
Welcome to my Supernatural World

Seven friends who knew nothing about the supernatural world, becomes tangled up in the lives of a family of vampires on the run.

Trini_Army · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

The hours before

The three Tribunal members entered the holding cells where Jung-Hwa, Sang, Joo-won and Tae-Hui were being held, their bodies battered and bloodied laid on the cold floor, their breathing was shallow but they were still alive, barely. "Prepare the throne room." Mikhail shouted to the minions, "The transformaiton would be done there when the time comes, Remikka and her siblings would bend their knees to us before they die." he chuckled. Lilly one of Hinata's sorceress and Ari one of Mikhail's werewolf nodded and began dragging the boys out of the holding cells and through a backdoor towards the direction of the throne room as the other minionsbegan taking items to the throne room for Melanie and Mikhail to turn the boys into minions for the vampire and werewolf sects, or into mindless thralls if they continue putting up resistence.



I stood onthe patio of the large house looking out at the surrounding houses, my nerves were on edge and my mind kept racing over 'what ifs', I began to feel nauseated and hungry at the same time. Cho walked onto the patio behind me an quietly pulled me in towards him as he wrapped his arms around my waist and held me tightly, "We all believe in you." he started, "Even Jung-Hwa and the others they trust you to rescue them, the rest of us are here to support you as needed so that we all come out of this alive, so don't feel as if the burden is all yours." he finshed as he kissed me lightly on my cheek. Cho held onto me as he talked to me, having him hold me like this, breathing in his scent calmed me down a bit, as we both stood there watching the sunset, Tyler walked out and cleared his throat to get my attention. "We are leaving in half an hour." he informed us and walked back inside, Cho and I separated and turned to go back into the house, as I began to walk past him Cho held onto my hand and pulled me into a deep kiss and as he pulled away he whispered, "Trust us as we trust you." and still holding onto my hand he walked me inside the house. We entered to find everyone standing around the dining table going over the plan of attack and any last minute preparations. "Everyone understand their roles?" Tylerasked and everyone nodded, "Okay lets go get our family back." Stephen added as he began walking out of the house, we all followed armed with our weapons.

All the werewolves began to transform and make their way to the Tribunal House, Stephen and Tyler remained with us as we drove out to where the House the boys were being kept was situated. As we neared the house we could see that all the Council Ministers had their guards patrolling the neighboring streets along the way to the house, so we expected to encounter more patrols the closer we get to the house. We parked at the entrance of the street leading to the house and made the the rest of the route to the house on foot, with the help of Tyler and Stephen as wolves we stayed in the shadows so as not to be detected as we made our way to the Tribunal House. As we arrived at the house Stepehn and Tyler entered the house first through an entrance that was not heavily guarded, Stephen's scout wolves then guided the rest of us and we quietly slipped into the house with Yeong-jun, Dong-woo and Tessie behind us. The house was empty as Tyler and Stephen sent their wolves to search for scents within the house, nothing could be found so Nikki with the help of Kaylee began to chant, a simple locator spell that helped reveal a doorway that was enchanted to look like part of the wall. "I'm not leaving and Council Members alive when I find them." I uttered to Kaylee, Nikki and Simone, disgust and and anger evident in my tone. Kaylee looked at me "If you see my mother, let me deal with her." she simply responded to me. Yeong-jun, Dong-woo and Tessie entered the door first, it led to a basement and the basement led to a lit hallway lined with doors, I knew this was going too easy, we all looked at each other, were we supposed to just pick a door and look behind it this would take time and we did not have time. Tyler, Stephen, Yeong-jun, Don-woo and Tessie with their muzzles to the floor began sniffing under the doors. I broke the silence around us "Children transform." I stated and one by one in fluid motion my siblings began to transform.

Jadenne transformed first, his fangs grew out and his gloved hands turned into claws, numbers began to maerialize on his skin and his iris began to show numbers on them like the face of an analo clock. the twins were the next to transform, their hair began to turn half and half in shades of blue and purple, their eyes turned heterochromatic each with a blue and violet iris, Galaxy's whip began to move on her arm mimicing a live serpent. While Mimi's scythe began shimmering and lightly hummed as if it was singing, the air around Mimi began to twist and warp as if it was eacting to her, her fangs sprouted slowly and the warping began to spread and wash over Galaxy as her fangs were already out and Dan's form emerged right on cue, he was crystalline and smooth and every step he took closer to me a soft mist rose and followed him and as he walked up towards me he moved as if he was gliding.

"Let me look first." Dan said as he looked at me, "No." I adamantly refused but Dan didn't even respond to my refusal with his usual pleading instead he began to de-materialize into a mist and began spreading across the floor and under the doors along one side of the hallway. "Dan!" I exclaimed as he disappeared under the doors, Yeong-jun and Dong-woo began sniffing at the doors with the other wolves, while Tyler began pacing and growling as he stood next to me. Just as suddenly as Dan had disappeared under the doors he then re-emerged and re-materialized with a shocked expressionon his face, "Dan?" I called but he didn't answer or turn to face me, he just stood still. Dan blinked his eyes for a while as if trying to process something "DAN!!!!!" I shouted Stephen, Tyler, Yeong-soo, Tessie and Dong-woo all began to growl and step away from the door Dan stood in front of. I in my newly transformed vampiric form, with huge black leathery wings, sleek shiny scales on my body from head to toe my hair turned a bright, stunning platinum shade and my eyes shone like two black diamonds, colours looked different and scents became stronger my nails and fangs grew out. I touched the doorknob and the metal crumbled to dust at my touch causing the iron door to swing open, the wolves that were with us, Stephen, Tyler, Yeong-jun Tessie and Dong-woo began to howl as we now saw the reason for Dan's strange reation. On the floor of the huge room was littered across it the bodies of Stephen's scouts dead human forms all ripped apart and strewn on the floor along with the dead bodies of wolves from Tyler's pack.