
What if Gohan landed in DC

After the destroyer God Beerus destroyed his home the young saiyan Gohan was thrust into an entire new universe, now a Saiyan God Gohan struggles to accept the permanent loss of his family and loved ones as he tries to fit into his new universe until he becomes a candidate for God of Destruction.

Percival_Black · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

General Assembly

Gohan and Diana laughed as they ate. "Really?" Gohan asked, and she nodded.

"Of course! Barry's expression was very comical," she smiled as she leaned forward.

"Thanks for the dirt; I am definitely going to remind him," Gohan said.

"Dirt?" She asked as he smiled at her.

"Yes, it means I have embarrassing information on him, so now I will be able to tease him," Gohan explained as she nodded.

"If embarrassing tales are what you require, then look no further because I, Diana, have all this 'dirt' you speak of. Did I tell you he ran into a wall before, while goading that he would phase through it just to break his nose on the wall?" She said as Gohan chuckled; the idea of running into a wall sounded painful.

A waiter walked up to them and asked, "Good evening, ma'am, sir. Welcome to Chic Cuisine. I will be your personal waiter; my name is Daniel. Is there anything I can do for you?" He asked politely, well aware of who Diana was.

"Not at the moment, no," Diana said as he gave a small, courteous bow before refilling their empty glasses and leaving silently.

"The service here is amazing," Gohan said as she nodded. They spoke for a while before ordering, but the end of the dinner was quickly approaching.

"The food was delicious," Gohan commented. He ate normally; the last thing he wanted to do was eat like a wild animal.

"Indeed, how about we head back to the Watchtower?" She asked as he nodded, and they got up and left.

"Don't worry about the cost." Diana could tell Gohan reached into his pocket just to realize that he had no money.

"I work as a hero for the Justice League; money is most certainly not an issue," she assured as Gohan just nodded.

"I hate to impose, I promise to properly compensate you when I can," Gohan asserted as she nodded and grinned.

"If that is the case, how about we come back tomorrow again? As long as you promise to compensate me for it with another dinner, I am fine with it," she offered, but Gohan was kind of surprised. Was she interested in him? No, couldn't be, could she?

Noticing her expectant expression, he quickly cleared his throat and answered.

"Sure, I'll take you up on your offer, Diana," he said as she nodded and smiled at him. 'Maybe she's just being nice,' he finished as they exited the restaurant.

They made their way to the invisible jet before taking off and arriving at the Watchtower. "Today was fun," Gohan mused to himself as he wondered what he could possibly do now that he returned until a thought struck him.

"That angel," Diana started as they got off the jet. "He doesn't mean to harm the Earth, does he?" She asked, her expression more serious than before as she looked at Gohan.

"Yes, I can say with absolute certainty that he couldn't care less about Earth," Gohan assured her as she relaxed. "He was only interested in me," he explained.

"I will take you at your word for it," she said as she was about to walk off but stopped and turned around when Gohan spoke.

"Do you mind taking me to the training room?" He asked. "I don't want to wander around the tower," Gohan explained.

"Sure," she agreed.

When they arrived, a few Leaguers were there: Power Girl, Supergirl, Superboy, Nightwing, and Beast Boy. Zatanna was watching from the corner.

Superboy, Nightwing, and Beast Boy stopped mid-charge at the Kryptonian duo and looked at Diana and Gohan enter.

"New guy!" Beast Boy said as Gohan waved at them before making his way over to a mat before sitting down.

Diana looked at him curiously. "You are going to meditate?" She asked, surprised as he nodded.

"I have a lot on my mind; besides, I would like to polish my control over my power," he explained as she nodded.

She watched as he closed his eyes.

"My father taught me a very important lesson when I was younger," Gohan started as he thought back. "And as I grew older, I realized the weakest thing about me was my mind," he explained as she nodded and sat down by a chair and watched him.

"I hope you do not mind, but I would like to observe," she said as he shook his head.

"Sure, go ahead," he replied as he thought back to what Vermont said. 'My control of god ki is okay, but he thought I was extremely weak. If Beerus is as strong as he says he is, then I have a long way to go. I need to learn to truly control this new power.' He thought to himself.

'Otherwise, I will never be able to avenge my family and friends.' He thought as his anger rose before he calmed himself.

