
What I would wish for if I was to be given wishes from god


Cat_Tip · Autres
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What I would wish for if I was reborn

Absolute Strength: Limitless strength that allows the user to perform unbelievable and impossible feats such as lifting virtually anything (like objects with infinite mass for example) with ease, distorting the fabric of reality with one's bare hands alone, shattering the boundaries of time and space on a large scale with their raw physical force or going toe to toe and being able to harm cosmic entities, abstract and transcendental forces, and even supreme beings.

Absolute Speed: Users have absolute speed which transcends both levels of speed infinitely and absolutely, this is what makes it absolute. Users are beyond to the concepts of speed and the dimensions of time and space themselves.

Absolute Regeneration: Users possess a regenerative healing factor at an absolute and limitless level.

Users can instantly regenerate even if their body and soul are completely destroyed.Complete destruction results in complete restoration.

Physical, mental, spiritual, temporal, and conceptual states will restore to full without fail.Cannot be nullified/erased/removed in any way.

Absolute Invulnerability: User cannot be injured by any form of physical damage.

Unbreakable Bones: The user possesses a skeletal system that is completely indestructible and provides defense/protection to their inner organs and brain.

[Thats it for now gimme recommendations.]