
Welcome to The World Of Z

Death comes for all and luck comes to a few; with luck on my side, God has given me... **************** Disclaimer I don't own the cover I got it off google.

MelioPendragon · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs


The following morning Melio wakes up to only find out he is alone in the room.

'Ah, my body is achy. I need to stretch out.' Melio gets up from the bed and starts stretching out, and works out for 30mins before stopping.

Melio looks at his body in the mirror.

He is 6'6, with a well-defined body build, with a massive dragon tattoo; he has gray eyes with deep blue on the edges. Melio has short messy black hair; he is a handsome man with a cold-sharp look in his eyes.

Melio heads to the bathroom; as he walks down the hall, he hears the girls downstairs. He feels dirty and walks to the bathroom.

Melio hops in the shower; when out of nowhere, he heard...


{Welcome, Host! You are now the owner of the Monarch X Wheel of Wonders!

The Monarch X Wheel of Wonders provides you with Abilities, Weapons, Armor, Pills/Potions, Money, Food, Tools, and Attribute points.

The Monarch X Wheel of Wonders because it goes against Heaven. It will take you double the effort to level up.

Unlike the common/Rare/legendary systems from this world who gain Ab points from the start to help them have a good start. You won't gain any AB points since the system goes against the Heavens.

You only gain Ab points once you rank up or through the Wheel of Wonders.

Since we go against heaven's will, I am granting you a starter pack of 100 tickets.

One spin cost 10 tickets; ten spins cost 100 tickets!

Now say status within your mind.}

Melio's eyes widen to the voice in his head; Melio's body was shivering since he didn't adjust the water temperature and left the cold water run on his body.

Melio then said Status.

{ Melio Pendragon: M: 21.

Title: Monarch X

Health: 100/100

HP: 0



Sp: 0

Agi: 0

Dex: 0


End of Status.}

'Why am I so weak?' Melio asked the Ai.

{I have a name and its Ark, as for your question ask I stated earlier you are going against heaven's will; because of this, it'll take double the effort for you to rank up and gain AB points.

However, I promise you this. You'll be the strongest in your rank; once you rank up; for now, you'll be the weakest unless you get AB points in the Monarch X Wheel of Wonders.

Also, for you to earn tickets. It would help if you killed mini-bosses/Bosses; however, you can also earn it by killing 1,000 D-rank zombies/Orcs, but you'll only earn one ticket every thousand kills.

Mini-bosses are the leader of a small horde. Boss levels monsters rule over millions. However, this is true only for the zombies...

As for the Orc's, the Mini-bosses have ten orcs in a squad below its rank. The bosses have a platoon of 30 Orcs of the same Rank.}

Ark finished here, letting Melio process all the information it was giving to Melio.

Melio stood there processing it while looking serious because right now, zombie or orc can one-shot kill him, and this was freaking him out inside. Even a child can kill him with ease...

'This seems more like a curse than a blessing. Okay, Ark fook. We only live once, right? Spin that shit, bruh.'

Melio said to Ark, who showed.

{ O.o}

(A/N: I will be using Bronze, Silver, Gold, And Purple for ranking skill, weapons, pills/potions that Ark gives to Melio.)


1- Spidey-Sense (Legendary)

2- Athena's Katana (Rank Sealed)

3- 500 bucks

4- Black Nike running shoes. (Bronze)

5- Black Nike compression pants (Bronze)

6- Black Nike shorts (Bronze)

7- White V-neck

8- Black Hoodie (Bronze)

9- Black Assassin Oni half Mask (Silver)

10- A pair of Black Diamond Rings. (Legendary)

End of reward list.

Spidey-Sense (Legendary): It will allow you to detect danger before it happens and warns you of it in no time. The greater the danger or how close the danger increases the tingling sensation. It will also help you navigate when unable to see, hear, or disoriented. It also helps Spider-Sense is precognitive in nature as you'll always act before realizing it. The tingling will get stronger when the danger becomes more imminent and more threatening, and you'll find out where the danger is coming from and how to avoid it.

Brand clothing/Armor: Clothing of the same brand/Armor will give the host plus 10 Ab points. Invdaivial clothing will give you plus 2 Ab points. Also, the rank doubles the amount of additional Ab points per rank.

Athena's Katana (Rank Sealed): Athena's Katana is a living weapon and will get stronger as the wielder ranks up. This weapon is bonded to the wielder; anyone who wields this sword that isn't the host will go insane. The weapon is also constructed of Mithril, making it able to conduct magic.

Assassin Oni Mask (Silver rank): Intimidate enemies at ease.

Black Diamond Rings (legendary): The wielders will know each other's location at all times. The ring is shared storage; the ring also protects the wield 3/3 in one day from any life-threatening attacks. The ring needs 74hrs to full charge; also, it has teleportation towards one and the other.}

'Oh, Fook.' Melio thought as he hears everything being read to him.


"MELIO! ARE YOU OKAY? YOU HAVE BEEN IN THERE FOR WAY TOO LONG!" Esme yelled with worry in her voice as she bangs on the door.

'Fuck it.' Esme thought as she kicks the bathroom door open.

When Esme enters, she spots Melio naked in the shower, leaned forward with one hand on the wall, left leg forward, right leg backed up a bit.

Esme's face quickly gets red as she stares at his hammer.

Hearing the door break, Melio raised his head to find his wife staring at him in awe and a little fright mixed in her eyes.

Melio's eyes checked out his wife for the first time today.