'Clear your mind, Gohan. Focus and start at the bottom,' he thought as he began to float a few feet off the ground, emitting a faint, creamy white light.

"Incredible," Zatanna commented as she walked over to Diana. "He wanted to meditate?" She asked, seeking confirmation from Diana, who simply nodded and gestured for her to remain quiet. However, Gohan spoke.

"Don't worry, I won't be distracted by a conversation," he assured them, and they both nodded.

Zatanna and Diana observed him for about ten minutes before engaging in a conversation with each other, while the other group continued their sparring session.

After thirty minutes, Gohan's aura dissipated, and he remained suspended in the air, perfectly still. Zatanna took note of this change.

"I can't sense his power anymore?" She commented as Diana nodded. "Indeed, it's almost as if he disappeared."

But Gohan's hair started changing color from black to gold as a spark of electricity zapped around him, surprising Diana and Zatanna. "Woah, his hair is gold," she commented, her curiosity getting the better of her as she started chanting, and an item appeared before her.

"What's that?" Diana asked as Zatanna grinned. "It's a magical tracking device; it can find the soul of anyone I have met before, but gods don't have souls. What it can do is give me a measure of their strength," she said as the item started glowing red.

"That's odd," she said as Diana looked at the item. "Is it doing anything?" She asked as Zatanna nodded. "Yes, it can detect his power and his soul. But that means he is a mortal being? I wasn't expecting to find a soul," she said as she eyed him curiously.

"How is he a god and a mortal being?" She was honestly perplexed at the revelation, but upon further inspection, she marveled at the power.

"Hold on… wait, his soul is incredibly strong but it feels like it's being suppressed just below the surface. It feels tremendous and hot, like fire but divine," she said as Diana looked at her confused.

"I do not understand, is he a deity or not?" She asked.

"Well, kind of, but it's almost like he can choose to suppress his divine essence," she answered as Power Girl and Supergirl made their way over after hearing the conversation.

"All I am hearing is he isn't a real god," Karen said as she scoffed, and Zatanna shook her head.

"Look, I can't say with certainty, but he is still radiating divine power, I honestly cannot understand why, but it's just suppressed, maybe it's his doing," she said as Gohan spoke.

"You're right, I have to actively tap into that power, but it has merged with me to a certain extent," he said as he continued concentrating. "I am about to release that power, so please be careful; what you have been sensing is nothing more than the tip of it."

"Wait!" Zatanna said as she summoned another item that was glowing. "This will support me; I wouldn't want the locator item to drain me of my life force as it tries to read you," she said as Gohan waited. "I will use this to power the locator."

"I am ready; you can… release it?" She said confused as Gohan sat still for twenty seconds as his hair finally returned to black.

"I thought you were about to 'release' it?" Karen asked almost like she was mocking him.

"I don't want to harm your friend, so I want to do it slowly. Besides, it's not easy just tapping into divine power," Gohan said as Zatanna was quite happy to know he did not want to harm her by accident, just as a warm flame appeared around Gohan, his veins started protruding on his forehead as he clenched his teeth.

'Doing this with a clear mind is much, much harder than when my life is on the line,' Gohan thought as he pushed harder and harder, and finally, his hair started to change to crimson red as the Watchtower started vibrating lightly.

'I am leaking so much power,' he said as he concentrated even harder, but the vibrating only lessened slightly. 'I need a lot of training,' he thought to himself as he immersed himself deeper into the Super Saiyan god, even using mental training to help him as he sparred against the only opponent that could match him - Beerus the Destroyer. At this point, the outside world was nothing to him; he couldn't hear anything but his own breathing as he dove deeper into his divine power.

Zatanna watched as the support item instantly turned to ash, as if it burned to a crisp, before vanishing completely. "Thank god I didn't use myself as a power source."

"His soul is generating energy that would make millions of supernova stars look like nothing… and it keeps burning brighter and brighter," she said as the locator started to crack, which made her immediately stop using it. "That's a first…" She said as the item started to repair itself slowly. "Great, now I need to be careful with this." She said as they all looked at each other.

Gohan was still concentrating, not aware of the outside world. Power Girl just turned and left, leaving Supergirl there.

Beast Boy, Nightwing, and Conner, at this point, took an interest and stopped their sparring match before coming closer.

"He looks busy," Beast Boy said as Zatanna nodded. "Yeah, he is meditating."

