
The Western tears

The blistering heat flashes on the dry land of Texas, Horses are weak, its survival of the fittest, two men ride in the horizon one spins his six shooter by his waist while the other keeps his head high and his face stern with a rifle in the back, the two men ride on the dry land spotting corpses of horses who couldn't withstand and endure the hot sun, the Two men ride along one pops open a pack of ciggaretes, he flicks his match lighting the ciggarete, he offers one to his partner but the partner declines, the other rider smokes his cigarette tilting his hat down, the other rider tells his partner "Lets lay down here for a while, nights a comin and the predators should get here soon, we'll set up a tent and one of us stays guard, alright?"

The other rider nods in agreement, they hop off their horses taking off the mats and tent off their horses back, They lay down on the ground exhausted, hungry & tired, the rider walks to his horse and grabs a canteen, he pops open the cap and takes a deep chug of the water, he offers his partner a drink and he nods taking a chug off the canteen, they grab dry sticks from the sand and start a fire, they rest while the other keeps his guard up, the next day the partner calls upon his friend, Orius, Orius tells his partner Gale "We should start packing, the suns rising, we gotta head to Barnale by noon,"

Gale walks up to his horse and hops on, Orius heads on his horse aswell, they continue their ride to Barnale, they continue west to the direction of their compass, on the way to Barnale they stumble upon a small Cattle town, "Lerno town" the two men ride to the entrance of the town, Orius hops off his horse scanning the town for people, he sees that there are a few people around 30 or so he says to himself, Gale hops off his horse following along with Orius, they continue walking as the townfolk stare at them strangely, they notice rampant crimes are commited in Lerno, Orius notices a small boy on the street getting taunted by older teens to come with them for "fun", Orius follows the teens sneakily

Gale is distracted staring at the Ale store as he is craving alcohol, he walks in the store and grabs a bottle of Marnale beer, he pays the cashier and sits down on the porch of the store, popping the cap open with a snap he takes a whiff of the beer, he takes a sip, Orius continues following the teens till they get to a isolated shack, he peers through a crack in the door, he sees a horrifying act commited as the two teens drop off their belts as the little boy can only push the teens away, the two teens smirked pushing the boy down covering the boys mouth, one tackled the boy and started forcing himself on the boy, Orius couldnt take it anymore, he shot the door down, he shot the first boy, the boy was shot in the neck, he was bleeding pleading for mercy, the other teen grabbed a rusty fork, but Orius quickdrawed a hole in the teens head, he sees the helpless victim of the two teens, Orius points his gun and fires at the victim killing the boy, "Now you wont have to suffer the pain anymore young boy" Orius shakes in fear for what he has done, he cannot bear this pain, he points his revolver and a loud bang goes off, Gale goes to where the sound came from, he notices a crowd of people surrounding it, he pushes the people around yelling "Outta my way!" He walks face to face shaking trembling mortified, seeing three naked boys and his friend who looked like he shot himself, Gale backed up with fear in his eyes terrified, he runs to the corner and pukes, stopping for a second to comprehend what happened, he mutters to himself "Th-This cant be real!"

He runs away hopping on his horse lassoing orius's horse with him, they end up in the desert, hungry and thirsty, Gale remembers that orius horse is still with him, he lays the horse down and gives the horse a kiss on the forehead, his fingers slowly reach in pocket as the shine of his knife glows in his hand, he holds his blade high and dives in the Horse's skull, he stabs once,twice, thrice, the blood spurts on his face, the horse is moving but slowly its movements stop, Gale starts biting into the fresh raw horse meat, he ripps a chunk off like a caveman chowing down on his partners deceased horse, when he is full he stands up blood covered, Face arms and torso blood soaked, he hops on his horse and rides away laughing like a madman, with his bloodshot eyes its clear he has lost his mind, unfortunately for an old man and his daughter riding along, they spot Gale with tears in his eyes laughing blood soaked on top of his horse, the old man approaches Gale, he stutters "A-Are you okay partner?" Gale stops laughing, with a stern face he stares voidless into the Old mans eyes, sinking into his soul like a demon, He slowly hops off his horse and pats the old man on the shoulder, He says "I am feeling wonderful!", The old man stared in confusion he asked "wh-wheres the blood from?", With no response but a stare from Gale, he opens his mouth, and bites the old mans face ripping it off in one sharp movement, the old mans face was hanging from Gale's jaw, the daughter screams bloody murder, Gale is unphased, he gets into a jogging position and sprints into the daughter topping her, he smiles spitting blood all over the girls face, "Stop! stop! You evil bastard!" Gale smirked, he raised his fist and with one swift hook he broke the girls nose, she is knocked out, Gale barrages her with his fist spilling blood everywhere, he smirks once again and stands high and tall, he sees the old man is still alive wheezing in pain, he walks to the old man and forces himself on him, then he rises up and bashes the old mans skull with a rock, he stands and starts masturbating at the dead girls body, he starts smiling jumping up and down frantically, he laughs like a madman, he throws away his clothes and substitutes it for a torn robe, he rode his horse riding to a town, he looks for a fresh victim to strike, he finds his target, a small thin teenage paperboy, in the middle of the night, the boy sets down his newspapers getting ready, before the boy could react Gale had caught him and dragged him into an isolated bush, He wheezes in pain as Gale chokes him, Gale starts shouting "I am a warrior I Am a Warrior"

As he chokes the poor boy, he makes his way into the boys body, he ejaculates into the boys anus and he bashes the boys head with his foot before running away, the next day the sheriff found the boys body, he stares scared, The sheriff orders everyone to beware a serial rapist and murderer, he parols the streets waiting for this evil being to attack, to strike another person, Gale is sitting alone in a cave where he sees a small squirrel, Gale has an idea, he stands up and grabs the squirrel, he pulls off his robe revealing his hairy body, he inserts his shaft into the squirrels body, He shrieks in joy, "oh the greatness of this flavor! I simply cannot resist!"

He grabs a rock and starts walking away, on his horse he rides till he finds a pastor preaching about the gospel, he motices a small boy behind the curtains of the preacher, after the gospel the preacher forces his way on the young boy, Gale smiles taking his rock and walking up to the preacher, the preacher yelled "AHH, Who are you get away from us!", Gale doesnt respond and rushes at the preacher bashing him with a rock, he kneels over the preacher, Bleeding and pleading "Please have mercy", Gale only continues hitting the preacher till he dies, Gale preaches to the young boy "I am the warrior, the Mighty Gale!" he hits the boy over and over till the boy's brain splashes over Gales robe, Gale continued back to the town where he raped a boy, The sheriff catches him in the act trying to do it with a lamb, the sheriff waste no time blasting a round into Gale's skull, Gale falls presumabely dead, The sheriff walks up to Gale, He walks away looking disgusted, The sheriff continues walking back to his office,