
Welcome to the Multiverse (Dropped)

I died protecting the people I cared about, friends in one life, my family in my second, but surprisingly I get a third shot at life once more with both my past lives merged into my present one. I was John McDouglas I was Mandricardo Now I get to live my life however I wish from now on, and with my own personal System and access to any world I want, I’ll enjoy it to my fullest, be a good guy (probably) or a bad guy (maybe) the World(s) is my Oyster. I have no editor so if there are spelling mistakes they happen alright, also I don’t need people pointing out to me to use the different types of there’s or yours, it doesn’t matter so long as you get what I’m talking about. It’ll start off in KonoSuba and I’ll take feedback from the fans of this story as to where I should go next with it. MC will neither be always good or always bad, he will do whatever he wants so long as he finds it intresting, so don’t get mad when he’s a good guy in one world and a villain in the next, he has free rein to do whatever he wants. I don’t own any of the characters from their respective stories they belong to their respective authors. Cover was not made by me but made by Misuke (Gyouran) on Pixiv Main World- KonoSuba Previous Worlds- Dragon Ball, One Piece Current World- OverLord Other Possible Worlds (Not in Order)- MHA, Bleach, Campione, Black Clover, Marvel, DC, Naruto, Promised Neverland, Skyrim, BOTW, Loop Hero, Highschool of the Dead, Danmachi, Agame ga Kill, Kill la Kill, Panty & Stocking, Records of Ragnarock, etc.

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The First New World

Ryuuken (Mandricardo)

Age- 10

Race- Human

Alignment- True Neutral

Class- Rider, Magic Swordsman

Level- 32

Exp- 16000/33000

Store Points(SP)- 57,245


Str- A-

End- A

Agi- A+

Mana- EX

Luck- A+ -> EX

Noble Phantasm- A -> EX

(F Grade is below an adult standard where as EX Grade is pushing beyond human Limits)


Armor of the Nine Worthies (A Grade) Lvl 1- Increases defense while increasing Allies attacks for 30 minutes (Cooldown 2 hours)

Errant Blow (C Grade) Lvl 1- Only useable when severely injured, massively increases attack power and can ignore all forms of defense and evasive menuvers, your next attack no matter what will hit, but you will be knocked out cold afterwards as a result. (Cooldown Varies)

Brigliadoro's Neigh (A Rank) Lvl 1- Summoning your trusty Steed Brigliadoro, increase your speed and precision of your attacks for 30 minutes, downside you'll have all the enemy's focus on you for a short period of time. (Cooldown 2 hours)

Authors Pen (EX Rank) Lvl Max- A Pen that allows the user to rewrite causality to the world or give the user a skill or ability they didn't originally have. (Cooldown 1 Year)

Lightning Magic

Fire Magic

Explosion Magic

Minor Levitation

Magic Circuits (EX)(Authors Pen-> AP)- Allows the user to summon as many servants from the throne of hero's as he wants with no strain on his body.

Grand Master Artificer (EX)(AP)- Allows the user with the help craft any item they want and imbue it with magic properties that the user understands

Item Creation (EX)(AP)- Allows the user to make anything from his reserves of mana, so long as the User knows how an object is made.

Photographic Memory (EX)(AP)- Allows the user to instantly memorize and everything that he has ever seen with his own (current) eyes only one time no matter how long ago since he has last saw such object, only works with new memories doesn't apply to old memories from past lives.

Magic Resistance (C)

Riding (A)- at first touch instantly knows how to operate and use anything like a professional even if it's there first time using it.

S&M Master

Clothes Creation

Presence Concealment




Wooden Sword

Wooden Shield

Steel Buckler Shield

Durandal (Unlocked)

(Noble Phantasm)

Serment de Durandal

Pain Breaker (AP)


"My first adventure truly starts tomorrow." I say with a smile as I slowly go to sleep.

Later the next day outside the village by myself I decided to do my summons, first deciding to use my three star card to start off which was just tossed out making it disappear in a flash of light that blinded me before it slowly disappeared before my eyes.

The man who appeared before me had long blue hair tied in a ponytail with bright red eyes with pale skin wearing a black and blue shirt, same can be said for his pants under his waist armor with blackish grey chaps on top of his pants and black boots, he had a wolf emblem necklace while holding a green spear in his hands.