"Are you sure he isn't asleep?" Beast Boy grinned as Nightwing smacked him over the head. "Can't you feel the Watchtower vibrating?" Nightwing asked, and Beast Boy stopped and nodded.

"You're right. He was doing that by meditating?" Beast Boy asked as his stomach growled.

"Either way, I am going to make myself a sandwich!" said Beast Boy as he turned and walked away, with Conner and Nightwing following.

"I could go for one as well," Conner agreed as he waved and left with Nightwing, who also said his goodbyes.

Soon, Zatanna left, and then Diana followed after.

Gohan continued his mental training straight through to the next day without even realizing it. His Saiyan blood burned for control of this new power, and he had a goal he needed to achieve.

When Gohan opened his eyes, Diana was in front of him with Batman watching quietly. "I didn't know how we were going to get through to you, but you have an hour left before your next test begins," Batman revealed as Gohan nodded, fully aware.

He had contemplated sleep, but it wasn't really necessary yet because he wasn't all that tired. He stopped floating and stood.

"I just need to wash up," he said as he dropped out of Super Saiyan God, but a wave of exhaustion hit him like a truck. He almost stumbled forward before catching himself. "That was exhausting, but worth it," he said as Diana laughed.

"You truly are a warrior," she commented with a smile as he chuckled. "Anyone would be tired after meditating for a whole day," she added, and Batman approached the young Saiyan.

"You are all set for Earth. You now have a credit card, and you will receive $3,000 monthly from the Watchtower's funds for the next year. After this 12-month period, the Watchtower will no longer provide funding, so you should have established a self-sustaining life by then. Regarding your backstory, you grew up in Tokyo, Japan, as the only child of Son Masayo and Mikoto. You received homeschooling throughout your life and recently moved to Central City to pursue higher education," Batman explained as he handed Gohan his ID, credit cards, and a small black box. "I used this ID to set up your tests."

"Your fake parents are still alive and aware of your existence. They have also relocated to Central City, so I recommend getting to know them. Having living family members is less suspicious than having deceased ones. You will find pictures of them in the box; make sure to memorize their faces," he concluded.

"The closest and cheapest hotel for you is highlighted on your phone," Batman said as he handed a smartphone to Gohan and then walked away and disappeared, leaving Gohan stunned by the fact that Batman had essentially created a life for him out of nothing.

Barry suddenly entered the training room. "I assume Batman set you up on Earth?" he asked when he saw the black box and phone in Gohan's hands. He continued, "Nice. Central City is a beautiful place. I'll show you around. Once you've settled down, you should visit. Iris has been dying to meet you," Barry joked, and Gohan chuckled.

"Will do, thanks Barry." Barry just brushed it off with a smile. "Don't mention it, see ya!" he said as he sped off.

"I like him," Gohan said as Diana spoke.

"He likes you too. Perhaps it is the beginning of a friendship," she said as she turned to leave. "I will be waiting for you in the hangar by the invisible jet," she said as Gohan nodded.

"Alright, thanks for flying me around!" he said as she smiled. "Don't tell me you forgot we still have to get dinner after your test?" She asked as he shook his head.

"No, of course not! Wouldn't miss it for the world," he replied before wanting to facepalm at the flirtatious line, did he not have a filter?

"I will hold you to your word, Son Gohan," she said as she exited the room with a smile and a wave, leaving Gohan alone. He finally let a blush creep onto his face before shaking his head and making his way towards his room to wash up.

'I have to sleep tonight…' He thought as he washed up. 'The mental training actually left me pretty tired.' He mused as he dried himself before changing into a clean pair of clothes and checked himself out in the mirror.

'Right! I need to finish this test so that I can go have dinner with Diana!' He thought as he stopped and then shook his head. 'Relax! It's just lunch; she is just being nice!'

Gohan went to the hangar and saw Diana waiting for him. She had a frown on her face as she stared at her phone. "You alright?" Gohan asked as she looked up at him.

"Ah… yes, just talking to my friend Steve," she answered as she put her phone away. "He told me the United Nations wants a report on the disturbances, and that they are aware of your existence and are asking questions regarding you," she explained as Gohan raised a curious eyebrow.

