
Welp I'm not the Dragonborn

To be honest, I don’t know who I am or how I got here, but I am slightly aroused and scared with what’s in front of me. Welp let’s see what happens boys and girls after all, I am just a wobbly little ball of light floating here in a icy throne room. Nothing bad is gonna happen right? Updates not scheduled. This is a filler for when I don’t want to work on my primary work, but I am excited to see where I take this It’s an AU Skyrim so don’t bring your cannon knowledge here; my head cannon reigns supreme. Some plot points may be the same, but most will change. Characters from Skyrim are a guarantee they’ll probably act differently from how you want so don’t come in expecting to know everything please. It’ll hurt my little heart enough if you guess what’s coming. I don’t own Skyrim…. That should be obvious, but they belong to their original owners definitely not me. The images in the story are all their respective owners as well and if they'd like me to take them down just let me know. If I use characters from other works/ go to other worlds unless clearly mine, they belong to their creators not me. I'm responsible for my OC's and locations in the worlds but that's it.

Neutral_Cherub · Jeux vidéo
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So Follow Me Lads, Cause This Ain't No Grog or Ale


The travel north was slow and tedious. A couple hours of walking led us to hit the first snow we had seen as a group. That's where I realized, I have an internal temperature regulator or some shit.

Just like the fire didn't burn me, the cold air didn't make me freeze.

Dragmer's are broken. Makes me wonder why they never took over the world. Someone probably hunted them down and that's why they were all on the island that Alina brought up.

That and the fact that everyone doesn't seem to immediately believe that we are who we say we are.

Another Dwemer situation for sure. No one really knows but the theories are endless.

The thoughts I'm having though are irrelevant like always. I should focus on the situation at hand. The giant tower that seems to be teeming with life.

A group of lookouts were posted around a campfire wearing the usual fit of fur armor that marked them as either hunters or bandits. Knowing where we are though… it's the latter.

I was right again this time, when I noticed that they were mostly made up of orcs. Which is why I wanted to test a theory.

"Anna." Motioning for her, once she got close enough I whispered "I want you to kill all of them and eat their hearts. I can almost guarantee, that because they are stronger than the animals that you have been hunting, Hircine will give you power that matches the prey. Does that make sense to you?"

"Yeah, I'm not a fucking idiot after all." Snorting at my, honestly stupid question, she swallowed any apprehension. Taking a couple steps towards the back of the group and removing all of her clothes/ armor she shifted. My back was facing her.

Looking over my group I nodded at everyone's progress as the pup tore through the snow, beelining for the tower. The screams in the distance should have been haunting, to me though, it was just solid background thinking noise.

Ri had developed some light muscles thanks to me and my healing magic. Well, it's mostly due to how hard she is trying to keep up with everyone else. Despite being physically weaker, she never slacked, and it damn well shows.

Proud of the kitten.

The rest of the girls may have already been fit, but now they may as well have been carved from stone. Their bodies never swelled with thick muscles, instead they just seemed to compact. Awfully similar to how I have yet to get bigger than I am.

I know that I am stronger but the lack of visual difference… kinda bums me out.

I too want dramatic changes!

As my thoughts turned to self pity, the blood covered pup had limped back towards us. That probably would have surprised me if it wasn't for the fact this was within expectations. Orcs were mostly magically stunted, in exchange, their bodies were undoubtedly the strongest of mortals.

I'm not saying there aren't orc magic casters in this world, I know there are. I just wouldn't be surprised if any orc that can use magicka was immediately promoted to shaman in their tribe.

Lin and I started healing the lady's several injuries. Well to be fair, they were already healing with her healing factor, but the girl looked like a kicked puppy, and I couldn't hold back.

Apparently, Lin was on the same page.

When we noticed that Anna wasn't really in any danger and stopped wasting our magicka making our wolf stop the hurt act and just to start trotting around happily like she hadn't just slaughtered a group of sentient beings with ease and ate their hearts.

I guess she hasn't really, ever struggled with it since I had met her. The girls and their willingness to kills should shock me, but it's one of my favorite things about them. Each one is doing their damn best to survive despite their semi-awful backstories. They will not give up and instead strive for strength every day.

