
What? I Was Reborn As A Dragon At The Time Of Spiritual Awakening!

Di Tian was a guy with a little sadder than normal life, of course that was only until he was struck by lightning and died in a rainy day. Even though his life was supposed to have ended right then and there, the fate had something else stored for him. He was reborn in another world that too as Dragon Egg. Just when he was thinking that he will be able to live with a peace of mind and sleep without a single care in the world, he was mercilessly brought back to reality. The world he was reborn into wasn't like his old world, even though both share some similarities, they are two different worlds. The most troublesome difference being the fact that this world was about to awaken its sentience, in another world the spiritual energy of the Heaven and Earth was about to be awakened. And of course, that wasn't Di Tian's only concern. Di Tian first had to worry about safely hatching, after which he had to become strong in this new world so that his life won't be at somebody else's mercy. He also had to find out how did the egg of a dragon which could be considered as a creature of myths appeared in this world, in this journey of getting strong and finding his origin he will have many fateful encounters as well, but the question is... Will his journey end after finding out where he came from, will his path end after he finds about his origin? Let's find out what happens. --- The world setting although similar to the real world, still has a quite a few changes, so plz don't use your extraordinary yet ordinary brains and tell me geography, I'm already having at it anyways. And this is Xianxia novel, wow I don't need to waste hours thinking about all those flashy, magic with no logic abilities, seriously I'm still regretting writing my first novel on magic with no logic, I'm already out of ideas. I'm a human so I will definitely make mistakes, so if you find any spelling mistakes or anything you are free to point it out, don't worry you won't lose your valuable money for doing this. Lastly any update regarding upload dates or anything will be known on the discord server including the reference images, and if you have any suggestions then feel free to talk about them on the [#suggestions] like previously you won't lose money to perform this action either. discord: https://discord.gg/kw7JDBuwa8

Dark_Sovereign_28 · Urbain
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38 Chs

Chapter 35: Vengeance Awaits: Bái Suzhen's Warning Hiss

'For now, I should just vary of them there is no need to be overly cautious, not to mention humans don't come here because of the difficult therian' Di Tian thought inwardly.

As he pondered, something playfully bumped into his face, which could be more aptly described as a nudge. Bai Suzhen had nudged him, her actions conveying a lot despite not being human. Living together had fostered a strong bond, augmented by Di Tian's innate dragon lineage, enabling him to understand her like another human. He grasped her emotions, expressions, and even gleaned her thoughts through her signs. This time, Bai Suzhen's pout was unmistakable, though she didn't express it like a human. Nevertheless, he instinctively sensed her mood, akin to how a child inherently understands a smile without being taught.

Bai Suzhen's tail rose, pointing toward the entrance of the cave. Di Tian understood her signal – she wanted to go for a stroll. It was a routine they had developed over the past few days. Bai Suzhen enjoyed these outings, whether it was a leisurely walk, a hunting trip, or simply venturing outside the cave.

"Sure thing. Let's head out for a bit," Di Tian's serpentine body shifted as he spoke.


Bai Suzhen responded with a joyful hiss, her excitement evident.

"Come on, Su'er," Di Tian lowered his claw, and Bai Suzhen slithered onto it, making her way to his majestic mane. This spot had become her favorite, the little thing even slept there often. A smile graced Di Tian's face as he recalled the past days.


Slicing through the air, Di Tian's sinuous form soared across the sky. This time, he had ascended over a hundred meters high. In recent days, his flying skills had improved significantly, allowing him to effortlessly navigate the skies. Di Tian even felt a surge of excitement, a desire to break free from the confines of the HEAVENLY PIT and soar into the open sky. However, a sobering thought halted his impulsive urge – human surveillance of the skies was rigorous. The last thing he needed was to appear on the radar of some military base and face dire consequences.

Still, even as he maintained a height of a hundred meters, he couldn't help but marvel at the HEAVENLY PIT's grandeur. It stood as a testament to the unbelievable, a magical realm akin to the secret worlds he had read in novels. Here, life thrived with creatures, a stable ecosystem, basking under the light of the sun and the moon. The mere fact that this wondrous place had formed naturally left Di Tian in awe.