"You see when that angel arrived and attacked, you released a large quantity of energy that was detected by every organization on earth. They are all curious as to who you are. So, if you do not mind, would you come with me to the United Nations General Assembly after your test? They would like to discern whether or not you are a threat to the Earth," she said, unsure of how Gohan would respond. But he just smiled and nodded.

"Your Earth is far more aware than my own in that regard," Gohan said as they boarded the jet.

"Did your world not care for deep space threats?" She asked as Gohan shook his head.

"No, they cared; we just had one king who just so happened to be an animal," he said, bewildered at the statement, as Gohan chuckled. "My world was very diverse; humans were not the only species to evolve, so we had a lot of anthropomorphic people," he explained, much to her amazement.

"That sounds like quite the spectacle," Diana said as Gohan nodded. "Yep, and we also had very little crime because everyone was looked after very well, so we only ever needed a normal police station to handle crime. Although, from what I heard, that very nearly backfired with the Red Ribbon Army."

Diana nodded, impressed by what she heard. "Red Ribbon Army?" she asked as Gohan nodded, and they took off towards Earth. "Uh, the closest comparison I can make, even if it's wildly inaccurate, is that they are your world's Nazi regime. They both wanted global conquest, but in terms of military strength, the Red Ribbon Army was far ahead with android machines that eventually reached a level of strength that would be stronger than my Super Saiyan strength. At the time, they were unrivaled. This specific android was called Cell, and he nearly destroyed my Earth and killed millions of people," Gohan explained as they arrived.

Diana listened intently as she was honestly really intrigued. "You must have many stories to tell," she said as she looked at him. "I would love to listen to them all. I love tales of valor, bravery, and camaraderie," she said as Gohan nodded. She was the second person to take an interest in his past.

'Videl...' He thought to himself as she flashed through his mind. 'I never got to see where her and I could go, but now that she is gone, I know she would want me to be happy, and I won't be scared… not anymore,' he thought to himself as he looked at Diana.

"If that's the case, I am sure you have plenty of your own stories," Gohan responded, to which she smiled at him.

"Of course! I am Diana of Themyscira! I have not just my own tales to tell but that of my homeland; it is rich with history!" She said proudly.

"I look forward to hearing more of it," he said as the jet landed in an empty alley. Both he and Diana exited the jet and left the alley, surprising two random people standing there.

When they got close to the campus, Diana stopped and waved him off. "Don't go too far; I'll be quick," he said as she just shot him a thumbs up and smiled.

"Same as yesterday, I will be waiting," she said as she watched Gohan enter. As she turned to leave, she came face to face with Bell, who was surprised to see her again.

"Miss Isabella," Diana said as Bell just flustered.

"Wonder Woman! Nice to meet you again," Bell said as Diana smiled.

"Likewise," she said as she walked past her.

Gohan exited thirty minutes later. 'That wasn't hard at all.' He thought as he shrugged. 'Oh well.' He turned and made his way towards Diana's energy.

"Diana," he greeted as she turned to him, but another person he didn't recognize was with her.

"Lord Gohan," she addressed him formally. The man eyed her, then visually inspected Gohan, who stood slightly shorter than him.

"You must be the god Diana was telling me about," he said, extending his hand. Gohan nodded and shook it.

"Yes, I am Son Gohan. And you are?" Gohan asked with a smile.

"I'm Steve Trevor, Diana's UN liaison," he replied. Gohan nodded again.

Quickly getting to the point, Steve revealed, "There was an emergency assembly to discuss the recent tremors and minor earthquakes that have struck the Earth. Usually, this wouldn't happen, but due to the frequency and the energy readings detected, they couldn't ignore it." Trevor clarified, eyeing Gohan before looking at Diana.

"We should get going; they are waiting for us," he said, to which she nodded.

"The core members of the Justice League will be present during the meeting, and their input on the situation will be very useful," Trevor explained as they made their way towards the invisible jet.

At the general assembly, hundreds of men and women were seated as the head spoke. "This emergency meeting, though rushed, is a necessity, so let's stay on the same page. Co-founder of the Justice League, Batman, please proceed," he said, motioning to Batman.

"This being you speak of? Your report states he is a god from an alternate dimension? Engaged in mortal combat with a god of destruction, you say?" The man asked, and Batman nodded.

"That is correct," Batman agreed.

