
What happened to sam

samuel_yo · Urbain
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Mama, I'm going to campus first!" Samantha shouted a little after getting up from her seat. At this time, Samantha was going to campus and she had already come out of the dining room. Suddenly the figure of a beautiful woman was standing in front of Samantha. "Oh my God, Mama!" Samantha was shocked.When he saw that Hana, his biological mother, was already in front of him, "Today, Jamal will accompany you," said Hana, looking closely at her only child. "Why does it have to be with Jamal?" Sam asked confusedly. "You have to save, Sam," answered Hana in a weary voice. "save?" what does that mean?" Sam really didn't understand what his mother was talking about. Hana sighed and said, "Our company is on the verge of bankruptcy," explained Hana.Hearing that in a hoarse voice made Sam silent for a moment. because his mother doesn't usually discuss company matters with him. However, recently father and mother have been busy taking care of the company. "I'm going to campus"! Sam just looked away. but he didn't forget to say goodbye to his mother. Hana, as Sam's biological mother, could only sigh and stare flatly at the departure of her only child. Hana started to move from where she had been and walked off to who knows where. Sam was already in front of his house and saw the figure of a man standing next to the car door with the door open. Sam immediately approached the figure. "good morning Miss." who is that man? "morning Mr Jamal." replied Sam Jamal is the driver of the Nasution family, he has worked for this family for quite a long time. Sam is also very close to Jamal. In fact, he often invited Jamal to lie when he was dating his girlfriend - Sandi. Sam immediately got into the car and was immediately taken to campus by Jamal. in the car Sam was constantly silent. He thought again about his mother's conversation. "What about the family company," muttered Sam. Jamal, who heard the muttering of his employer's son, turned slightly from the rearview mirror in the car. Jamal's face was sad because he definitely knew something about his employer's company.Sam briefly glanced at Jamal and wanted to ask about the company's problems, but he didn't ask because Jamal definitely wouldn't tell him about the problem. Finally Sam could only remain silent. about a few minutes. Sam arrived in front of the Indonesian university campus. Sam immediately entered campus with a flat face and lots of thoughts in his brain. "Sam!" called someone who ran over to Sam. but unfortunately Sam just kept walking and didn't respond to the person. until finally, someone tapped Sam on the shoulder. Sam, who was shocked, immediately stopped in his tracks and looked at the person. "Oh my God Sarah." "What's wrong with you? I've been calling you and you haven't answered." Sarah grumbled. Sarah is his best friend. Sam has been friends for a long time, they have been friends for many years. Sarah and Sam are also like sisters, they already know each other's personal lives. "Sorry Sar!" OK, let's go in, the killer lecturer's lesson will be in a while," said Sarah. Finally Sam and Sarah entered the campus and headed for their classroom. They are also in the same class at the moment, it's really like they were destined to be friends. A few hours later. Finally, the break bell rang. Sarah and Sam headed to the canteen to fill their stomachs which had been ringing for a long time. Arriving at the canteen Sarah and Sam immediately sat in their usual chairs. They often sat in their usual chairs. They often sat when they came home or took a break. "What order?" Sarah asked. Sam "Just spaghetti" Sam answered with a straight face and Sarah just nodded her head and rushed to order the lunch menu. 30 minutes later they both finished eating and were still sitting in the canteen. "Is there a problem with the password?" asked Sarah, continuously curious about his silence. Her best friend, because Sarah knew that Sam was a noisy child and often babbled incoherently. "There's no problem whatsoever, our relationship has always been fine," Sam answered. "So what?" Sarah became increasingly curious. Finally Sam tried to explain to his friend why he had been quiet since this morning. Sarah was still listening to what Sam was explaining. "Then why don't you just accept one of the entertainment offers?" Sarah started discussing something "huh who called at that time?". Sam asked. "Yes, at that time you contacted me via Instagram. Moreover, you have received many endorsement services." Sarah answered. Apart from being the son of a businessman and conglomerate, Sam is currently on the verge of bankruptcy. He is also a celebrity on Instagram and various other mediabut Sam is still just an individual Instagram celebrity. doesn't have management like other celebrities. Sarah also currently often handles Sam's endorsement issues. because Sam is actually the type of girl who is lazy about demonstrating or taking photos with things. "Can you help my family by becoming a celebrity?" "Of course you can, have you forgotten that you ever bought your own iPhone from an endorsement?" Sarah started provoking her best friend to start becoming a celebrity like other people in general. but it was difficult to persuade Sam, apart from Sam being a spoiled child, he was also a stubborn child. *** 7pm the Nasution family had just finished dinner. Sam, who was still curious about the problems of his family's company, really wanted to ask all that right now. However, when he saw his parents were busy with their respective cellphones. Sam gave up his thoughts and wanted to get up from his seat. Suddenly Bi Inem came into the dining room while bowing her body "excuse me, there are guests waiting in the living room." Bi Inem said politely. Bi Inem is a household assistant in the Nasution family, she is the same as Jamal who has worked in this house for quite a long time. "Okay, just tell him to wait and make drinks and snacks for him," said Haris as Sam's biological father. "Okay" Bi Inem immediately withdrew from the dining room to prepare drinks and snacks. Haris, Hana and Sam were already in the living room. For some reason, Sam had to come with them, but Sam could only obey. Sam was still confused about why the guests were immediately taken to the living room, because usually it was mom and dad's guests. always waiting in the living room. However, Sam was too lazy to think about that. Until he arrived in the family room, Sam froze in the doorway because he saw a familiar figure. The figure of the man who had been sitting in the chair immediately got up from his seat and bowed politely. then he said "good evening Mr and Mrs Nasution" greeted the man accounts.