"YOU MONSTERS" a battle cry echoed out from behind us as a male orc leveled one of his ebony battle axes at us. His orcish armor softly clattering as the plates shifted in accordance with his movements.

"Malacath. guide me to you, so I can continue fighting even in death." His somber prayer was whispered as he looked upon us with a burning anger.

Stepping forward slowly, he gained speed with each step. A walk became a jog, and a jog became a sprint. When he finally felt close enough, the man's war cry made my ears ring as he sprung into the air with both axes raised above his head preparing a devastating blow.

So these bandits were his family huh? There were plenty of signs that they were thieves and cutthroats. Extra armor laid about the camp, leather chest-plates that had holes pierced through them with plenty of blood stains to show the wearer met an unfortunate end. That and…. Well the half dozen, stripped naked bodies of men and women helped point us in the bad people direction as well.

But this kind of reaction over people like that? Taking a glance at my friends as purple streaks floated around my eyes, I saw that almost all of them were panicked at the imminent threat to my life. I probably should be too, but I saw Eve was no longer beside us. In fact, she never even walked towards the tower with us. She had disappeared as soon as Anna began her hunt.

Ever the alert one amongst us I suppose.

The angry boi suddenly shot straight to the ground, stunning the other girls as the snow shot in every direction from the impact. Our lovely dark elf, appeared. Her knee on the orc's spine and a blade half sunk into a small gap between his neck and his pauldrons on either side doing serious damage.

"Wow! I never saw you coming. 10/10 hero entrance Evie!" giving her my best shit eating grin and two thumbs up all. Yet, all I got was silence in response.

"You did see me… you always see me. It's infuriating. What, pray tell, gave me away this time? I thought I had cast silence correctly, and my invisibility seems to have worked, at least all of them were surprised." Ripping out her daggers, Evangeline made her displeasure known.

"You didn't walk up the hill with us, a quick look around with my magicka enhanced eyeballs and boom." Pointing out her footprints leading in the direction of the orcish captain, I don't know for sure, Eve's frown deepened.

"…. If there's snow on the ground maybe I can cast a spell on my shoes to eliminate foot prints somehow, if I can do that, what's stopping me from never leaving another foot print…" the dark elf had managed to pick up my mumbling and thinking habit which both made me proud and uncomfy at the same time.

Even still, I can't believed we lucked out yet again. So far we had yet to run into too many magic casters and this time we were met with young to middle aged orcs.

None of them were the forty plus year old orcs who are more than likely monsters.

Let the looting begin. I've never seen Ysona move so quick. The half orcs eyes lit up as she grabbed the twin axes from the ground. Giving them a few test swings her eyes lit up with what honestly… it looked like she wanted to fuck the axe. I'm not going to judge her too hard but it was odd.

Stuffing mine and Alina's inventories with weapons and armor like the loot goblin I am we decided to push towards the barrow.

Ya know, why am I going along with the campaign? I could be doing literally whatever I want, so why follow the campaign? Lucky for me all this walking is letting me jump into these philosophical questions.

The answer is fairly bland. I am concerned. The campaign that I know, is more than likely dead already. My very existence, is going to cause waves to this world and it already has. The Tieflings, Daedric incursions, Ammit, and who knows what else.

The Dragmer by themselves were not roaming around in the mods I used either. Me and Alina could potentially be the last members of our race sure, or there could be more. With a race as broken as ours, they could be seeking realm domination, and it wouldn't be impossible for them either.

I think what my brain is trying to say, is that I have no idea what's coming, but if I can, I will try to activate events that I know.

Exhibit one; making friends with one of the only Jarls that give a damn about their people, Balgruuf. The best way to do it? Give him what he's looking for and boop some flying lizards along the way.

In the game, the man was backed into a corner and did the best thing for his people. Sure, the Stormcloaks and the Imperials both suck dragon nuts, but siding with the Imperials means that after the civil war is over, they don't have another enemy to face.

