

Time ticks as changes happen. Drastic they may be, the root of it hunting. As one we call ourselves packs, but slaves we are divided. Who we look up to? Who else but those who own us, the moon goddesses. A connection between the past and the present, the ancient rules and the modern rules, the moments in the past and the moments of the present with the thoughts of the future. *** The werewolf pack get caught up in schemes and history. Can we really say they are blessed or cursed?

Krystwaters · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
7 Chs

Were-Ticked 04 Chapter 4


"I don't care! I don't want to know! I do-I don't want to get involved any further."

Her voice hoarse from continuous shouting ended in a soft tone. The receiver of her tantrum and loudness made no movement, his features barely visible.

In the dark room, he sprawled on a sofa, hands on his face, his whole being cloaked by the darkness making it hard to decipher his emotions.

The lady began pacing, her heels clacking on the wooden floor, creaking sounds indicating its oldness. The only traceable feature of hers, being in the dark, was her bright auburn hair.

"We can do something" The male started. "We can help them. We should help them! The whole culture depends on it! Can you stand the cruelty that lies behind every single…?" He stops there. His raspy and low voice echoing in the room bringing chills to its hearers.

"We have lost...more than half of the pack." The female chokes.

They were tired, they sounded tired. Tired of it all, tired of arguments, tired of everything.

"I'm going home. I can't do it anymore." Hurriedly grabbing a bag as she spoke, she aims to leave the room.

Her actions, this time, finally caused a reaction from the male. His figure sitting up as he signs to her with his hands.

She halts her movement to the exit to glance at him, understanding the signs, she replies and walks to the exit.

"I have a sister to take care of Keil. I'm sorry"

It was harsh to the ears, the noise creeping slowly behind her to eventually match her footsteps.

It was slowly visible to the eyes, the dark colours of the wood, its little cracks, its highly professional graining giving the wood more appeal and seeming alive.

The creaking sounds became louder.

The male, Keil, stood up from the sofa. His movement and voice were both cautious.

"Sally...do not move"

The female stopped her movement and the creaking stopped.

It's unknown who breathed a sigh of relief just right before the creaking started again, louder than ever.

The candles in the room lighted up, illuminating the whole room.

Sally's expression turning from realisation to horror, gaining momentum, she ran forward more desperate than ever to leave the room, ignoring Keil shouting at her to stop.

She had to get home. She had to leave the room.

The creaking sound of the wood grows faster, not following Sally's footstep but rather ahead of her.

Beyond this room are more rooms and spaces. Beyond that is an aged looking wooden house. Nothing out of the ordinary if we can all ignore the spinning globe on the roof despite the absence of wind.


Anna blinked. Once. Then twice.

The person towering over her definitely did not have a three-ring mark on his forehead, hence he was not a Grahana, and neither was he a 'moon god'.

In her mini monologue, she noticed another figure entering her view. He was very similar to the first male she saw.

Anna concluded them to be brothers.

Feeling a bit of pain from her head, she groaned.

At this point, one of the males spoke bringing her attention back to the situation in front of her.

"She's awake?"

With eyes growing panicky, Anna fully realized her situation.

She was stuck with not one but two werewolves. She screams.

Her initial subconscious act of screaming was abruptly stopped not long after. Her mouth was covered, and hand restrained as two new figures enlarged in her view.

'Oh great. Four werewolves now.'

Ruby and Ephraim hurried to cover the Grahana's mouth and restrain her to avoid attracting more trouble and stop any sneaky actions the Grahana could have. Tri being shocked from her scream backs away, tumbling on Tan resulting in both twins falling.

"We'll let you go"

Anna replies to Ruby, her words incoherent as they came off as grumbling.

"Okay. I don't understand what you're saying but I do not want my hands on your mouth any further too…"

Ruby took a look at the Grahana making eye contact with her.

"...so, I'll let go and you won't scream or play any tricks. Nod if you acknowledge."

At her words, the Grahana shows signs of hesitation but nods in the long run.

Ruby keeps to her words and slowly removes her hand, signalling to Ephraim to relieve her from his constraints.

With the Grahana in front of them, they, for the first time, took in her features properly.

The Grahana had the hood of her cape down revealing her tangled brown hair, bits of sand visible in it. Her lilac eyes taking in their features as well as the Grahana analysed them.

It was quite for a while with both sides at a stalemate till the Grahana spoke.

"You touched me just now"

At her words, Ruby looks at her hands then shrugs immediately after.

The twins glanced at both Ruby and Ephraim, but they merely received their nonchalant attitude to the case.

They didn't know if they should be angry at them for not caring or happy that they didn't care but they clearly knew it was awesome to have other supporting them and that they weren't alone.

"Anna. That's my name. What's yours?" She noticed the slight gesture between the werewolves.

To her question, Anna receives no reply. She sighs then looks around before asking where she was.

"The forest" Tan said glances at her. Anna wasn't sure but she felt he looked down on her.

Looking around again, she rubs her nose sheepish on realizing they were around nothing but trees.

Forrest and dense trees are mainly found around the Wocade and hence Anna concluded she was still at the territory of the Wocade. She tenses up, becoming nervous, unsure of what could happen. Afterall, the cruel ways of the werewolves were one of the things they were taught and why they have to restrain them as moon goddess.

"My bag. Have you seen it?"

Anna looks around frantically, her nervousness and fear gradually fading being replaced by the fear of losing something important to her, water welling up in her eyes.

In her bag was the handkerchief her brother threw as well as half of a pendant they share. She couldn't afford to lose it.

The four looks at her, their guard still up considering the Grahana could still have them killed.

Tri said "It's...still at the house…"

Tan gets visibly frustrated at this, hitting his brother in the arm, gestures to the others to forget it.

Ruby and Ephraim frown.

They just couldn't go back after the 'moment' they had there earlier.

Anna interprets their expressions as not wanting to help her. She thinks of what she could do to get them to take her.

In her thought, she notices the marks on her arm and hurriedly suggests.

"Please. I won't implicate you or anything. I can get rid of the marks, and no one will trace it back to you. I just need my bag."