
The Unraveling At Adeline Family Enterprises (Chapter 40)

In the previous Chapter 41,

Placido asks Doctor Montana, "How's Adeline's health?"

Doctor Montana says, "When I am not around you take care of Adeline because her health is deteriorating."

Joe heard that.

Doctor Montana and Placido look at Joe's expressions.

Placido says, "Will there be any hope?"

Doctor Montana says, "Have to wait for her to return I will see what I can do."

Danny finds it a pity that Adeline dies. Although he just got to know her and she treats him well. Danny looks at Joe's expressions and stops what he wants to talk about.

Adeline put the cookies on the table. "After eating we will leave."

Adeline says, "Placido you help to look after the house for me."

Placido says, "Don't worry."

Danny is sitting in the driver's seat.

Joe sits beside Danny.

Adeline, Robert, and Doctor Montana sit behind them.

They are heading to the Adeline company.