"As far as I can gather, the league seems to know a great deal about this individual. We need to know whether you think he is trustworthy enough to be left unchecked," the man continued.

"Your honor, though he roams freely, Wonder Woman constantly accompanies him, and he remains under 24/7 surveillance. We all recognize the danger of leaving him unchecked. However, we have reached an agreement with him. He will be tracked and escorted at all times while he is here. This understanding is paramount for everyone's safety," Batman answered. Ursala van der Leyan, the President of the European Commission, along with many in the room, nodded in agreement.

"You've made efforts, but even with surveillance, how can we be certain he won't unleash havoc? Surely, the Justice League is well aware that they do not have any authority to grant this being refuge on our world," she concluded, her tone laced with skepticism and concern.

"This is straightforward," Batman stated, "He has explained, if he had any intention to destroy the world, it would already be in ruins, beyond our control." Gasps and anger rippled through the members in response to this grim assertion.

"Is he taking us lightly? Even Superman refrains from making such bold claims!" another member fumed.

Seeking permission with a nod from the assembly's head, Martian Manhunter stepped forward. "In essence, he's not malevolent, but expecting him to heed humanity's opinions is futile. View this from a grander perspective: he's not indigenous to our realm. He's a god, capable of annihilating our world and erasing our universe with ease. We've merely glimpsed his true powers. His presence here was not of his own choosing; as detailed in the report, his world met its end at the hands of a mightier deity. We're not dealing with an ordinary individual; he approaches a celestial entity." Martian Manhunter finished, retreating.

A profound silence gripped the assembly, leaving them uneasy until a voice disrupted the tension. "Wonder Woman of Themyscira, Steve Trevor, and Lord Gohan have arrived and are entering the building!"

The doors opened, and the room fell silent as the trio entered. The head of the assembly cleared his throat and addressed Gohan.

"Lord Gohan, please step forward," he requested.

Gohan complied, a sense of concern in his demeanor, but he remained composed.

"What are your intentions with our planet?" The question was straightforward.

Gohan cleared his throat before responding, "World leaders and viewers worldwide, I am Son Gohan. I come from a place too distant to specify, but I assure you that my intent is not to harm your world or its inhabitants. I wish to stay here; it's a beautiful place."

Another member inquired, "How can we trust someone we know nothing about? You're not allowed to reveal your origins? Is there some grand secret we're not allowed to know?"

Gohan nodded inwardly, realizing the fear he invoked in those much weaker. In different circumstances, he could have been the destroyer, but fortunately, he wasn't Beerus. He could sympathize with their concerns.

"I'm afraid there's little room for negotiation," Gohan began, his tone somber. "Certain knowledge is bound by celestial law, and revealing the intricacies of creation to mortal beings would lead to far greater complications. I've already consented to constant surveillance, with Wonder Woman as my companion," he explained.

Amanda Waller interjected, proposing another approach. "There is, in fact, another way," she stated, her gaze fixed on Gohan and the room's occupants. "Many will find this a more acceptable option, as authorizing your stay on Earth might otherwise be impossible."

Batman listened intently, his eyes narrowing.

Waller continued, "Solitary confinement. We may not fully comprehend celestial laws, but we can gather valuable information about you and develop safeguards should you pose a threat to us. Extensive testing will be necessary, but this can only proceed with your consent. The information will be shared with all allied nations." Her proposal surprised many in the room.

Diana disagreed vehemently. "So you wish to turn a god into a guinea pig?" Her disapproval was evident as she stepped forward.

Waller responded sternly, "Hold your tongue, Diana of Themyscira. This is not a conversation you can casually enter without approval from the head of the assembly or those with the authority to grant you a voice." Batman silenced her with a subtle shake of his head.

Waller turned to Gohan, addressing his choice. "If you're thinking of using your lasso, it won't work either; this being is a god and could effortlessly lie through it. Now, Lord Gohan, what is your choice?"

Gohan closed his eyes, reflecting on the situation. 'I could agree, but I might end up in a Cell situation again,' he thought to himself, sensing the malicious energy from Waller.

"I would agree to this," Gohan began, "however, back in my home, a scientist did exactly what you're suggesting. He created a bio-android, with my father as the primary subject, without his knowledge or consent, of course. Would you like to know the result?" Gohan wanted them to fully understand the implications.

