
Werewolf the Apocalypse: Wyldblood

Once a normal guy. After getting thrown in prison, John would become one of the first test subjects for a strange serum. The effects will bring out something in him he's been hiding all his life.

TIWHimitsu · Jeux vidéo
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35 Chs

Personal Problems

John finds himself on a small cliff overlooking the entrance to the Endron factory where a truck is just now pulling up. A guard walks up to the truck, as the window rolls down. A woman with long, brown hair, holds up her phone, showing the guard something.

"What's happening?" Yfen asks as the spirit turns to John, whose eyes are now glowing red as he fixates on the woman. A loud buzz goes off as the front gate opens up, letting the woman inside. Without speaking, John heads down.

"John!" The spirit calls after him.

With no guards nearby, he climbs one of the outer fences in just a few strides, landing on the other side with a soft thud.

"John, I cannot follow you in!" Yfen states.

John continues to ignore him and runs up to some large cargo boxes, peering over the side as his sister Sarah gets out of her truck. A man in a suit walks out of the building.

"Welcome, I hope you had a nice flight,"

"I did…Now, where's my brother?"

"You must miss him very much. Very well then, right this way miss,"

That man's voice, it's one of the voices that was talking during the experiments.

A deep growl forces its way out of him, and he has to force his mouth shut to stay quiet. He goes to move, but realizes his claws have dug into the metal. Taking a few deep breaths makes them retract, and he heads to a side door. He can hear them talking through the walls as he presses an ear up against the door. There doesn't appear to be anyone on the other side.

"So what is this place exactly?" Sarah asks as the two walk down a hall into a large open room.

"It's exactly as it looks, a prison and factory. We give inmates a sort of, second chance, here. They learn valuable work skills and make a little cash to makes their lives here a bit easier,"

The two head into a large hallway where jail cells line the walls. Lots of the inmates whistle and catcall to Sarah.

"I don't see him,"

"Yes well, John didn't exactly get along with the others, so we had to put him in a more, secure, area,"

Walking through, they head up some stairs, making a left through some double doors. The hallway is much different from the previous area, the floor now being made of pristine tiling. Making a right through a metal door, they find themselves on a metal catwalk in a massive open room filled with various machines all alive with movement. The noise they make fills the air.

"...What exactly do you, make here?" Sarah almost has to yell just to be heard as they walk over a conveyor belt carrying giant saw blades.

"Sawblades, cranes, we ship out supplies to sawmills all over the western half of the states,"

As they reach the other side of the room, Sarah sees what appears to be a boot, laying on its back on the floor behind some boxes. It's impossible to tell if its attached to someone or just laying there alone.

"Where are all the workers?"

"Hm?" The man stops at the door, looking around. He checks his watch, "They've gone to break from the looks of it," He reassures her, "Come on, we're almost there," Sarah glances back down at the boot, only to find it no longer there, before walking into another hallway. They haven't walked through a single security point since they first entered the building.

They walk a bit forward, before coming to another door. They enter a large office, the left wall being made of glass, overlooking what looks to be a large test chamber. As they step inside the door silently locks behind her.

"What is this? Where's John?"

"That's what I'd like to know, cause you see, he broke out of here awhile back, killing one of my garou in the process,"

"W-What are you talking about?"

The man turns a monitor towards her, and presses play. The video shows two, werewolves fighting each other. One rips open the jaws of the other, and then the video ends when something else catches the winner's attention.

"I-I don't understand why you're showing me, what does this movie have to do with my brother?"

"Movie? You think, this, was a movie?" The man scuffs, "This was from my security tapes the night he got out. Now, I need you to tell me what tribe you two are from,"

"Tribe? You're making less and less sense…Where is my brother! You said you had him!"

"You creatures really are a pain to deal with…" The man shakes his head as he pulls a gun from his suit pocket. As he's about to take aim, a man's scream can be heard in the distance. The door suddenly breaks open, John leaping inside.

"John?!" A surprised Sarah exclaims as he steps in front of her. He glares at the man with a fire in his eyes. The man seems to be taken back, but doesn't appear to have a hint of fear in his eyes.

"I must be honest, this was not what I was expecting," The man states as he cocks the gun, "But since you're here I guess you can answer my questions for your sister here,"

John doesn't respond, only focusing on making sure Sarah can't get shot at.

"Now, before you try anything, I'd like you to know that this is full of silver bullets. I heard they're quiet lethal to you garou,"

"I'm, not, a garou," John responds angrily, "And if want to keep your hand attached to your body, you'll let us leave,"

The man aims at John's chest, and pulls the trigger, a bullet flying into him.

"How's that for an answer?"

"Jonn!" Sarah exclaims as he takes a step back from the blow.

His breathing becomes shallow as he looks down, seeing the wound in his chest, blood starting to drip onto the floor. He looks back up at the man, baring his fangs. Another gunshot goes off, the gun and hand flying several feet away. The man stumbles back in pure shock as the blood drips from John's claws, another fresh bullet wound in his upper left chest.

The savory scent of blood wraps around John's nose as he catches his breath. He's about to move forward, finish what he started, but then he hears a shaky breathing from behind. Sarah's startled by the sight of her brother's red eyes as he turns to her, seeing the fear stricken on her face. His eyes quickly turn back to normal, the claws changing back into nails as he's brought back to his senses. Before he can think of something to say, the suited man groans in pain as something emerges from his wrist.

Those strange black tentacles writh about where the man's hand use to be, causing the man lots of pain.

"We need to get out of here!" John states, hurrying to his sister and ushering her to the exit. They run back through the factory room, above all the machines as they continue to go about their business manufacturing supplies.

"What the hell was that?!" Sarah asks.

"Hell if I know!"

They exit the way John entered, jumping into Sarah's truck right as an alarm begins to go off.

"The gate's closed!"

"Then drive through it!"

The guard at the gate barely reacts in time to jump out of the way as they come barreling through it, driving off into the distance. They keep driving until they reach a motel. The two sit in silence as the engine turns off. John looks down as he tries to think of what to say, realizing his hand is still covered in blood. He stuffs his hand in his coat, trying to wipe it clean.

"...What did they do to you?" Sarah asks, looking over at him worryingly.

"Nothing any other psychotic scientist hasn't done in movies," He responds, looking over at her, "Can we, rest a bit before we continue this conversation? It's been a long couple of weeks, and I really need a shower,"