If Ulfric wins, you think he's going to stop at Skyrim's borders? Please. The man will wage war on the Dominion and whoever else he deems a threat. I don't think he gives two flying fucks about his people, I think he just wants validation.

Making a new faction might not be the best move, unless I… I would have to sign a whole different agreement with the Dominion wouldn't I? This shit sucks.

"Poly, I think this is it." Alina's voice broke me from my thoughts as I saw the arches of stone reaching into the sky.

Bleak Falls Barrow.

The place is arguably the first dungeon anyone who played the game cleared.

Draugr, spiders and bandits.

"This should be fun. First of all, anyone not wanna go in? I want to finish this tonight." The only light was from the bonfires that the bandits had set up. There was a lot more bandits outside than I thought. Maybe a dozen or so?

Since everyone was better trained, we jogged most of the day compared to walking from Helgen to Riverwood I'd say we moved 2-3 times faster. Plus, we found that mine, so we had the perfect place to rest which obviously lengthened our travel time considerably .

No one said anything and just looked at me like I was stupid. I mean I know they all want to stick together, but I don't want anyone to do anything that they genuinely don't want too.

"I think we should be able to go wild. Anyone want to lead the charge or can I finally stretch my muscles a bit?" my eyes closed as a toothless smile appeared on my face.

The girls had handled all the problems on our way here, it was making me a little antsy.

"You said that there would be undead in there?" Ri's question gets a nod from me. "Then as long as I can try some spells on them, I'm okay to hang back."

"I want bandits!" Ysona was next and the wolf marched up next to her doing a little happy dance and yipped in agreement.

Evangeline and Alina merely shrugged not to concerned it seemed.

"I just want to fight something or someone strong. It's not like you've told us why we are even here so>" Shrugging Lin just looks oddly annoyed.

"Okay... well then, Eve, will you circle up towards the big door over there undetected and kill their archers? Meanwhile me Ysona and our pup here will tear apart everything on our way to you. Everyone else just hang back."

Finishing my tiny, ultimately useless speech,I looked at the barrow itself.

Made from a kind of black stone that had withstood the test of time, the dragon cult had worshipped their over lords here. Steps led those who wished, to a flat platform that was large enough to fit several Dovahs along its surface. Intricate runes were carved along the walls no doubt telling tales of the dragons.

It's truly a marvel. The dragon priest may have been awful to their fellow mortals but who can really blame them? Dragons have the power to bend the world with their fucking WORDS. It's more complicated than that, but still, causing storms and tornadoes with three words or less? Terrifying.

The bandits of Skyrim were absolutely mad lads if you think about it. The majority of them decided the best way to make money, was to fight with unknown enemies in a crypt that housed the last, and some of the strongest (some of the weakest too RIP normal Draugr) Nords to walk the lands of Skyrim.

Propelling myself using my own version of a wind spell I landed right next to the camp furthest from the giant door. Sitting around the fire, two imperials and an argonians were sharing stories.

"Hey guys and gals. How many of there are you?" squatting by the Argonian I picked up an iron sword from the ground.

As I fiddled with the sword, screams broke the serenity of the night. Startling the bandits even further.

"Oh most of your friends out here are being killed as we speak. I'd just like some information from you. If you can, you live, if not this sword gets a brand-new mortal sheath!" I don't think you can call my facial expression right now a grin, or even a smile. Maybe the best way to put it, is I am happily baring my fangs for all to see.

The three bandits visibly freeze as they realize that death has joined them by the campfire tonight.

~Alina Pov~

Meandering about while the four of them went on a murder spree I made my way up the stairs.

Poly had been surprisingly quiet in dealing with his bandits but he hadn't regrouped with us yet… odd.

Four headless corpses laid at the base of the entrance to the barrow, looks like the knife ear has gotten better. I don't get why others dislike that name; my ears are sharp as knives. Much prettier than those odd little nubs of man.

Anna sat trying to get something unstuck from her jowls like a dog who ate something excessively gamey. Ah she figured it out. Using her hand like claws she finally got what was stuck out.

The whole scene might have been cute in a twisted sense, if not for the six or seven bodies that had clearly been mauled to death beneath her haunches.