Esme has her hair in a bun; she is wearing a white spaghetti strap shirt, black legging, and navy blue toms. Her voluptuous body figure awoken the hammer.

Melio walks out and stands before his wife.

Esme's eyes never left his hammer.

Melio grabbed her hand and placed it on his hammer; Esme slowly plays with it.

Esme looks up at looks at Melio.

"Sister! What did you do?" Jill walks in and spots her sister jerking off her brother-in-law.

Jill's face turns red, and she was stunned when her eyes landed on his hammer.

'That's HUGE!' Jill thought as she starts to have naughty thoughts of her brother-in-law.

Esme turns her head and finds her sister in shock and frozen as she looks towards Jill.

'Shit. What the fuck am I doing.' Esme turns around and hides Melio's hammer between her butt cheeks.

"mmm... Jill, your brother-in-law... Needs help... And the door was stuck... I had to break in..." Esme took a few deep breaths between some words as Melio slowly moves his hammer between her butt cheeks, trying to cum.

Esme pushes Melio off her and quickly covers his body with a towel.

"Melio, we need to talk... Jill, I am sorry for what you witness... From now on, your brother-in-law needs to listen to you for one week. No matter what request you ask of him, he must do it or else..." Esme tells her sister while threatening Melio with her fist if he doesn't listen to Jill for a week as punishment.

Melio rubs the back of his head, embarrassed. However, her touch and the sensation he felt as he moved his hammer between her butt cheek felt great.

'I need to win her heart.' Melio thought, then he remembered something...

"Let me get ready first; I'll meet you in your study room." Melio leaves first and walks past both girls with no shame.

The two sisters eyes never left his body as he leaves.

"Damn..." They both said loudly, only to look at each other with a bashful look.

Melio finished getting ready and left to meet Esme in the study room. He is currently wearing the clothing he won from the Wheel of Wonders.

He knocks on the double door before entering.

Melio sees Esme looking out the window.

"What did you want to talk about?" Melio asked his wife as he sits on the chair in front of her desk.

Esme turns and looks at Melio, who's looking at her with a curious look in his eyes.

She sits down and takes a deep breath.

" My grandfather turned out to be the GuildMaster of the Hunter's Association Guild. That unfortunate day he suddenly appeared and killed everyone. Only to find his only heir laying in a pool of his own blood dead.

Merlin Pendragon didn't want to become the monarch of the Western sector thus. When he had his child at a young age, he sent his son to his father to raise him.

Merlin still wanted to go around the world and see everything there is to see.

None knew Merlin was a pendragon; none knew he was the heir to the king of Hunters Arthur Pendragon.

Then he sensed me inside a destroyed hospital room with my sister." Esme starts telling Melio about her real grandfather. The previous king was her great grandfather.

Melio was in shock to discover that Esme's grandfather is known as the strongest.

"I didn't expect this... What did he do to the Eastern Sector?" Melio asked Esme.

"He closed his branch in the Eastern Sector, closed all the stores the guild set up there.

The Monarch Drew didn't take the Guild well until Merlin appeared when Drew tried blocking the guild people from leaving his sector. Merlin appeared and forced Drew to back down.

Drew did everything he could to prevent this; he even said his son went rouge and tried to blame the dead. However, William was still a prince during the event. Thus, they're the ones who broke the peace treaty that The guild made all four sectors signed.

Merlin returned instead of taking over... He made me the Monarch of the Western Sector." Esme told Melio what her grandfather did.

Melio was astonished by the actions of her grandfather. Willing to completely break from the Eastern Sector who was rising in power.

Melio knows that many don't align themselves with the royal palace; instead, they go to the Z Hunter's Association Guild to create their future there.

Royal's and Noble's all have a hidden agenda when they get powerful allies. When you join a guild or a small squad. You are trying to survive, make money for the family, gain fame, etc.

Melio knows how complicated it can be when related to the royal family.

"I see, Esme... I... I have a system, and the title is called Monarch X." Melio decided to trust in his wife. Melio has no friends besides Franky; even then, Melio knows he'll need help to rank up.

Why hide all this from his wife when he can get help from her and her family to rank up.

Esme, however, froze when Melio showed her his status.

However, it wasn't because he has a system, but his stats are all 0. That's what made Esme freeze when she looked.

"How is this possible?" Esme asked Melio; she was even a little excited when she spoke.

"Honestly, I don't know... But it granted me these..." Melio places a pair of black diamonds that are in a shape of a ring on Esme's desk.

Esme looked at the two rings. With her god's eyes, Esme was able to identify his ranks, and they are priceless.

The ring not only gives Ab bouns points by 20 in all Ab; it also has other abilities to them, shocking Esme.

"One is for you, the other for me. We are husband and wife until death does us apart.

Esme, right now, what I want to focus on is ranking up and the family. Since I have been born, I never had a family; you use me as a shield since we became a family.

Honestly, I enjoy every moment with you since you have always given me my spot in front of everyone. But, I want more... I want to have a real husband and wife relation with you." Melio passed one ring towards Esme as he places the male one on his ring finger.

Melio caught Esme off guard; her eyes never left the ring on her desk.

When Melio mention he wants their relationship to become a real one, that's when Esme looks up and stares into Melio's eyes.


Shit... Picking rewards was hard for me to do.

I am so sorry about the late chapter; I rewrote it a few times because Grammarly checks misspell/grammar. I decided to get it for a month... So far, so good. I think... lol

I also apologize for a mid short Chapter.