
Chapter 23

--- A/N ---

hello guys, its been a while!

How are you all doing guys?

The major Time skip will be next chap hehehe. I will just insert this as an apology for nerfing my MC in my previous chapter hehehe. I also did this to increase my pace of developing my MC.

If you found any mistakes in this chapter, you can place a comment to it and I will change it. Thanks for everyone's cooperation.

Have a nice day guys!


I said "Jarvis, bring the clones to the Operation room. I will kill them there and absorb their bloodline limits. After I killed them, Transfer their Chakra to me."

I walked to the operation room and solemnly said "If some unknown variable interfere, do the protocol."

I am really afraid something might happen in this merging session. I know that even if I am sure of this to succeed, there are still unknown variables that may interfere and may brought disaster to this session.

<Understood, Professor!>

I moved to the Operation room and saw three metallic bed in the center. I set the equipments while waiting for the clones to be taken out. I am recalibrating the robotic arm on top of the beds when the door opened up. I saw two big capsule robots with the two samples inside them.

I said to them "Set the two capsules in front of this two beds before opening it. After that, Place their body carefully on the bed so I can kill them without making my workplace dirty."

The two robots nodded and placed Hashirama and Izuna' capsules carefully on the bed. The capsules opened up and showed the two bodies in full glory. They were placed on the metallic bed and strapped so that if ever they woke up, they will not cause any problems.

I took my katana before beheading the two body. I called my Hatsu and said "Take Their bloodline limits for me and merge them with mine."

My hatsu nodded before placing his two hands on Hashirama's Chest and Izuna's head. Hashirama's body started to dry up as his blood was taken to his body. Izuna's body is still the same but his eye sockets started to sag down.

Different robotic arms came out of their bed and latched to their chest before sucking their chakra. Hashirama's muscle dry body and Izuna's body turned into bone dry corpse. Their corpse were incinerated next, after every drops of chakra were taken from them, until ashes were left.

I nodded as this process is going smoothly and without any problem. I let my Hatsu and Jarvis do the rest as I laid down on the metallic bed and strapped myself. I really hope, no problem accur in this because no do over can happen here. I may die or crippled depends on the process.

My Hatsu came closer to me while he is grinning eye to eye to me. I closed my eyes as I brace myself from the pain of the merging session.

My Hatsu was holding a cluster of floating blood on his right hand while two red eyes were floatingon his left hand. He merged the eyes on my eyes while the floating blood on my chest. Jarvis, as I instructed, borrowed Tubes on my hand's and feet's fingers, shoulders, legs and torso to directly connect the tubes to the chakra nodes.

I started convulsing as my eyes and blood burn up in pain. I can feel pain as every cells of mine were being rewritten over and over again. My small Chakra Pathway was being destroyed slowly and was replaced by a new big one. My tan and rough skin started to peel off again and again until it become pale and silky. My buff muscles contracts millimeters by millimeters and become more compact and lean as time pass by. My bones started to expand and compact which made me taller that before but gained weight due to my bone and muscles increase in density. My short straight hair aslo started to become spiky and longer and deepens its brown color.

I opened my eyes as it is starting to itch in pain. I felt it burning and melting in heat and would burst out if I closed my eyelids. I gritted my teeth as I endured the pain coming from the cells and my eyes.

My pupils started flashing between emerald and red in color. After a while, The change in color started to get longer and made my eyes feel like it is going to pop up like a balloon. I shouted in pain as my eyes started to transform. My pupils starting to become red in color with one Tomoe inside of it. That Tomoe was slowly circling inside my pupils and gaining its speed before it started to multiply. When the Tomoe reached three in number, it stopped but the speed they were circling is still fast that they look like a line circling my pupils. After several rounds of circling, The Tomoe merged together in my pupil and turned into a circle line with three black pillars like line on it.

Jarvis was looking out for me as I am thrash in pain. He saw that my transformation is almost done so, And as instructed, injected the chakra absorbed from Hashirama and Izuna with the help of the small tubes borrowed on my chakra nodes. My chakra level started to spike up and take different shades in colors.

