
what happened?

Natasha Lee was known to be the "Queen of Hearts" by her school because of her lovely look. She received countless love letters, chocolates, flowers, and even a bouquet of flowers on her school desk or her school locker or from someone who had the guts to give it directly. But she didn't reciprocate because she wanted to think of her studies and her future first and foremost and besides she didn't want to get tangled with the word called love. On a peaceful afternoon, after school, she went to the nearest McDonald's around her school to meet with her best friend, Cassie Sanders. But she didn't expect to encounter a senior from her school, Lawrence Price, who was forcing her to hang out with him. She was ready to fight back with a technique that her mother taught, but Baker Cinnamon stepped in, introducing himself as her boyfriend!? Gold Tier Winner of Writing Formula Practice (WFP) #9 - Female Lead - Bad Boy Love Interest Discord: daydreamtowrite#2736 Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/daydreamtowrite

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51 Chs

017 | hang out plan

Natasha told Cassie about the story of how she and Liam became friends.

"I call that destiny, Nat!" Cassie couldn't believe that Natasha would make a friend in the arcade instead of school.

Natasha giggled. "You think so? Maybe?"

"I expected you would make a friend in school, but in the park? It's rare to make friends in those places because people tend to ignore who's a stranger, you know?" Cassie made a point.

"Yeah, you're right," she agreed. "It's an odd place to make a friend indeed."

"It's a relief you made a friend, Nat," Cassie wouldn't worry that much for Natasha unlike before.

"Your words worked like magic, Cass," she smiled as she recalled that Cassie believed that she would have a friend.

Cassie laughed. "It's because I'm your great best friend after all."

She grinned. "Right."

"I want to know your friend and I'm certain you want to know my friends too, Nat," Cassie hoped that she would get to meet Liam and Natasha would get to meet Samantha and Yvonne.

She would like that to happen. "It's kind of busy at school, so it's hard to have an open chance, but I want that to happen."

Cassie hummed. "But how do we make it true? I think let's ask them first."

"Yeah," she agreed. "That's the first step."

"Do you have a lot of school assignments to do for tomorrow, Nat?" Cassie asked.

"No, not at all. I can manage to finish them today," she answered.

"I heard that right, so don't retract that statement!" Cassie urged.

She assumed that Cassie wanted to hang out with her, so she asked. "You want to hang out with me tomorrow, right?"

"Right," Cassie confirmed. "But I'll hang out with you in the afternoon because I promised to hang out with my friends in the morning."

"Is that so? I understand," she replied. "So where we should hang out?"

"I'd like to go to your house, is that all right?" Cassie didn't want to go somewhere else since she would hang out with Samantha and Yvonne outside.

"It's fine," she didn't mind. "I'll inform Mum and Pops about it."

"Great!" Cassie was excited.

"Let's see each other tomorrow afternoon!" she would definitely finish her school assignments, so she wouldn't bother to do it tomorrow. "I'll end this call since I still have assignments to do."

"Good luck, Nat," Cassie wished Natasha would do well.

Cassie let herself fell on her bed after the call. She recalled what Baker told, so she covered her eyes with her left arm.

"I didn't manage to ask Nat about it," she mumbled.

She didn't want to doubt Natasha, so she thought it would be best if she would just forget about it. "No. Mister Cinnamon might be messing around with his lies. I shouldn't fall for it."

It was confusing for her since Natasha looked like she didn't know who Baker was and Baker seemed to know who Natasha was. She decided to abandon the thought as she would just get herself a headache for thinking such without a reasonable answer.


Natasha did as she was told. She descended the stairs as the clock hit at dinner time. She managed to finish her school assignments on time. She would review them later if she found mistakes.

She sniffed a delicious aroma that was appetizing enough. She saw that Bryan prepared beef and mushrooms with mashed potatoes as their dinner. She sat down on the chair immediately.

She wanted to tell them about Cassie before she would dig in. "Mum? Pops?"

"What is it, Dear?" Diana asked.

"I agreed to hang out with Cass, but we're hanging out here, in our house, tomorrow," she answered. "Is that all right?" she asked.

"Of course, Dear!" Bryan answered.

"Yeah, it's all right, Dear," Diana nodded. "Is she going to come in the morning?" Diana asked.

"No," she shook her head. "Cass will come in the afternoon."

"Is that so? I won't be around that time," Diana informed.

"Won't be around? What do you mean, Mum?" she had no idea where would Diana be around that time, so she asked.

"I'm attending a high school class reunion and that will take until evening," Diana answered.

"Oh, I see," she nodded. "Take care and enjoy, Mum."

Diana smiled. "Thank you, Dear."

She would alone around the afternoon to the evening since Bryan would surely take overtime hours to his work while Diana would attend to a high school class reunion that would take until evening.

She took a bite of the food that Bryan prepared. "You wouldn't fail to make me smile with your cooked foods, Pops!"

Bryan smiled with the compliment of Natasha though he heard that compliment countless times from her and Diana. "Of course, I want to make you and Honey smile!"

do me a favor. add this to your library or vote it with your power stone or comment something to inform me you're alive somehow or leave constructive criticism at least, so i can be alive of writing one chapter (or two, if possible).

beta'd by grammarly

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