

Leo_Hian · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chapter 4 : I Jinxed Myself

After dinner, with the help of Callie I changed my clothes. Yeah, my maid help me change my clothes. You are laughing, right? Haha, very funny.

Now toward the main topic. I was sleeping on my bed in my room. Well, sleeping would not be right to say, actually I was just lying on my bed, my eyes closed and thinking about something and that is the weird things happening since this night.

I was collecting all things that happen since the attack of demons. First, I was almost killed by demons, then, a system appeared. But wait a minute, what do you mean by Sins and Graces System? This is kinda sus! Let's think about that later.

Troubling thing is I can use DP and my family is the demon hunter family. Banzai! This is kinda fucked up story. Sigh..... I can use DP so I am like a demon, maybe, but I also can use AP so I am also an angel? This is so frustrating! I am humans ally or foe. I started ruffling my hair just by thinking this damn story. its look like the story of some novel or anime where now a strong level enemy will appear and show the protagonist that how weak he is.

Well, like that's-...


The ground started shaking. "Woah, take a chill pill!" Then, an announcement appeared in front of me,


[Demons have appeared.]

I could hear the voices of demons but different demons, also the stench was strong. It looks like a stronger demon has appeared. Don't tell me I have jinxed myself.


A roar of a demon was heard. Suddenly, I could hear footsteps approaching my room's door.

"Master, are you okay?" Callie spoke in panic.

"Yeah, I am okay. You should go to your room. The demon hunters will arrive soon." I spoke.

"Yes!" I could hear the sounds of footsteps fainter by second until they disappeared.

'With this much commotion and a string level demon, Mary, Amelia and Ann have to go.' I thought. Yes, I call them by their name. I was adopted by Mary after the death of my parents. Mary was my mother's friend, so we are not blood related. You know what that mean? Cough, cough. Let's think about that later.

First, let's do something about this anime situation. I walked to balcony attached to my room facing a beautiful garden. The balcony faced toward East. My room was on the highest floor of mansion. There were about ten floors in mansion excluding ground floor. I could get a clear view and saw a large dragon in front of me... No it was a demonic dragon. It was terrifying...but I could feel excitement inside my heart.

My heart was shouting, 'I wanna fight, I wanna destroy.'


My heart was beating faster and faster. Then, I turned toward the right and saw Mary and her daughters leaving.

'They have left.' I smiled, 'Time to party!' I walked into my room and wore a hoodie just like demon hunters. Demon hunters wore hoodies to cover their faces, so that their families and friends won't be affected due to their profession. Demon hunters also don't tell anyone that they are demon hunters, may it be their families or anyone else. Its is a rule of demon hunters association. I know it because everyone knows it.

I wore a light lavender hoodie just like my hair and blue jeans. I wore cap over my head and jumped off my balcony.

'Aaah!' I screamed internally and landed on the ground. Well, I should have done that but I was able to do that thanks to my agility and. strength.

Then, I stealthily, knocked down some guards and jumped over the wall and rushed toward the garden.

'Shit! I want to fly but how?' I thought while running.

I saw police cars there blocking the road. They used rings to setup a barrier. So, that people would not go near the demons. Demon hunters also came on the scene. I stopped at a distance from the barrier.

"They have come." I muttered. I also saw the status of Mary, Amelia and Ann.

'What should I do? I can't just go there.'

[Unlocked Skill: Soaring Wings]

'Huh? I don't know how this happened but man this is gonna be interesting.' I thought.

'Soaring Wings'

Then, one wing from each side appeared from my back. They were like that of an angel but the difference was color. The wings were black at end and light lavender at center.

I swayed my wings trying to fly. My body was lifted slowly but steadily. I also kept looking at police and demon hunters, so no one's attention is toward me.

I lifted toward the sky and reached at quite a high distance from the ground.

"Now then...."

I flew toward the dragon and passed the barrier. I don't know how I passed the barrier but I just passed. Looks like it is related to the system. Well, anyway, I turned and landed on the roof of a house. The houses were out of the barrier to keep them safe. The people were hidden in their houses, but reporters started to appear and tried to get past the barrier. They are inviting death to the dinner.

I looked toward the dragon and saw that demon hunters were fighting its minions. They were dragons but in smaller size. They were about 3 meters tall.

[Name: Wicked Dragon]

[Level: 25]

[HP: 1800/1800]

[MP: 1600/1600]

"They have high levels and their vitality is very good, but..." I smirked.

'Open Status!'

[Name:Mikey Liam]



[Level:1] [EXP:1300/2000]









[10 stat points available.]


[Lust Fire LVL:1 (DP:20)]

[Gluttony Absorption LVL:1 (DP:30)]

[Vision LVL:1 (MP:0)]

[Observation LVL:1 (MP:5)]

[Burning Fire LVL:1 (MP:20)]

[Healing of Angels LVL:1 (AP:60)]

[Healing LVL:1 (AP:5)]

[Telekinesis LVL:1 (MP:5)]

[Soaring Wings LVL:MAX]

[2 skill points available.]


[Greedy Growth]

[Partners: 0]

[Servants: 0]

[Slaves: 0]

'Level up Gluttony Absorption by 1 level.'

[Gluttony Absorption LVL:2 (DP:30) absorbs enemy's energy. It works on enemies with level below 40 and range is 400 metres. The number of enemies it can work on are 400 at a time.]

[New Skill: Gluttony Monster is unlocked.]

"New skill, huh? But lets see about that later. For now...I am hungry." I raised my left hand facing palm toward the small dragons.

'Gluttony Absorption.'