My trashing became more intense as my chakra started to solidify into a big light brown samurai that have a big similarities to a Tengu. It have a full body samurai armor with a paper like wings on his back. It is holding a sharp plasma katana that can cut through anything. This is a Susanoo that is given to any Mangekyo Sharingan user.

(A/N: I Assumed Izuna have a Susanoo since even Kakashi from the game have one.)

Jarvis still continued supplying chakra on my body as I trashed around the bed. I am thankful that I created every pat of my Laboratory from a sturdy super alloy that can withstand any type of attacks except space time type of attacks.

My trashing intensifies and started to shake the whole village and created an earthquake with my laboratory as the center. The earthquake woke up everyone and alerted every powerhouse in this village. Every Normal beast and Chakra beast bolted out of Konoha in fear, some even brought their masters to safety with them.

Every ninjas in the village were shaken up in fear as a Chakra level, on the same level of a Bijuu, was felt by everyone even if they are not a sensor. I howled to the top of my lungs and was heard by everyone in Konoha. Every Ninjas started to evacuate everyone outside the village to prevent the enemy from killing them.


I am happily sleeping after the stressful day today. I really hate that brute, if not for her, my life would be smooth today. I will make her regret this day, I swear!

I am in the middle of my sleep when I woke up after feeling a thick and violent chakra in the air. It started to make me uncomfortable but when I felt the chakra signature, I let it be and continued my sleep.

I am happily dreaming of defeating that brute when someone burst open my door. I looked at it and saw my boss's mother. She said "Wake up sleepy head! This village is under attack and must evacuate!"

I sleepily said "Can we go after 5 minutes or maybe an hour? My manly rest will be interrupted at this rate."



Boss's Mother Punched my head which woke me up. She dragged me without saying anything as I cried. What is wrong with taking a sleep if you were battered from a fight huh?


I woke up with the sudden rise of an unknown chakra signature. I bolted out of my bedroom and Instructed every Ninjas to evacuate the citizens to safety. I explored every open and narrow places to see the cause of this phenomenon but can't pinpoint its direction as its chakra was all over the place. I tried sensing it again but i am sensing it all over the place. I murmured "*SIGH~* What is happening now? This is really a stressful day for me."


I am starting to gain every powerhouses attention and I am thankful that I am always using my Chakra changer to change my Chakra signature and become unknown to other except for those Kong. I know Kong and I have a shared Chakra signature thanks to the Slave seal I gave him. He can easily pinpoint it is me and i hope that he will not snitch on me.

My chakra started to suffocate every civilians and created a distress in the village so Jarvis immediately used every Barriers I installed in the lab to stop leaking my chakra. The barriers, Thankfully, stopped leaking my Chakra, the noices and the earthquake brought by my trashing. I started to calm down but along it is my body's heartbeat slowing down and my cells started to breakdown.

My consciousness was starting to drift in darkness as I am loosing my organs functions. I felt Jarvis immediately tried reviving me and placing different healing tools to help me. He started injecting different chakras and the different healing seals I created but they are futile. I started to struggle to wake up and started thinking of different solution but my body started to deteriorate. I am starting to panic when I completely blacked out as my consciousness succumbed to darkness.

Suddenly, A golden Circle glowed on my chest and helped completing the process of the merging. It absorbed different energies in the air and the energies given by jarvis to complete the process. Jarvis didn't know what is happening but he still injected different chakras on my body I collected all this year together with the chakra of the tailed beast. He observed the whole process and recorded them for further references in the future.


I woke up and saw myself staring at a metallic ceiling. I started recalling everything happened in myself. I sighed after remembering of me almost dying due to my reckless idea. I really should complete that formula before merging with different bloodline limits. I will die if I continue being reckless in my decisions. I said to Jarvis "Jarvis, what happened to me?"

<Professor, Thank goodness you are alive! You lost your breath a week ago sir! I tried reviving you with all I have but a golden circle on your chest kept repelling me. I observed it and saw that it is healing you completely. Are you feeling okay now Professor?>

Wait, a week ago? My cells must have started to break down due to the sudden rewrite of it but to die a week ago then was revived today? That is really strange. I hope Jarvis recorded the whole process for me to analyze.