Ysona had six bandits screaming on the ground around her, each missing a limb as she cackled looking at her war axes with maniacal glee. She is normally a calm, mature beauty but now she shows her true colors. An orc Berserker in the truest sense. When blood and battle before her, she truly comes alive. I doubt these weaklings truly did anything for her though.

Wolfy had decided she was still hungry as she walked to the screaming bandits and ripped their hearts out with the efficiency of a skilled predator. Everyone's training had clearly had some kind of effect. Ysona's movements had been fluid and brutal all at the same time suiting her combat much better than her previous battle dance.

Evangeline's targets had never seen her coming. 3 fell without even knowing what happened. The last barely had time to draw their bow. Her dissatisfied face was hilarious. It's clear she wanted all four, but she lost her control over the invisibility spell on the third. Still remarkable concentration, anyone who uses invisibility knows that any action on your part can break the spell so her keeping it up for as long as she did is truly incredible.

Anna… she is the embodiment of a monster. The girl can match my magically enhanced speed with her beast form now. Her claws tore through their iron armor with ease. She never used her full strength I'm sure of it. Had she, the precious hearts she needs would have turned into little more than a mist.

Our group is undeniably skilled and has the talent to reach unimaginable heights.

Hehe maybe I really will kill a god one day.

"Hey everybody, we might have a problem." Apollyon's voice draws my attention.

He had one shaking, female Argonian with him. "this one isn't to be killed, let her gather food and we'll send her on her way. She cooperated and now we have an idea of what's in there." The bandit scampered around camp, putting together blankets food and as much fur clothing as she could to warm her scales.

Glancing behind him I see two bandits staked to the ground with a simple iron sword. They were missing pieces of their bodies, that's none of my business though.

"To be honest everyone, I'm not too sure about this. Apparently, there's 30 plus "bandits" in there. What makes me concerned, is that some of them were equipped with steel plate armor and one even had glass armor… That means they likely killed the original owners of the armor or, they had it crafted for them. Both are a little upsetting. They are likely strong. Arvel is apparently, the bandit who stole the golden claw from Riverwood trader, all the bandits out here were his group. He promised this other group some kind of share of the loot from this barrow…. So, they are probably just mercenaries, but I'm uncomfy. Something feels off to say the least. I don't think we can play around like we planned." Poly is unsettled by bandits?

No, he's right to be suspicious. Arvel or whoever shouldn't have been able to find a mercenary troop willing to help this quickly after the claw was stolen… What's going on here?

"Eh, aren't they just mercenaries? What's the big deal?" Ri's question drew the eyes of everyone in the group.

Glancing down to the bloody wolf Poly spoke, "Anna is "just" a mercenary. People aren't simple, especially in this world. Any troop who is this far into the mountains came here with a purpose, and it's that purpose that is stressing me out. Just be careful and we'll clear this together."

While his words make sense, I think that it may be a higher power trying to interfere again. Just between Poly and I there's three gods who are actively interested in our lives. Mine wants to kill me though.

What a pain in the ass.

Reaching my hand out I call for my friend.

The adolescent Griffin sticks her green head out of the portal. After healing from her battle, she grew exponentially. It won't be long now before she is fully grown if this keeps up.

"Hey Aura. Can you do me a favor and circle the Barrow we are on? Pull on my magicka if you spot something Daedric to let us know we have to watch our ass please." Ruffling her feathered head the griffin just chirped in response before sending out a blast of air as she leapt into the sky.

A gentle smile forms on Poly's face. "Thanks for believing in me Lin." Don't look at me like that. Your instincts are absolutely terrifying, they guided you into making enchanted weapons without soul gems, taught you how to fight, guide your logic breaking magic, of course I'll trust it.

"We should go in." breaking eye contact I gathered the dead bandits weapons as the group chatted behind me. they are setting up the plan of attack but I'm sure it's nothing complicate. We all are settling into our roles in the group.

Mine is the vanguard with Apollyon.

Everyone else shifts depending on the situation. What else do we need?

