
Here Now Part 3

It was a sunny day when Chanyeol first saw Kyungsoo. It was not one of the most romantic moments in the history of romantic moments, but it was enough to take Chanyeol's breath away. At that time, he had no idea who Kyungsoo was. All he knew that there was a beautiful black cat hybrid standing under the oak tree and if Chanyeol didn't run faster, that cat hybrid's handsome face would get bruised up within a second or so.

"Hey!" he shouted at the top of his lungs, trying his best to catch the attention of the smaller hybrid. "Watch out!" he had screamed.

But before the sound of his voice could alert the cat hybrid, the deed was already done. The ball, which was speeding with an excellent force, given it was kicked by none other than soccer team captain aka the badass Persian cat hybrid Kim Minseok, had already hit the smaller hybrid. Its impact was so strong, that the smaller hybrid tumbled to the ground and howled in pain.