
Chapter 133 ~ Mother-in-Law

The rapid clicking sound of the keyboard resounded within an immaculate, futuristic office of marble white. 

Atop the metallic desk at the far end corner of the room, a laptop was placed at its center as a figure dressed in a full body, armored suit with the devil's mask currently split in half to reveal the otherworldly countenance of a handsome young man.

Although he was alone in his own personal office within Amaterasu, the Black Knight's new, extremely advanced flagship and greatest secret weapon, and no one but the core members of the Black Knights were present and knew about this place, he still wore his suit. After all, there might be a chance someone other than Lelouch, Tatsuya, Satoru, Karen, and Cecilia would come all of a sudden to his office. 

It had been a week since the Black knights, or at least, the very core members of the Black Knights moved their headquarters to the long kept secret base. 

In light of the current situation with Britannia, Lelouch had decided to reveal the existence of Amaterasu to the core members of the Black Knights in order to familiarize them with their secret weapon and trump card in the upcoming major operation. 

The members who Lelouch told about the Amaterasu were Ohgi and his closest friends, Tohdoh and the Four Heavenly Swords, Rakshata and his team, and a few members of the Black Knights which Lelouch had used geass on to make them obey his every orders. 

Of course, he had also made Tohdoh. Rakshata, and their team take a pledge of secrecy so that they would not reveal the existence of this ship even to their "superiors" or "sponsors". 

The rest, such as Diethard and the other more minor members of the Black Knights, were left in the dark, and were given vague yet sufficient answers when asked about their absence in the "base". 

Since the existence of Amatearsu was revealed to them, Rakshata and her team had been exploring every nook and cranny of the ship's system as well as its weaponaries and hangars. 

And in addition to the jaw dropping system which they couldn't believe was developed with a decade old technology by a Japanese couple, they found two more hidden gems that not even Yuuji, Lelouch, Satoru, or even Tatsuya, the "heir" and owner of the Amaterasu inherited by his "parents", knew of.

Within the hidden secret hangar, completely hidden on purpose as a place where new technologies that were currently being developed were stored, they found two incomplete knightmare frames.

One resembled the Guren based on the shape of its torso. But instead of only one, both of its hands resembled Guren's clawed, large, right hand. And instead of crimson, it had a mix of black and silver.

On the other hand, the second was cerulean blue with accents of silver though its chest, arms, and legs. And instead of large, clawed hands, arm guards and leg guards resembling that of a samurai protected its arms and legs. Two, sharp slash harkens rested beneath its arm guards and another two on either side of its hips. 

While its left hand… It held within it a long, massive, samurai sword that stood even taller than the knightmare itself; a weapon resembling that of a Japanese traditional samurai sword, the Nodachi.

They were named Tsukuyomi and Susanoo, and Rakshata's team and Tatsuya had a field day playing with it at any free time they had. 

And although Yuuji had also been helping with the programming and engineering stuff, he had mostly left it to the experts and spent most of his time doing what he did best; Robbing the rich Britannians through his precognition level market analysis and investing skills. 

Meanwhile, he also set aside much of his time working on Excalibur's upgrade. And he did not forget to spend his free time with Karen and Cecilia, or Lelouch, Tatsuya, and Satoru as well when they're free. 

In conclusion, his stay in Amaterasu had been quite peaceful and silent. 

Though of course, with only around twenty people within such a massive ship, it wasn't strange that it would be very quiet. 

But just then, he sensed a presence approaching his office along with the small sound of footsteps that he was only able to hear due to his enhanced senses. But just as he was about to put his mask back on, he recognized the presence after seeing through the walls with his <<Elemental Sight>>. 

Soon, a knock came to his door as a familiar voice resounded from behind it. 

"H-Hey, Mordred… Can you come with me for a bit?"

It was the familiar voice of Karen, which he had already expected. But something bothered him. Unlike her usual tone, her voice seemed… nervous, worried, and down. 

"Karen…? What's wrong?"

He opened the door using a button on the edge of his desk to let her in. And when the metallic door slid open, his eyes widened slightly when he saw her standing there with a nervous look. 

Worry immediately began to surface in his heart. 

Did something happen with her preparation? The Guren, even with all the new features Rakshata and Tatsuya added at the last minute, should be all ready for battle. He, himself, had made sure of it after he finished with his Excalibur. So, there shouldn't be a problem with it. 

All that was left was for her to get used to the movement controls which were quite different from what she was used to. And for this, she had been training all day using a simulator.

But this shouldn't affect her this much. She had been doing amazing in her simulation and he had been "praising" her every night. 