"I am Cu Chulainn from Ulster, a Lancer-class Servant. Nice to meet you!" He says as he gives a bright smile and a wave before looking around the area.

"I know you want to ask some questions but let's just get my second summoning done before I explain everything." I say to Cu Chulainn before going off to do my next summon.


After the light faded a woman wearing a red and white royal dress with blonde hair tied up into a bun with a single ahoge sticking off the top of her head with bright blue eyes with a smile across her face, I'm glad that I was able to summon her just as much as Cu Chulainn.

"Servant Saber, Nero Claudius, I have arrived in response to your call! Umu, you have chosen the right one! You sure know how to tell the difference!" She said with a cheeky smile as she nodded her head, obviously she's talking about the other sabers that she looks similar too.


And with them both summoned and that they would be companions of mine from now on I explained to them who I am, where they are, and the abilities I have to travel to different worlds as well.


"Wait so your saying that you were also in the throne of hero's, but since you died while protecting your master from a attack from the god Artemis, that your original saint graph shattered and you were permanently pulled out of the throne of hero's and reincarnated as a normal human, only to die again and be reincarnated in this fantasy world with all your previous lives memories intact, and even gaining the favor of one of the creators of the multiverse some how?" Cu Chulainn said repeating the summed up version of my story.

"Yep that's the short of it, I dunno why really, I think he just liked my character back when I was still apart of the throne of hero's to throw me here." I say with a shrug at the whole situation.

"Umu, I think this will be most fun, being able to travel to different worlds and seeing different places after all!" Nero says excitedly at the thought of multiversal travel.

"How many worlds are there exactly?" Cu Chulainn asked

"To give a number, take all the stars in the night sky, and that wouldn't be even 1 percent of the total number of different worlds we can go too."

"Umu! The vastness of the sky is not enough to contain all the worlds we can visit!" She said getting even more excited at our adventure to start.

"Well then Master, you have an idea for a world for us to go to?" Cu Chulainn said while holding his spear across his shoulders.

"Well for you twos current level I have a world that will be great to start out at and have fun exploring, though the world has a rather diverse set of people living in it, and the universe that it's apart of has immensely powerful enemies that we can fight when we're stronger and a bit older." I say explaining a bit of the world we're heading off to.

"Well good then, that world and even that universe will be a great place to get stronger over time after all." Cu Chulainn said with a grin.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go already! Umu!" Nero's excitement had truely peaked now.

"Oh wait, are you really only 10 years old? You look like someone who's in there teenage years to me." Cu Chulainn says realizing I'm rather tall for a 10 year old, with me standing at 4'7" I look more like a 14 year old then anything else.

"Well when we go to that world I'll just say I'm 14 then, plus I am more mature for my age after all, but enough chatter Nero here is getting restless, so let's go, oh and you guys can just call me Ryuu instead of Master, if not that you can call me Mandricardo from my old name if you so wish."

"Hai hai, Ryuu." (Nero)

"Whatever suits yourself Leader." (Cu Chulainn)

"Alright let's get going you two." I say with a grin as I clasp my hands together in prayer which soon afterwards a portal appeared before us, and with a nod from me we all jumped in and descended into a new world.


When we reappeared we were in a forested area not to far away from a cliff that over looked a road.

"Oooo! The view from up here is so pretty Ryuu!" Nero said excitedly as she looked at the beauty of nature around here.

"It is very refreshing around here, reminds me of Ulster when I would go out in the woods hunting." Chulainn said while stroking his chin.

Though while we're enjoying the sights a small one person car drove passed us, and I just caught the glimpse of blue hair from the driver making me grin.

"Huh, that thing seems familiar, Leader what is that again?"

"That's a car, and it's gonna lead us to the start of this worlds main story, now come on you two let's follow it!" I say with a shout as I jump down with them both jumping down with me.

*Whistle!* "Brigliadoro!" I shout as my steed appears as I hop on.

"You two go back into spirit form to keep up with me." But the both shake their heads at the offer.

"Don't worry leader we both are fast enough to keep up with a horse."

"UmU UmU!"

"Well if you both say so, let's go! Hiya!" And with that we begin our start in this new world.

The World of Dragon Ball.