I looked at my chest and saw a big hallow Golden circle in my chest. I touched it and felt just my skin, nothing indented or special. The golden circle glowed intensely and covered my whole vision before flashing out. I tried touching where it is supposed to be but the golden circle is no where to found.

I remember that this Golden circle was placed to me by that devil. I don't know what this is for but I am thankful that it saved me. I will find what this is and experiment it later on to see what this can give to me.

I get up the bed and felt my body is still aching in pain. I rested in the bed and felt my pain getting better and better as time pass by. I moved to the mirror and saw my body changing drastically. I am reaching 5 feet now with a lean yet compact muscles. My hair also turned longer and spiky while my skin turned fair.

My Chakra pool is off the chart as It is Three times the level of Tsunade's and reaching on the Bijuu's level. I clenched my fist and felt an undescribable increase in strength. I felt like i can destroy hills and small mountains with just my pure strength. My life force is also off the chart and feels it fixing and healing every hidden injuries in my body.

I looked at my eyes and still see it as emerald. My eye color didn't changed that much but I felt it changes so much. I supplied chakra to it and saw it changing to red with three Tomoe. I am seeing the world to slow and can zoom in until microscopic level and zoom out.

I supplied more to my eyes and it changed into Izuna's Mangekyo Sharingan. I saw the Tomoe merged with my pupil and turned into a circle line with three pillar like lines outside of it.

I started focusing in my right eye and felt that I can use Tsukuyomi with it. I can place anyone into Genjutsu as long as they had an eye contact with me. I placed my focus on my left eye and a black flame came out of it.

The black flame started to devour the mirror on my sight before turning into ashes. The black flame is the famed Amaterasu from the Mangekyo Sharingans. This can devour anything until ashes was left.

I lastly check my chakra to see the difference and saw a huge transformation. A foreign type of energy was absorbed by my body which permanently changed my chakra. My energy combined with each other and turned into a more compact and pure type of energy.

I know that foreign energy is the Nature Energy. This is quite strange, My energy, after fusing with Nature energy, became atune with the nature and my body.

This is straight up Ki from the Dragon Ball World. It is destructive and flexible yet also versatile. Accroding to different Chinese light novels, Ki is an energy that balance your body with the nature and vice versa. It is an energy that balance your energy to anything and align them.

This Senjutsu Energy/Ki is a powerful energy that can hurt the tailed beast and overpower different Jutsus in this world. This was actually a strange type of energy that dates back thousand of years ago before Hagoromo sowed chakra to every human. Hagoromo learned Senjutsu from a toad named Gamamaru and created the sage of six path which were passed down to his son Ashura and later on to Naruto.

I am really having a strange premonition with this energy. I learned in my experiments that everyone have Nen and Reiryoku as a component of their chakra. I found this strange since if everyone have it, how come no one knows how to use them? Then now that my chakra was combined with Nature energy, it suddenly turn into Ki?

This means that this world or even every world have the energies from different animes I know. It means that everyone have access to this kind of energies yet no one knows how to use them properly. They focused on one type of energy to make life much more easy. Well this means that I will have a cheat in this world huh?

I am not in a sage mode but my chakra was perfectly fused with Nature energy and can dispell it if i wanted to. I tried that containinh this energy in my body and a yellow plasma coat appeared in my body. The coat have Matagama and different markings on it that encompasses every parts of my body.

I conjured a shadow clone and asked him to attack me. After a short heavy exchange, the clone was dispelled. I concluded that this coat is durable that can negate different attacks, ranging from Ninjutsu and Genjutsus except Taijutsu. This coat can neglect energy based attacks to certain extent and can even nullify E-C rank Ninjutsus and Genjutsus.

I tried controlling my energy outside my body and it created a light yellow aura that was encompassing my body. I conjured more shadow clones and saw that my aura can deflect different physical attacks now. This power up is so powerful that I am sure that only those Otsutsuki members, with weird Dojutsus, Can contend.