Ah, or perhaps…

Was she nervous about the upcoming… major offensive operation? 

He stood up from his seat and approached her as she entered, letting the door slide back close behind her. 

Yuuji immediately took her hands into his and held them tightly.

"Karen, what's wrong?"

"Y-Yuuji… There's something I need to ask you for… A favor."

"A favor…?"

Karen nodded as she fidgeted nervously. 

Seeing this, Yuuji pulled to the other end of the massive office room, towards the small lounge area with couches.

"It's alright. You don't need to hold back with me, you know? What is it?"

Yuuji sat her down on the couch before he sat down beside her, keeping his hold on her hands. He could feel her hands becoming damp with sweat, and he became increasingly concerned. 

He comforted her for a few moments, and after taking a few breaths, Karen finally composed herself enough to tell him what she had been holding onto for a while. 

"Yuuji… I-I know we're extremely busy right now with the upcoming operation… But I need your help."

"Of course. What is it, Karen?"

"...I want to take my mom out of that hospital."

His eyes widened in surprise as Karen continued to speak. 

"With everything that happened… I-I don't want her to stay in a hospital operated by the Britannians. I'm afraid that she won't be given the care she needs while she's still recovering from the aftereffect of Refrain… Her needs might even be neglected…!"

Conflicts, riots, and skirmishes have occurred in various places all throughout Japan. Some were between the Britannian army and the Japan Liberation Front, as they tried to poke and prod on each other's positions and gain intel on each other's movement. While others… Many others were started by Japanese citizens who were rioting, attacking random properties owned by Britannians with a frequency that was increasing by the day. 

It was utter chaos… A fitting yet unfortunate prelude to the upcoming massive battle. 

The same thing had been happening in Britannia-runned hospitals as well… Many hospital workers, nurses, and doctors have been hurt, and some had left the hospital to avoid the many Japanese people who had started attacking and pillaging it as well, leaving behind many of their patients. 

In light of such chaos, the JLF and the Black Knights have tried to prevent as many of these conflicts and riots from happening. But with their preparation for the upcoming battle and the sheer number of these riots happening, they couldn't stop all of them. 

That's why Karen wanted to take her mother out of the hospital she's currently in. 

"I see…"

Yuuji held Karen's trembling hands tighter as she continued.

"That's why… Please help me bring her here…! We have a very nice health bay here with tons of great facilities and advanced medical equipment. We can have her stay here for the time being so she can be comfortable and safe! 

T-Though, it might be a bit dangerous when we start the operation and go to battle…"

Yuuji placed his hand on her back and began patting it as he smiled softly.

"Alright. Let's move your mother to the medical bay in Amaterasu. I'll ask Lelouch to secure some medical professionals who could take care of her. And when we go to battle… We'll have her stay in our home and bring all the necessary medical equipment there."

Securing medical professionals would be simple to do with Lelouch's help. They simply needed to find some and have them come under Lelouch's control so they would dedicate themselves into caring for Karen's mother and not say a word to anyone about this. 

And when they go to battle, he could have her stay in his mansion, where he knew she would be safe. 

Or perhaps… Better yet…

Yuuji made a mental note to check the Chat Group's shop later on for something that could help heal Karen's mother from the after effects of the Refrain drug. 

Upon hearing his words and assurance, Karen's expression immediately lit up. The clouds hanging over her head instantly vanished as she immediately jumped into his embrace and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"!!! Thank you, Yuuji!!"

Yuuji returned her embrace and began stroking her head.

"There's no need for thanks. I'm also worried for her safety. In fact, even after she recovers, she's free to stay in our home. 


Karen separated herself from Yuuji and looked at him in surprise.

"Of course. I don't think living together with your… step mother would be comfortable for her. And since you're staying over a lot, it'd be better for her to just stay there, where it's safe."

"Yes! Yes, that'll be amazing! I-If she agrees to stay there, I'll also move in!"

This was the best possible outcome for her! She could feel at ease knowing her mother is safe within Yuuji's mansion, and she'll also be able to live together with her mother, free from her step-mother's influence, and also be with Yuuji always! 

"Great. Then, it's decided. So, when would you like for us to go to the hospital?"

"Hm… It's getting pretty late now. How about tomorrow morning…?"

"Sure. Let's go together tomorrow morning."

"Yes! Thank you!"

"You're welcome."

The two hugged once more before they began sharing a kiss.

And the rest of the night, they would stay in Yuuji's private quarters within the Amaterasu, and cuddle after making love 'till the dead of night. 