A shining silver glint shines through the snow draws my attention. Digging at it out what is find is a leather necklace with a strange crystal pendent. The rune that makes up the pendent I'm seeing is something I'm unfamiliar with. A strange power thrums through it making it feel alive as I inspect it.

A hooked line intersected by a diamond with the bottom lines of the diamond extending well past the central line. Curious indeed.

There seems to be no enchantment engraved into it, yet it's attracting the surrounding magicka.

"Lin! Let's go!" Poly's shout brings me back to reality as I tuck the strange necklace into my inventory.

Jogging back up to the door, I'm greeted by drawn weapons and bloodlust. It appears everyone is ready for whatever bullshit awaits in this temple of dragon slaves.

Poly pushes the twin doors open by himself as we all take up defensive positions behind him.


A dozen arrows are sent to greet Apollyon, but aren't they underestimating me a little too much? A flash of blue light later, a spiraling shield of ice is sent flying back, with the fired arrows embedded in it, towards the direction they came from.

The wolf and dark elf disappeared one with pure speed and the other, with a little magical help.

Grunts of pain resound in the chamber while the rest of us jog to catch up.

The room behind the door, is a massive space that was meant as a council room or maybe even a feast hall. The ceiling was well above the ground, with one massive pillar providing support in the center.

Dead skeevers litter the floor between us, and whoever the wolf was clashing with.

First look at them and… they look like a group of knights?

"Fuck off. Stupid Vigilants of Stendarr, what are they doing here… wait why are they working with bandits??" Apollyon's voice wasn't loud, but it drew my attention.

Stendarr and his motives tend to deal with distributing whatever righteous justice he deems appropriate. The Daedra are viewed by the Vigilants as an infection that need to be culled.

That's fair, most Daedric cultists and daedra are detrimental to the common people's health.

Why are they here in this temple though?

This should simply be a tomb that has no actual importance besides whatever Poly is after. Could they be after it as well?

Putting my thoughts aside I watch in awe as they are able to fend off our local wolf with clear cut discipline. They are an experienced troop.

The group of six each had two small crossbows that were still unloaded since their initial volley. Equipped with a silver sword, and a thick steel shield enhanced with what looks like a version of ward magic. Three blocked the wolf's advances after she had made it to the open area behind them effectively pinning the group between us and her. While the remaining members stood with their backs to their brethren watching my group with readied weapons.

Trust evident in the way they fought as the shifted responsibilities without speaking.

One of the three keeping watch on us until suddenly, he jerked his body to the side.

"Holy shit, he just dodged Eve…" Poly's eyes widened at his realization.

These Vigilants, they are dangerous.

"Girls! Go all out!" Apollyon yelled pulling both swords out of his inventory as he launched himself forward in a purple streak as his lightning crackled.

Not to be left behind, the rest of us took action.

I singled out the biggest one attacking Anna and propelled myself into the air above the group that meant to intercept the rest of us. As I passed over them, one of their members dropped his shield as he formed a spear of light and sent it straight at me.

What defends against light magic??? My panic felt like it lasted several seconds, but really milliseconds went by.

As the spear was about to pierced me, a thin layer of ice formed inches away from me. Bracing for an impact that never came, my eyes darted to the one who protected me.

Apollyon was holding back one of the first Vigilants while one handing his bone greatsword as his other sword was dropped to the ground. His free hand extended towards me; his concentration evident on his face.

"ARGHH" the cry of pain made me tremble; how can he keep doing this? How can he make this shit up as he goes?

As similar thin layer of ice had formed under the vigilant that was locked in a contest of strength with Apollyon. When it had appeared, I have no idea. The spear that was meant for me had burned through the one who thought to challenge Poly.

Not wasting this opportunity, I propelled myself with wind magic towards the brute holding back our wolf.

He somehow sensed me and turned just in time to block my blow. They are stronger than the Tieflings? Golden magicka seemed to embrace all of the remaining Vigilants as the man in front of me extended his arms in a t-pose. Clearly doing his best to protect his companions.

As I was pushed back, I began releasing blade after blade of wind towards the big guy. Undaunted in the face of my assault, his shield glowed brighter as he moved to intercept each attack.

