
What’s Wrong With My Art Coach?

Model influencer, Korea's number one bad boy, Seo Min-a has everything a boy could want- great looks, amazing talent, the only son of an influential billionaire family, millions of followers, and fan girls at his feet. In a quest to assist his sister in signing a contract with a defiant fast-rising artist, Kwan Seung-ho, under the family’s company, Min-a found himself a brilliant art coach, who greatly challenges his sexuality. Until he experienced his first sexual affair with him. Warning: Don’t read if you are not comfortable with reading smut scenes between men!

Unusualdee · LGBT+
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5 Chs

The Picasso trance

White and faded light blue are the only shades Seo Min-a had made most peace with, these two colors always looked fire on him.

He looked at himself in the mirror, satisfied with his beach turquoise palm tree pattern shorts with white background, and blue denim jeans along with his iconic black chain denim boots. Even though he had gone through five outfits before settling for this. All had the same color gradients.

He looked good.

It was 6:45 pm on that same day, a few minutes later than the time Seung-ho had informed him to come for his first lesson. Who the hell begins lessons on the same day as they start?

Min-a tried not to think about how he was cornered by his father and his Noona into being a student of the man he barely knows.

His lessons were mutually agreed to three times a week but trust he won't be making efforts at all to attend all.

"After this, he better not expect me to attend any evening cringe classes." He spoke firmly in his mind.

After he was done, Min-a went back to his shelf to apply perfume, a vanilla mist that made him smell almost edible.

Satisfied with his overall appearance, he took his little LV bag that contained chapstick and his black card. He wasn't dressed for Seung-ho Kwan, he wasn't like his sister who lost her cool at the feet of an attractive man.

Though his presence did demand your best somehow, Min-a also had the Velvet club opening party to be concerned about.

He still hadn't gotten a date but it was fine, he could literally have any of the new rising female pop stars that swam through the city. Their agency didn't stand a chance against him.

"You look nice." Eun Hye complimented him out of nowhere. She wore a black dress and low heels, simple and elegant, styling her fringe the same way she always did.

"Creep." Min-a muttered, heading to the door. He heard her footsteps behind him which brought him to a halt. "Noona, what are you doing?" He demanded, holding the door ajar while clicking his tongue.

"I'm going with you, dummy. You think I'm gonna let you go alone. I love my baby-" Eun Hye started with the lovey-dovey brother-love card she loved playing when she had ulterior motives.

"Noona, cut the shit. What do you really want?" Min-a turned around to see her holding a neat little bamboo basket of flowers with a nude silk cover over it.

"What is that?" He cocked his head to the side studying the basket before looking at her.

"Oh, just a little thank you for coming gift. Some flowers, our customized cologne with his name engraved on it, and…" Eun Hye listed but Min-a didn't let her finish.

He pinched the bridge of his nose before sighing, "Noona, you are one of the smartest women I know out there and trust me, they aren't a lot but...come on now.." His gaze fell on her.

"What?! I'm being cultured." Eun Hye snapped. "You know who owns the gift right? Kwan Seung-ho!"

"You said it yourself, he hates being bought out and you want to give him after he gives you the slightest of chances?"

Min-a stared at her as if he could see her brain cells visibly draining out.

"So, I shouldn't…"

Min-a walked out of the huge brown double-wing door, "Leave the silly basket behind." He retorted, almost getting irritated.

Min-a decided to not drive, he didn't have the patience today. So he asked one of their chauffeurs around to give them a ride. Eun Hye came out a few minutes later wearing high-waist blue jeans and a white puffer.

"Why did you change?" Min-a questioned the moment the car started moving.

"You are right. I'm trying too hard." Eun Hye replied, adjusting in her seat.

"I didn't say that, I only said to leave the basket behind." Min-a rolled his eyes at her.

Eun Hye wasn't one to be caught off guard. She changed at the last minute because she wanted to head out after meeting Kwan Seung-ho with hopes that maybe she could attract him.

She checked her face out on her Samsung 21 ultra, spotless. She smiled with satisfaction.

"You look good," Min-a said nonchalantly.

