
Werewolf King Of Ireland

Holly was an omega in the world of Werewolves and she heard the new king was opening the castle to requests. Her only hope of survival was to get away from her captor and beg for help.

Skiripper · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Chapter 12: Wellin's

As the night went on it got freezing cold, as I trudged through the snow towards Wellin's in New Ross. I used the trees to block the wind as I camped in a tree. Hours had passed since I heard from Molly, but with over a ten hour flight and getting to a safe place it might have been longer then that for her to contact me. I pulled a black coat from my rucksack and curled up under it to sleep.

The morning light and the rough branch didn't make for a good night's sleep. I climbed down and stsrted moving the fresh snow covering my footsteps as I walked. I was making good time, and would be at Wellin's by noon.

As I approached Lord Wellin's lands I could see a wolf patrolling the grounds. He lifted his head and looked dead at me before he took off in a run. "Guess there's no reason for hiding." I said as he lunged and I shoved my claws into his side and dragged the wolf deeper into the forest. A voice drifted into my head. "Hol?" I smiled. "Hey Molly How's it going?" I sent and she sent me an image of the Beach. "It's really beautiful here, and they are all being super nice." I smiled, but I couldn't help missing her. "I miss you too." She sent as I looked around.

"Maybe one day we could come here together." I let out a breath. "Maybe." I said before I heard a howel. I ran to the side and hid as I watched two more wolves come my way. I shimmered up a tree and dropped from above knocking them out before killing them. This Alpha thing was pretty handy in the past, but it was already a huge weight. I stripped and went the rest of the way as a wolf running with the sack in my mouth.

I ditched the bag and snuck into the barn. No one was here and neither where any of the animals. In the pens where women. "What the fuck?" I thought as I opened a lock. "What is he doing with you all?" A She Wolf looked up. "He is breeding us, or trying to." I shook my head, and unlocked their cages. "You all have two options. You shift and run, or you shift and fight." They glanced at each other and two older women shook their head. "He has strong men, Betas I think." I changed and my eyes flashed a familiar red. "Yeah, but I am an Alpha." I said as the women backed away.

"I won't force you to change, or be in my pack. I just want to kiss Wellin so who is with me?" One girl stepped foward. "I will." I nodded and smelt her. A few others came up and we spent a few minutes getting our scents down. Thirteen I thought. Thirteen out of twenty girls stayed and the rest I gave another choice. "Head north to hopefully find freedom, or head south west towards the castle. The King will do his best to help you all, just don't mention me."

They nodded and I turned to the Thirteen beside me. "Our plan is simple. Move foward quietly and together. We kill anyone here and find Wellin, he is mine." I rumbled quietly. They nodded and we moved swiftly through the house. I smelled no deception on any of them as we moved through the yard and into the kitchen.

"Mam, Alpha I think three of us should round the house and come in from the front door." I glanced at the woman who stood about five-foot. She had clear blue eyes and black hair. I nodded and she and two others fell back. "Rest of us fight towards Wellin."

We went through the quiet kitchen and into the dining room quickly taking out the six wolves there and moved up the stairs. Ten more throigh the hallway before the front door broke in. "Damn I thought I said quiet." I turned my head just in time to see twenty guards. "No one leaves." I said in my Alpha voice before we pushed foward. About thirty minutes later we pushed foward and I looked to see two women injured. "Wait who knows how to heal any of you?" A girl stepped foward. "Me I was a healer under the previous king."

I looked down at the girl with brown eyes and dark hair. "Take them to the kitchen and do what you can while we all move foward." She nodded and I thought of the dungeon. "When you are don't try and go to the dungeon if there's others free them and give them the choice I gave you. If they decide to go after you kill them." She shook her head and I eyed the brave woman who took three girls to clear the area outside. "Will you go with her?" She nodded and the same three wolves helped her grab the injured shewolves.

The rest of the house was easy and when we opened the door to Wellin's room he sat there and smiled. "Well hello there Holly. Oh How I have missed you." He cackled and I nodded sending the girls on their way. "Get up Wellin or I'll kill you right here." He laughed and lunged at me transforming into his wolf. I did the same and I let her have full control.

He snapped and I jumped trying to catch an opening. His wolf was bigger then mine, but I knew that wasn't always a better thing. I kept going until he tired slightly and made a move. I lept at him and he moved quick before I slammed into the floor and he grabbed my neck. His eyes flared with satisfaction until I dug my paws into his underbelly. he tightened his grip and I groweled.

He let go and transformed into a man. His wounds bleed. "Don't you want to know why? Don't you want to be a Queen? Be by my side?" O snarled and snapped my jaws at him. "No well I'll tell you anyway." He inched back to lean against the wall. "You are my Queen, and I was going to make you the Alpha Queen and raise us an Alpha Army. Your Fsther ruled these lands with an iron fist. He was a savage, the same wolf that you wrestle with he let loose. The King Cormac even trained with him a few months. You know him right?"

Memories flooded as King Cormac entered our lands and killed everyone I cared about. He slaughtered my people and burnt down the house. His actions caused me and Molky to run for our lives, to pretend to be something we where not. My world enveloped in flames. "Ahh so you did know him." I nodded and he laughed. "Well imagine what we could do if we killed his grandson. King Gavin's power in me, and a Queen with your power? We would be unstoppable." I had heard enough and lunged for him.

A glint of silver caught my eyes as I grabbed onto his arm. The knife embedded into my side as a deep laugh came from Wellin. "His grandson is weak. Left me alive, a second chance if you will." He turned the knife and I almost let go of his arm. "He underestimated me, just like you did." He ripped the knife from my side and I lunged for his throat. I knew the knife was coming again so I snapped and caught the side of his neck as the blade pieced my lower abdomen. Blood pooled around us as I watched the light go out in his eyes and the color drain from his body before I collapsed onto the wooden floor.

"Molly be safe please." I sent before the world flipped and I went unconscious.