Taking step after step towards me I realized that I wouldn't win a frontal assault. Mimicking Apollyon's lightning cloak, I tried to make it happen with wind.

The surrounding air responded to my magicka's will as the wind whipped around me.

My enemy hunkered behind his shield as he sheathed his sword. His right hand lit up with golden flame as an ethereal light lit up the room. Golden fireballs came bursting forth from the light towards me in rapid succession.

Each blast coming faster than the last.

I could see sweat trickling down the man's face as he did his best to hit me with what was sure to be a damaging blow.

My instincts told me that this flame wasn't actually flame. It's hard to describe but I feel like this one will burn me.

The air around me seemed happy to help me, as if it was alive guiding me through the holy firestorm trying to take my life.

Picking up speed as I danced through his rain of attacks, I tried to mimic the darkness I saw from the Tiefling Apollyon fought. Flickering shadows coated my blade as my sword as I finally maneuvered inside his guard.

Stabbing towards his shoulder on his shield arm my blade pierced through the connecting joint of his armor. What he did next shocked me to my core.

Rather than retreating from me, he gripped my sword with his free hand dropping his shield at the same time.

Bringing his now empty but fucked up shield arm back, he swung towards my head with a brilliant light shining as he charged it with what was likely the last of his magicka.

Slightly tilting my head his fist whistled past my cheek, a small part of his gauntleted fist cut my face as it past.

The built up magicka in his fist shot out in a beam of pure gold light incinerating anything in it's path. Even carving out a barrel sized hole in the giant doors of the barrow.

Suddenly coughing up blood, the Vigilant, gawked at me in confusion. The reason I never let go from my sword to dodge finally revealed itself.

He looked down at the sword piercing through him and watched in horror as black ice spread from the wound, slowly incasing his body. I feel like I've frozen a lot of people since meeting Apollyon… hmmm.

"You bit-"the man's eyes lost all the light in them. Pity, I'm sure he was about to compliment my amazingness. Ripping my sword out of my sculpture of ice, flesh, and blood I paused momentarily expecting the spell protecting the remaining enemies to disappear now that the caster was dead.

Only, it didn't.

"Their barrier seems to be resistant to slashing! Just stab or smash the assholes!" calling out my findings to the rest of the group I turned to see Poly had pulled one of the Vigilants off Anna and was now fighting two, while the injured pup was bleeding from several cuts that refused to close themselves.

Silver is the bane of most Daedric/evil creatures it makes sense now. I had never pondered the reason monster hunters tend to arm themselves with silver, but that is effective.

Using a light healing spell on Anna I engaged the one fighting her, allowing her to breathe. Batting her back with a concussive blast of wind I began to press my advantage.


A bolt of lighting suddenly shot through the chamber; my eyes darted towards the source just to see the kitten on her ass holding her dagger level at Vigilant with a giant hole in his chest. Her chest rising and falling rapidly letting me know she was out for a bit.

Ysona wasted no time and crossed the room to assist Apollyon.

Turning back to the slowly rising Vigilant she cast her sword and shield to the side. A spear or pure light formed in her grasp as she pointed it toward me and Anna.

Cocky wench, I just knocked you on your ass.

Wanna see me do it again? I'll fucking do it.

Shooting another wave of wind at her, she swung her spear of light in a vicious overhead slash and split the air in half.

I guess that makes sense? She more than likely is using the same magic that formed the protective barrier that had surrounded her and her friends in a way that allowed her to make her spear. Why wouldn't it be able to affect magic?

Settling into my battle stance, my roaring blood suddenly calmed as the Vigilants head fell to the floor. The poor girl didn't even have time to recover from her counter and was dead before her body hit the ground.

Evangeline appeared from thin air, her twin daggers dripping with blood as she glared down at her enemy. It didn't work the first time, so why now?

"They are sensitive to magicka, but enough of it will confuse their senses. Your wind magic served as a distraction, so they didn't notice me." Ah that makes sense thanks for reading my mind somehow.

What I didn't expect was when I looked back, Poly stood over what was essentially meat paste, wielding Anna's hammer.

