
Welcome to Heathergate •ORIGINS•: The Calm before the Storm

Before Welcome to HEATHERGATE- the start of this love story, more about the roots of this incredible passionate love story, more about Ada and Cree, the base of their incredible love story and what made this relationship to become the most read novel.

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FOUR : Wish upon a star: Rule the world

At the start of this project, none of the parties; Ada and Cree, knew how a change in the turn of events would make a great story and a great couple fall Ii love in an unimaginable way.

Finding your twin soul, not easy nowadays in a busy, fast paced life, survival in many ways gets pushed in front… love gets once again kicked to the side, leaving behind 'that feeling' of loving, support and cherish of beautiful moments shared with your loved one, not necessarily your family or your parents.

The person you will share the rest of your life with.

Once found, you will feel both can rule the world…. Honestly…

Back at Heathergate Headquarters, down at The Harvest Shores, at The Confederacy Of Free Turtle Island, two people unaware of the future fate together, would change the world, forever. Slowly being built up, in their hearts and soul, a beautiful love relationship both accepted but never challenged it enough to prove their eternal love to each other.

But Cree's parents knew. They saw from far, the day they got registered for their courses specialty classes, they would be for each other.

Holding hands, interaction with other students, friends, teachers… they looked like a loving cute couple, still young in their venture, but unaware of their future together.

Collin just embraced Marge and smiled at her, and bit saddened, two kids no longer to be kids anymore….

Ready to face a new chapter in their lives together.

Well, Ada got accepted into the field auditing faculty and Cree into the Hydraulic Engineering faculty.

Together, they both will face the many faces life has to offer, their demands, their challenges, their fears, their wins, never alone…..

A forever love, that never needed to be approved

All that both needed: a forever love

Summer holidays ended with the summer solstice celebration…. And Ada's and Cree moment to cherish and remembered forever.

A moment that chef then forever, their way of loving each other, their next step to keep that flaming love alive and kicking, where innocence was never an offence. Indeed was a moment of sharing loving feelings, cherishing and celebrating each other's life.

The little sweet cocoon that once hold a beautiful butterfly broke revealing a beautiful human being that only worshipped its reason of living, the encouragement for days to come, the breath that keeps her alive.

A match made in heaven?

You judge.

These two souls are still young, starting to face life, only time will tell.

They both were lucky, sane building, sane study time schedules, coming and going between home and university will be accompanied by this couple.

Lovely cute!

A new stage in their lives, the university stage, still a long way for them to take off to make their own life's worth the trying.

This is just the beginning

Many instances their lives will cross paths, and put their love to challenge them both.

Many people will come and go in their lives, but only two will remain forever.

Forever love.

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