Snapping her phone shot, she responded, "well thank you." She smiled at him.

Somehow, they matched outfits. They wore blue and white themes, only Eun Hye ended her outfit with white Chanel boots.

They got to Coal street where Seung-ho's studio was. Min-a noticed Eun Hye grabbing her purse tightly. She kept on checking her phone and closing it back, not exactly inspecting anything.

"Nervous much?" Min-a adjusted his shirt. Pretending like he wasn't just as anxious himself.

"No..what?! No. I'm not nervous. I just don't know what to say to him.." Eun Hye fidgeted with her fingers.

"Then say nothing and leave, show some class that you actually have."

Eun Hye knew he would say this, but seeing a man resisting both her power and charms turns her on, Seung-ho Kwan successfully turned her into a restless piece of a hot mess.

Min-a didn't know that class didn't matter when it came to attraction, she needed to get his attention with other things. Things she didn't know if she was capable of doing.

Their Lamborghini Huracan EVO came to a stop in front of the garage.

"How long is your session?" Eun Hye asked Min-a who was going through his Insta feeds again.

"Noona, why are you saying it like I'm going for therapy? It's just an hour, I have a thing after that, don't ask me to do anything else for you, this is enough." He pocketed his phone and came down after that. Eun Hye followed suit.

"I just want to know, so I would know if talking to him after would be a better idea." She clarified. Min-a hummed, going to press the doorbell.

The familiar sound made Eun Hye's heart skip, checking her outfit one more time, she stood by Min-a's side.

Aera came to the cage glass door, opening the door, and wordlessly ushered them in.

"Hey, Min-a…" Aera greeted shyly when he passed by her, and like before, he offered a tight-lipped smile heading to the main room.

Min-a saw Eun Hye transfixed at the entrance, looking captivated, causing him to wonder why she didn't walk in. He sighed and joined her at the entrance and came to a full understanding of the reason…Kwan Seung-ho

His taut muscles and those plastic suspenders made him look like the desirable Mr. Right of every human dream. Right now, he only has them on and gray sweatpants with the usual flip-flops.

He was working on woodwork, so he had goggles on. His hard biceps flexed and relaxed as he carved the wooden piece. His round butt was well pronounced, cladded by the sweatpants while his plastic suspenders hung a little above his waistline, revealing another tattoo.

For the first time in a long time, Min-a realized he was looking at another man far too long. His chest tightened, and Eun Hye on the other hand was drooling. Literally.

"Guys.." Aera muttered behind them, snapping both of them out of their separate trance.

"Oh, hey there…" Seung-ho turned around. The air conditioner in the studio made his nipples a lot more visible.

"Jesus, help me.." Eun Hye whimpered to herself, swallowing hard before finally walking in.

Min-a strolled in behind her. He hated that his body was doing that 'thing' again but he rebutted the outrageous sensation.

"Miss Seo...you came too." Seung-ho didn't sound exactly excited but he smiled anyway.

"Yes, I - uhm just wanted to thank you first hand for taking Min-a in as your student. I really appreciate this kindness. The Seo family will never forget this," Eun Hye brought her hands out for a shake but Seung-ho decided to give her a side hug instead.

Eun Hye felt her face burn at the unexpected intimacy. Thank heavens she already had pink blush dust on her cheeks.

"It's okay, I'm doing it for the kid anyways," Seung-ho deadpanned before facing Min-ah, "Min.." Seung-ho embraced, looking directly into Min-a's eyes, making him feel very uncomfortable.

"Hey man.." Min-a muttered, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down.

Seung-ho could tell he was nervous. He studied his long hair, he had it fully down today, and it looked very shiny under the industrial white light in the studio.

"Uh, Mr. Kwan.." Eun Hye choked out impulsively, making Min-a scoff, shaking his head.

"Can I speak to you privately?...like out there?" Eun Hye pointed towards the hall before the room.

"Alright.." Seung-ho muttered, dusting the wood hair off his hands.

He patted Min-a on the shoulder, "I would be back, feel free to analyze my work, beer is in the fridge over there." He retorted before following Eun Hye into the darker hall.

