
Were in the world

slow at first but later will speed up after School. This is another world isekai type short novel. after school is finished we'll more about the transition will be revealed after chapter 7 some things may get more adult.

Bad_Grandpa · Romance
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13 Chs

13 Negotiations

We Returned to Terra and got an appointment with the International Planetary Council Security Committee.

I played the recording of everything that happened from first sensor Contact to the final break up of our first contact meeting.

I've got everything from policy and etiquette to Star charts.

I've kept all information of the Banjul Empire to myself.

I follow up with a meeting with the Were Counsel.

I did reveal everything about My First Contact and the Banjul.

Apparently the ruling Elite of the Banjul society were supposedly Shifters.

We were explorers and we're going to be again.

I'm so Glad I didn't rise to Mishk and go Were.

I did find that unlike the Norkal who are Light gravity planet dwellers the Dak are heavy Gravity dwellers.

The gravity on my ships aren't too far off at 2x to the Dak 4x.the kids are living on board the station at 2x Terra normal.

Norkan prime is .80 Terra.

While Star Paw is getting sensors upgraded as well as all if my scout ships to more easily pick up Banjul metals signatures.

I definitely don't need invaders funding the good stuff (if any is left) before I do.

I make sure all Space Stations and Colonies are well protected by weapons platforms.

I have set up a meeting with the Ambassadors for 3 Terran months Meeting at our moon.

My search teams and miners found a few more sites and a section of an ancient weapons array.

After breaking down the mechanics we get a good idea of how far behind our weapons are from our neighbors.

Since it was partially destroyed we couldn't get any computer tech.

but we have found hard copies and notes for their ancient computer languages.

my people in several colonies and stations are running on caffeine to unlock as much as possible before the Conferences with the Ambassadors.

I personally want access to better computer processors and the technology to support it.

I'm willing to barter some ancient tech to get it.

I want whatever comes out if R&D to be immediately obsolete by what is being developed.

as the interstellar conference get closer I have been told to relax because nothing will be ready enough to defend ourselves against 1 Empire let alone 3.

the only things we got nearly accomplished was an inner system sensor net completed.

Within another 3 months I'll have the entire outer Solar System wired for anything.

We actually got to catch the wave front from the Ambassadors ships hours before they arrived and actually tracked a few other ships burning through their stealth to get positive locks if we had wanted to.

Our Terran and Were Ambassadors met on my Station on our moons surface.

T'k Anala was picked to represent the Shiar.

Clemons is our Norkal Ambassador

and apparently Mishks Matriarch Malasia is the Dax Ambassador.

As formal openings progressed we do get informed that due to certain leaks other wanted to join in with the discussions.

No worries we're tracking several ships trying to use stealth to get closer to our meetings.

Do you Ambassadors wish to apprehend them or should I if it wouldn't cause an interstellar incident.

To be honest my people haven't had much space fighting experience so I cannot guarantee survivors for interrogation.

After showing color pictures and plotted locations and routes. All 3 Ambassadors identified the ships and set one of each of their escorts for intercept.

I also sent an armed scout with each ship intercepting the intruders.

At this point they are actually uninvited intruders and they know it.

Well at this point it can't be helped if our Ambassadors guards get a few peeks around the system for aiding us.

I would do it (for safe navigation of course).

my scouts have so much sensor abilities it's frightening.

few weapons but a maxed out sensor packages in all 3.

My tech experts on board are going to scan the invaders down to the threads on the individual nuts.

I called for our meeting to continue as all invited participants are here.

We didn't get a lot done other than lay out a foundation for our talks.

Tomorrow will be different.

We discovered the frequencies used for FTL communications.

Apparently everyone set up a communications relay within their territories to keep the hours long lags down if needed.

We also set up subspace telescoping arrays to monitor traffic and sure enough about a light day out each party had a small security task force on standby.

I'm sure the Ambassadors could see our defensive weapons arrays being built around Terra.

We also haven't hidden our ships docks and building facilities.

I'm quite sure they have been scanned as well.

After the first days meetings were finished I went to join my wives and children in the arboretum.

Mandy notified me of Clemons imminent arrival.

I allowed it.

Clemons factions deal in trade.

everything including people.

Mr. Clemons join me for a snack if you would like to.

What do I owe this pleasure to Mr. Clemons.

Well you read about and know my factions main business is trade.

And I would like to hope we could have a chance at finding equitable profit for both of us.

Mr. Clemons I would be more than happy to as soon as all represented have finished the tedium of negotiations.

aside from the weather and family I cannot in good conscience say something that may undermine our first negotiations.

Everyone here is my family either wives or children.

My wives and children I give the stars to.

I am doing this, everything you see is for them and our families.

