Sasuke moved swiftly, finding hiding spots among the trees, while Naruto stood still, his eyes fixed on Kakashi.

Sakura whispered to Sasuke, her voice barely audible. "We need to come up with a plan, Sasuke-kun. We can't let Naruto be left behind."

Sasuke nodded, his voice low and determined. "Agreed. We'll create a distraction to draw Kakashi's attention while Naruto makes a move."

Meanwhile, Naruto, feeling the weight of the test, focused on Kakashi, his determination unwavering. He knew that this was his chance to prove himself, to show that he had grown as a ninja.

Kakashi observed his students, his eye crinkling with amusement. "Remember, the bells are the objective. You'll need to be quick and resourceful to get them."

Sakura glanced at Sasuke, silently communicating their plan. With a nod, they moved into action. Sakura gathered chakra in her hands, preparing to create a diversion, while Sasuke readied himself to strike when the opportunity presented itself.

Just as they were about to execute their plan, Naruto's voice echoed through the field. "Wait!"

Sakura and Sasuke froze, their eyes widening in surprise. Naruto stepped forward, his gaze fixed on Kakashi. With a determined expression, he spoke, his voice filled with conviction. "Kakashi-sensei, I won't let you send any of us back to the academy. I'll show you my growth, and I'll get those bells!"

Kakashi's eye widened, impressed by Naruto's sudden burst of confidence. "Very well, Naruto. Show me what you've got."

Sakura and Sasuke watched in awe as Naruto unleashed his hidden potential. Naruto had asked Kuruma to give him his influence and Kurama complied and gave Naruto his chakra.

As soon as Naruto began to feel Kurumas influence he dashed at Kakashi with One Tailed Bijuu Level speed and Kakashi was caught by suprise and was instantly killed, but then his body was replaced by an Log. Naruto noticed that it was an Substitution Jutsu and immediately went into sensor mode and sensed where Kakashi was. As this was going on in the trees after Kakashi used Substitution Jutsu, Kakashi was thinking that Naruto was too fast for his eyes to see and so he pulled his headband up and used his Sharingan as he did this he noticed a presence behind him and spunt around to be blasted by an Great Fireball which was shot by Sasuke, Kakashi used the Substitution Jutsu again and Substituted towards the ground where Sakura was waiting for him and she threw multiple shuriken at his legs, Kakashi skillfully dodged the shuriken by jumping into the air but was immediately hit by something that felt like Might Guys Dynamic Entry but 1000000x harder, Kakashis ribcage broke and his arm also broke due to the impact of whatever the hell that was that hit him, As he was blasted all the way to an tree crashing into it he saw Team 7 standing infront of him with the bells in there hands.

As Kakashi caughed up blood he said you all pass... before passing out due to the intense pain that he was going through

Just as they were excited, Team 7 knew they had to get there sensei to the hospital, so Naruto created a shadow clone and ordered the shadow clone to take Kakashi to the hospital.


After Naruto entered sensory mode, Sasuke noticed Kakashi in a nearby tree and looked distracted, so he quickly told Sakura what to do and snuck behind Kakashi casting an Great Fireball Jutsu at him, causing Kakashi to substitute to the ground.

Sakura as she saw Kakashi substitute towards the ground threw multiple shuriken at Kakashis legs, which cause Kakashi as soon as he landed to jump.

Naruto as soon as he sensed Kakashis Presence in Mid Air, he decided to dash towards him with 1 tailed Bijuu speed, propelling himself with an chakra enhanced fist cocked back and ready to hit Kakashi, once Naruto made contact with Kakashi, Sasuke came from underground and grabbed the bells from Kakashis waist, Naruto knew he may have broken a few of Kakashis bones but at an early age he learned from Hiruzen to never underestimate opponents even if they are significantly weaker than you, and that everyone always has an trick up there sleeves.

After grabbing the bells they all walked towards Kakashi who was slumped against a tree and caughing up blood, After they reached in front of Kakashi, Kakashi told them that they pass and passed out.

(End of flashback)

(Also Naruto decided not to heal Kakashi because he just used Kuramas influence and the chakra of Kurama could have an negative affect on Kakashi since he isn't an Jinchuriki and its hatred of the Sharingan.)

As Team 7 went their separate ways after successfully passing Kakashi's test, a sense of accomplishment washed over each of them. Sakura returned to the village to continue her medical training, her determination to become a skilled healer burning brighter than ever.

Sasuke, fueled by his newfound strength and the bond he had formed with his teammates, embarked on a personal journey to sharpen his skills and seek answers about his family's past. With his Sharingan awakened and a renewed sense of purpose, he set out to become the strongest Uchiha.

Naruto, brimming with confidence, ventured into the wilderness to further harness the power of Kurama and strengthen his control over the Nine-Tails' chakra. He knew that there was much more to learn and train for if he wanted to protect his friends and achieve his dream of becoming Hokage.

Meanwhile, Kakashi, recovering in the hospital, reflected on the growth he had witnessed in his young students. He knew that Team 7 had come a long way since their first meeting and that they had the potential to become exceptional shinobi.

Sasuke is a bit nicer and already has his Sharingan unlocked because of Naruto helping him train (Sasuke is Low to Mid Chunin level). Also Hinata is more confident and everyone doesnt mind telling everyone there jutsu and techniques ecause they all know that one day they will be fighting on the same side on the battlefield. Ino and Sakura are still kind of fangirls but they are much stronger than in canon they are both (Mid to High genin level).

AntisocialJaycreators' thoughts