
What I'm the demon Kings mate

Furaga_Angeyango · Livres et littérature
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4 Chs


Elijah stood frozen, trying to comprehend the voice that echoed in his mind. The voice of the Demon King. He looked around, taking in his surroundings. He was standing in the midst of a lush forest, the trees towering above him, their leaves rustling in the wind.

As he tried to gather his thoughts, memories flooded back to him. Memories that were not his own. He remembered being Elijah, but he also remembered being someone else. Someone powerful, ancient, and filled with a dark, insatiable hunger.

The Demon King.

Elijah realized that he was no longer just a character in a book. He was the Demon King's mate, a being of immense power and darkness. And the Demon King was now awake, his presence looming over Elijah like a shadow.

He knew that he had to find a way out of this nightmare, but he also knew that it wouldn't be easy. The Demon King was bound to him, their fates intertwined in ways that Elijah couldn't begin to understand.

As he ventured deeper into the forest, Elijah was filled with a sense of dread. He knew that his life would never be the same again.

Chapter 3: The Demon King's Realm

After hours of walking, Elijah emerged from the forest into a vast, desolate landscape. He was standing on the edge of a cliff, overlooking a dark, foreboding castle that stretched as far as the eye could see.

This was the Demon King's realm, a place of darkness and despair. Elijah could feel the power emanating from the castle, a power that was both terrifying and exhilarating.

As he made his way towards the castle, Elijah was filled with a sense of unease. He knew that the Demon King was waiting for him, that their meeting would be a pivotal moment in both of their lives.

When he finally reached the castle gates, they swung open with a deafening creak, revealing a dark, cavernous interior. Elijah stepped inside, his heart pounding in his chest.

He was greeted by a figure cloaked in shadows, sitting on a throne of obsidian. The Demon King.

"Welcome, my mate," the Demon King said, his voice echoing through the chamber. "You have finally come to me, as it was foretold."

Elijah felt a chill run down his spine. He knew that his life would never be the same again.