Yet, as he hovered at this height, a whole new world unfolded before him. Birds of various kinds glided past, their melodies painting the air with a symphony of life. Among them, a group of vultures caught his attention. Over thirty strong, they circled above, their keen eyes scanning the ground for prey. But the moment they noticed Di Tian, their movements shifted. They scattered, a chaotic dance of wings and panic. It wasn't fearlessness that spurred the vultures, but an instinctive survival response to a creature beyond their understanding.

Di Tian's form, once towering at five meters, now stretched an astounding fifteen meters. His sheer size, akin to that of a behemoth, cast a shadow of intimidation across the landscape. A single glance from him was enough to send even the most fearless animals fleeing for safety.

The magnitude of his presence was undeniable, capable of instilling fear in almost every creature that crossed his path. And as he observed the world from his vantage point, Di Tian's thoughts swirled in wonderment. The HEAVENLY PIT was a haven of magic and marvels, an enchanting world that had manifested naturally.

With the wind as his companion and the sky as his canvas, Di Tian continued his flight, an integral part of this incredible realm.

As they flew, Di Tian and Bai Suzhen passed by familiar places he had visited before – the cave from his early days as a walking egg, the persimmon forests, and more.

Suddenly, a sharp hiss from Bai Suzhen on his mane caught Di Tian's attention. Normally, he might not have paid much mind to her hissing, but this time, her tone carried negative emotions that made him pause in mid-flight.

"What's wrong, Su'er?" Gently removing Bai Suzhen from his mane, Di Tian looked at her with concern. Her entire focus seemed to be on something below, her eyes reflecting a mix of coldness and hatred.

Following her gaze, Di Tian realized they were above the lake where he had battled the lion pack before. A trio of Komodo dragons were leisurely drinking from the lake. Other creatures seemed to keep their distance, avoiding these reptiles.

Komodo dragons carried harmful pathogens in their bodies that could lead to infections in other animals. With their toxic nature, they lacked natural predators. Even in the wild, other creatures mostly steered clear of them, as there were very few instances of animals willingly confronting a Komodo dragon.

"S-Su'er!" After repeatedly calling her name, Bai Suzhen finally snapped out of her trance-like state, returning to her normal self. Seeing her back to normal, Di Tian couldn't help but release a relieved sigh.

"What's wrong, Su'er?" Di Tian's voice was a blend of concern and seriousness as he inquired about her well-being.

After a few moments, Di Tian quickly realized the reason behind Bai Suzhen's anger.

It appeared that this trio of Komodo dragons had ambushed Bai Suzhen near the persimmon forest, nearly taking her life in the process.

"If that's the case, I'll make sure they pay," Di Tian's own anger flared as he learned about the harm inflicted upon Bai Suzhen.


As he prepared to launch an attack on the trio of Komodo dragons, Bai Suzhen intervened, stopping him in his tracks.

"You want to deal with them personally?" he inquired, and Bai Suzhen nodded in agreement.

"Alright, then we'll do it your way," Di Tian declared, lowering their altitude as they both prepared to confront the troublesome trio.

When his body was about a dozen meters above the ground, the trio of Komodo dragons also spotted him. Seeing the colossal beast flying their way, fear gripped the Komodo dragons, and without a moment's hesitation, they sprinted in one direction to escape.

"It won't be so simple for you three to get away," a surge of intense heat began to gather within Di Tian's mouth.


In the next instant, he expelled a thick pillar of energy toward the path the Komodo dragons were fleeing.

Within mere seconds, a wall of flames blocked their path. Realizing they couldn't pass through the flames, the Komodo dragons hastily changed direction.

Di Tian expelled another pillar of energy, repeating this process two more times. He skillfully encircled the Komodo dragons with a ring of flames, creating a zone of scorching heat with a diameter of tens of meters.

Trapped within this fiery prison, the trio of Komodo dragons found themselves without escape. With every route cut off and a massive creature hovering above them, they were overwhelmed with terror. Yet, amid their panic, they failed to notice the 1.5-meter-long white snake calmly seated upon the behemoth's mane.


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