With one of the two remaining Vigilants taken down I looked for Ysona, just to see her holding an ice spear? Pierced through a torso stuck into the central pillar.

The Half orcs features were smeared with blood as she glared at the new decoration of the hall.

"Okay everyone, ya know my bad feeling?" nods to Poly's question made him continue "Well these bois and girls, they are Templars of Stendarr or of the Aedric entities however you want to look at it. What's a templar you might ask. They are the beings that are able to freely channel the magicka into light magic. They are the bane of everything evil/daedric, and we have somehow run into a company of them."

"So? Are they all this skilled?" Still mending the pup's wounds, I asked the question that was bothering me.

"I don't know. What I do know is that if the Templars are real, there are bound to be more blessed beings. Dragonknights and Guardians to list a couple." Rubbing his eyes with frustration "That normally wouldn't be a big problem, but some of these people have terrifying abilities that makes them capable of combatting Daedra of the highest order. The world just likes to make me realize I'm the frog, eh?" shaking his head in a self-depreciating way he plopped onto the ground.

"…. Bad news aside, what do you mean you're a frog?" Ysona tilted her head clearly confused and not concerned in the least.

Anna had given up on the conversation and was moving amongst the corpses, getting her favorite snacks from the steel cookie jars they were stuck in.

"It's a metaphor. I'm a frog at the bottom of the well. I don't realize how big the world is because my life was in a well, never mind not important. Have you ladies heard any of those titles before?" his voice was regaining its normal cool instead of his slightly distressed tone he had adopted.

"I have. They are common tales after all. The Aedric and Daedric entities above choose mortals and bestow powers befitting their faith or strength. That's how it's been forever." My island taught me stuff like this, guess it wasn't completely useless.

"Different cultures call them differently though, so I'm sure the tales all match up just, the names aren't the same. Plus, the blessings may have been the same originally but depending on which god gives it, they'll be influenced accordingly." I'd hate to be a templar of Molag Baal.

Gaining more strength working for him would destroy a person mentally… Lady Ammit deposed him though, so maybe it's not as bad under her? Not like I want to serve a god.


~Apollyon Pov~

I want a drink.

Pulling out a corked bottle of some mead I gulp it all down while the girls just stare at me with judgmental faces. I'm fucking stupid I know. The Daedric beasts we fought in Riverwood should have been enough of a slap upside the head to not be surprised anymore but shit. They are just throwing whatever the hell they want at me.

I should look out for crossovers from other universes at this point cause who the fuck knows what gods think are entertaining.

Slamming the bottle into the ground I pull out another. Down the hatch boys.

After stress drinking for a couple minutes, my racing mind quieted down. "The reason I'm freaking out a little bit is that people have been alive longer than us, seen more, and experienced more than us. People that have had their power for centuries, training for centuries, growing stronger in secret or the public it doesn't matter. I'll just say what I know to be true. There are bound to be mortal monsters that can stand toe-to-toe with the Daedric princes and other gods, in this world. I'm not saying they win, but they have earned the right to stand in that arena. Those people may very well become our enemies one day whether by choice or circumstance" Looking at my group who were all in deep contemplation at my words I chuckled with a hand over my eyes.

"That being said, I will be in that arena one day" Rising for the ground I moved forward. Picking up the meat tenderizer I tossed it over my shoulder as I walked toward the hall leading deeper into the "and I'll be damned if I'm not the one pointing down at my enemy's corpse."

Looking over my shoulder with a predatory grin, I looked at my companions "Anyone care to join me?"

A/N: I don't like up to Alina's Pov, but there's a couple tidbits that could be important later. After Alina's Pov starts I'm pretty happy with how the rest of it turned out. I was planning on making it longer, but I didn't have the time this week. I got to this point and loved where it ended so, what can ya do? March is a week away and I appreciate everyone who has commented/reviewed/ given me stones so far. Hopefully one kind soul will get me my goal in reviews. Take it easy and see you next week or maybe sooner!

Cliffs are dangerous, watch out.

Neutral_Cherubcreators' thoughts