"I'll accept your conditions, but understand the risk of granting such power to an unstable being. Even a sane person would eventually question why they follow orders from ordinary individuals. Beings born with power don't suffer this affliction, as you can see with Superman, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Power Girl—they were all born with it and protect Earth to this day."

Gohan continued his explanation, "As for the bio-android I mentioned, he killed his creator and absorbed his siblings for more power, aiming for perfection. He became known as Perfect Cell and massacred millions before being stopped."

"If you accept the consequences, then yes, I'll become your lab rat," Gohan said, his eyes taking on a cold, unyielding look as he stared at Amanda. "But I made it clear to Batman that I won't join the Justice League in the foreseeable future, if ever. If your creation turns against me or you, I won't harm innocent people, but I won't intervene either," he concluded, casting a shadow of silence over the room.

Amanda asserted, "That will be our choice to make." She surveyed the room's members and called for a vote. "Those in favor of the movement, raise your hand." More than half of the room complied, and Amanda smiled.

"You don't mind if we take precautions, do you?" She asked. Gohan sighed and nodded as officers approached him, placing a box over his hands, effectively cuffing him.

This sparked anger in a few league members who watched the sight but before they could continue a voice reverberated through the hall. "This will not do; such disrespect towards the future God of Destruction will not be tolerated." The cuffs binding Gohan broke and fell to the ground.

In a mystifying display, Vermont materialized in the hall, suspended in the air. Gohan, taken aback, uttered, "Vermont?" 

The godly figure shook his head with a profound sense of disappointment. "I have observed countless worlds across multiverses, but this world displays audacity beyond measure," he declared. "I have come for you, my lord, I received approval from my father, the Grand Minister of the Omniverse."

Amanda dared to speak, "How dare you enter these hallowed halls without notice!" Her defiance was met with Vermont's unwavering gaze. "Mortal woman, restrain your tongue when gods converse; this is not a conversation you can casually interject."

"If my lord is not allowed to remain, I have no recourse but to remove him from your world. Even if he harbors no intention of harm, you dare demand that he bend to such disrespect. Your world overestimates its importance; not even the Grand Supreme Kai the Lord of Lords would deny him access to the Sacred World of the Kais, yet here you are…" Vermont admonished, landing with a resounding thud. "Ordinarily, mortals would erect statues in reverence when a deity chooses their world to dwell in, yet you have spat in his face," he continued, shaking his head.

"The God of Creation would be most displeased with your attitude toward the future celestial arbiter of cosmic equilibrium. You have greatly disappointed the Lord of Lords. However, as lord Gohan has grown fond of this Earth, the Lord of Lords will let this affront pass." Vermont approached Gohan, who regarded him with a hint of surprise.

"It is time; it comes earlier than expected. I shall escort you to your designated planet." Vermont smiled and gestured. "Mortals, try to shed your apprehensions, for the Kais may judge your world as unnecessary." With a blinding, intense white light, both he and Gohan vanished from the room.

A deafening silence settled among the assembled, and worldwide panic erupted. Had they sealed their own doom? Would they simply vanish? No, surely not, hopefully.

Diana, seething with anger, demanded, "Do you comprehend the gravity of your actions?" She addressed as Dr. Fate materialized in response. "Indeed, that was certainly foolish."

"We must rectify this," Batman began, his jaw clenched. 'I had my suspicions about Amanda, but to propose turning him into a test subject? What was she thinking?'

"We need to find a way to reestablish contact with them. Fate, can you facilitate it?" Batman inquired. Fate shook his head.

"As I explained before, Lord Vermont is an Angel; he would not heed my call. Forget Mobius; he is an integral part of the Council of Gods, having a seat at the table where the King of Gods resides," Fate explained. Silence enveloped them.

"We are concluded here," Batman declared, turning to the senate. "Pardon our departure; we require a strategy." The Justice League exited.

Suddenly, the broadcast abruptly ceased, replaced by a message: "We will return shortly."

Amanda clenched her teeth in frustration. "We may well be facing our demise," she murmured. The assembly head leaned forward, casting a glance at Amanda, then sighed. "Our agenda has shifted; we must now explore potential solutions," he declared.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Side Note: Thank you for reading my story. Please look forward to the next chapter! As always, if you come across errors, do not hesitate to let me know!

Percival_Blackcreators' thoughts