Most of the Terrans you've run into today are extended families Mr. Clemons and I will be trading very shrewdly for them when the time comes.

but for this evening I want to relax and talk about the weather.

Weather on any planets you think might interest me and my family of explorers.

I introduced my wives by name and profession.

between them and my children I think I actually wore the man out.

As Mr. Clemons left Malaysia entered.

Seeing my wives together with me made me want to see her reaction.

Malaysia: I thought Terrans preferred a single mate.

Normally they do but apparently they felt I needed more support than normal to keep me out of trouble.

The Patriarch and my wives had a good laugh around that statement.

With several of my wives actually voicing agreement.

Mandy: Our mate promised us the Stars and is actually delivered them to us.

He went from an orphan to leading the world in wealth and power.

We are all experts in our fields of study and accept nothing less than the best male.

out of 15 billion Terran males he is the best and as wives and sisters we will accept none less than the best wives for him.

Malaysia: I am Honored to meet such strong females for this male and I am proud to see his wives having such a strong family unit.

I when I first entered this garden I naturally assumed he had gathered you himself now I am greatly embarrassed and gladly wrong upon finding you females gathered him.

Annie: It is a delightful shock isn't it Patriarch?.

My sister's son was the Dak who encountered your mate and I am glad to have him replaced.

Mishk was assigned to border patrol as punishment and apparently deserves more.

As a tactician he is one of the best and has received many awards for battles won and many Disciplines land side for bad behaviors unbecoming of my families status when not aboard ship.

Annie: Patriarch Malaysia would you care for a small snack and a drink before we take our children to our quarters for the night.

We will prepare anything your species requires if available.

Katrina: I believe these meat rolls although overdone by your standards might be flavorful for you.

I do smell good spices in this rare meat on the bone here.

Mandy: That is a Tomahawk steak, rare with only the most basic of our spices but tender and flavorful.

Bella: You can definitely scan it to ensure your safety Madam Patriarch.

Katelyn: That cut is my favorite and not too overcooked.

After waving a small medical scanner over the rib steak and getting green lights

Patriarch Malaysia scarfs down the meat.

Malaysia: quite enjoyable and as time permits after negotiations are over I would wish to extend my ships dining facilities to your family before we depart home.

After Patriarch Malaysia leaves and the kids get taken to bed I message T'k Anala to the Arboretum.

T'k Anala: Why have you asked me here.

The other Ambassadors sought me out here with my wives and children which are now abed and we wanted to give you the same chance to talk about the weather.

I refused to talk about anything which might undermine the Ambassadors efforts, so we only engaged in small talk.

Mr. Clemons discussed planets to vacation with my wives here.

Patriarch Malaysia discussed family relations and reciprocal dinner for my wives.

If you would like a small snack and a drink we could discuss anything not of importance you wish to get off your shoulders and relax with the same opportunity your fellow Ambassadors had.

Since they sought me out I'm reaching out to give you the same opportunity they took.

T'k Anala: I do appreciate the opportunity but it is not professional to do so at this time.

If you like Ambassador you can even call in your guards standing outside the door to ensure everything stays proper.

As stated earlier I won't be attending tomorrow's meeting and I will not discuss business tonight.

I very sincerely believe it is sometimes a good thing to relax and breathe for a minute or two occasionally and this is beautiful here to me and my family I can even let you stay by yourself if you just want to relax alone.

I actually think I will take you up on your offer for a relaxing walk.

My wives can name every plant here for you and they would love to see plants from other places eventually.

We all walked soon T'k Anala opened up and started smelling the flowers and reminisced about home and growing up enjoying her Grandfathers lands as a child.

I encouraged her to scan various plants to make sure she wouldn't find herself allergic.

The first order of business the next day was the Ambassadors taking custody of the uninvited and I get the confiscated ships with full unwiped computers.

Since they were caught no government could defend them in front of the others. Since they willing breached a protected sector without approval.

I of course did give equal access to the Ambassadors to all Terran governments.

New more complete star charts and unsanctioned trade routes were found in the confiscated ships computers.

We also got Fully Operational FTL communications to add to our ships and stations.

we now have several new ship and operations designs.

As well as weapons configurations and targeting systems to play with.

Mandy runs amok hacking the systems ship board secured files and encryptions software.

I love the new ships that will come from this.

We got temporary preference for travel and trade From Ambassador Clemons.

Patriarch Malaysia gave us Commander Mishk for punishment and space battle tactics.

T'k Anala gave us technical advisors for the Banjul tech we find.

The girls get Frisky again and another wave of kids will be due about the time our first Terran Freight get ready to move through the Norkal Conglomerate.

We got software to tell us who's selling and buying everything and everywhere.

We actually become neutral in interstellar space to keep the balance of power.