Karen and Yuuji headed to the hospital the very next morning. And the moment they arrived, he could already see why Karen didn't want her mother to stay within the hospital any longer. 

There were multiple security guards and Britannian police forces stationed around the hospital. Though, from what Yuuji could see, they were quite few in numbers, enough to barely guard the perimeter. Perhaps there were more inside, but from where he was, he could see many of them. 

They arrived before the entrance gate, and Yuuji could notice dents and scratch marks all over the metal gates itself. A clear sign of the struggle and riot it had to face and prevent from entering the premise. 

Two guards guarding the entrance, equipped fully with armed weapons and bullet-proof armor, immediately approached them with clear vigilance. 

"IDs and reason for visit?"

"I am Kallen Stadfeld. Here to visit my maid, who had been hospitalized a few days ago."

"I am Alexander Kyrielight. Here to accompany her visit."

Karen and Yuuji immediately gave them her school ID, and after checking it, they were immediately let in. 

It seemed that as long as they were not Japanese, they would be let in easily, as Yuuji noticed their vigilance immediately plummeting down when they mentioned their Britannian-esque name.

They entered the hospital, and after giving their names to the receptionist, Karen immediately headed to her mother's room, having remembered the way to it by heart. 

Yuuji held her hand all the way, knowing she was nervous for essentially introducing him to her mother for the first time. And for what's to come…

After telling her his plan, Karen was overjoyed and hugged him tightly. But soon, her joy was clouded by nervousness… 

Too be with her mother once more… And truly be with her this time, after all the years she had done to her as she kept enduring and enduring the pain and suffering… 

She didn't know how to face her…

"It'll be fine, Karen. I promise you…"


Yuuji smiled softly and kissed her forehead.

"She's your mother, who stayed by your side even through all the pain she had to endure. She loves you very dearly. I assure you, everything will be fine."

"U-Uhn… Thank you…"

Karen held his hand tighter as they walked, and they soon arrived before her mother's room. 

Karen opened the door and entered with Yuuji following her closely behind. 

And the moment they entered, they could see a beautiful, yet somehow withered, mature lady with brown hair cascading down to her middle back, sitting on the hospital bed. 

Her eyes, dull and unfocused, gazed down to the hands on her lap as she stared at it dazedly, unmoving. 


The moment she saw the state of her mother, tears immediately pooled on the corner of her eyes, threatening to stream down the side of her face.

She came closer, pulled a chair towards the side of her bed, and sat down, holding her mother's hand tightly. 

"Mom… I'm here… Everything will be fine, okay…?"

Ms. Kozuki slightly turned her head towards Karen, noticing the voice. But her eyes was still unfocused, as if looking past her own daughter. 


She held her hand tighter before she loosened her hold when she felt a hand on her back. 

"Karen… It'll be fine."

She looked up and saw her beloved, standing with a warm smile on his face and a beautiful, crystal vial with gold decorations that spiraled up the length of the vial to the lid, where a diamond sat at its top, held by golden prongs. 

The vial itself could easily sell for thousands of dollars from the sheer beauty of it. But the true value lies in the shimmery, clear liquid within it. An otherworldly potion that could cleans all minor illnesses and harmful effects from the body; A Potion of Minor Cleansing. 

It was a rare-ranked item that Yuuji bought from the Group Chat's shop for 1000 GCP. Its effect was extremely potent to a regular person, capable of cleansing all matter of ailments and healing any disease that a person might suffer from, in addition to cleansing all impurities on the body. 

It was only "minor" when compared to other otherworldly items sold within the Group Chat shop. 

Yuuji handed the vial to Karen, and placed his hand on top of hers.

"Karen… Are you ready?"


Karen nodded, holding his hand tighter. 

"Alright. Then, go on."

Yuuji let go of her hands and Karen opened the cap to the vial. 

She looked at her mother for a moment, took a deep breath, and placed the opening of the vial to her lips, and tilted her head back. 

The clear, shimmering liquid flowed from the vial into her chapped, pale lips. And Ms. Kozuki, despite dazed from the after effects of the Refrained drug, gulped down the liquid. 

A few seconds passed as time seemed to slow down for Karen. And before long… her mother's eyes regained its shine as she blinked a few times confusedly. 

She turned towards Karen, and her eyes widened in shock to see her dear daughter by her side, with tears and expression she hadn't seen for years. 


AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

Also, if you'd like to read additional chapters ahead and get a pdf version (Light & Dark), please feel free to check out my at patr_eon.com/verglasx ~!

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Thank you~!

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