It wasn't like he didn't like Eun, but she is a businesswoman, a CEO. From experience, trusting people like her who claim all they want to do is help, 99% of the time, they had their pockets filled helping.

"Thank you, for real. This is really-" Eun Hye started but Seung-ho waved her off immediately.

"Yeah yeah. I already said I'm doing this for your namdongsaeng, no need to thank me. So cut to the chase, what do you really want?" He asked, folding his arm. His tone took Eun Hye aback but she bounced back from it. She has dealt with men like him before.

"Okay, rude, but I ummm. I have a fundraiser event, a party of a friend of a friend. I need a date and I was wondering IF you could be my plus one.." Eun Hye gave her most flirty smile.

Seung-ho Kwan sighed. "Miss Seo…"

"We aren't business partners yet. So, this isn't technically against anything." She quickly pointed out, backing him into a corner.

"Look, I would love to but I'm gonna be really busy, you saw the project I was doing back there, it needs work and focus-" Seung-ho tried to say everything but no to her smiling face.

"No then? Cool. See you later, have fun." Eun Hye waved him with a cheerful smile, not looking back once.


Seung-ho groaned slightly before he walked into the studio again to see Min-a with his goggles on, retouching the painting he started yesterday. His hand movement was fluid as fuck, he couldn't help but be impressed.

He stayed at the door post watching him paint away while holding a beer in one hand.

The kid is skilled…he gasped in amazement. It wasn't any kind of talent but the raw type. With a brush-up, he would be even better than most of the commercial artists out right now. Maybe even him.

"Use a type two brush for the wet hair tendrils," Kwan Seung-ho spoke out all of a sudden, but Min-a didn't seem startled, in fact, he didn't even respond.

Seung-ho frowned and drew closer, studying Min-a's absentmindedness. He was on denim shorts that exposed his muscled calves which meant he played some type of vigorous sport.

Min-a stood to observe from a viewer's point of view to see if he was missing anything unaware of Seung-ho standing behind him.

Seung-ho got dangerously close enough to smell some sort of vanilla scent on him. He breathed in the smell, the sensation running down to his balls. He reached out to scope Min-a's hair aside to take out his earpods but only to end up scaring him.

"Fuck!" Min-a snapped, and the half bottle of beer slipped out of his hands, spilling onto the floor.

Seung-ho just stood there with a cocky smile on his face.

"What the fuck, man," Min-a lashed out, getting mad he didn't even apologize.

"You should use brush two for the hair tendrils." Seung-ho reiterated, feigning he knew exactly what Min-a was freaked out about.

"I don't give a fuck about brush two, you DO NOT touch a man's hair like that." Min-a almost yelled. He knew he was acting too sensitive and he was getting weirdly mad for nothing, but he was pissed by how unbothered Seung-ho Kwan seemed.

"Your earpods placed a barrier between me and you. I'm here to brush you and not speak to the wall" Seung-ho kept eye contact with Min-a, increasing his uneasiness.

With nothing else to say in contrast, Min-a picked up what was left of his beer and decided to put some good distance between them.

"Do I make you uncomfortable? Does our proximity trigger you? If it does, you should sit your pampered ass in your glass house." Seung-ho suddenly got defensive.

"What?!" Min-a turned around, lost as to why the sudden burst of energy.

He shook his head, huffing, unable to believe what Seung-ho just said. He said nothing else and only walked out of the studio.

Min-a found a futon in the corner to sit on it. Deciding to ignore his repulsive touchy art coach. He scrolled through his insta looking for a perfect date, preferably some girl he won't have to see again. The red carpet was important, it was his first event this year.

About an hour later, Seung-ho appeared from another door all dressed up in a gray tuxedo.

"Lesson's over already?" Min-a asked, turning off his phone.

"Yes. I have an event to attend. My cousin is opening a new club in the up city." He replied nonchalantly. Taking a key off the wall.

"Velvet?" Min-a raised a brow at Seung-ho. He couldn't imagine such an ethical man like Seung-ho attending nightclubs.

"Yeah. Are you heading there too? Want a ride?"