
Teen life

Being a teen is the most perfect thing you can be before growing into an adult. Teen life teaches you, you learn stuff an you learn lessons. Learning stuff is you having patience and learning lessons if you preferred to do it without an example in this life it is better to have patience because a lot of teens out here become robbers,thieves and killers whilst others become lawyers, police and judges.

In this life it has the good and the bad track the good track is always the better one because you are free from being arrested or killed the bad track will never be the better one because it's violence I pray that from this day on all teens should keep their head up an do the right thing because we are not sure of eternal life so the time we have we got to make it do. Growing up as a teen you would find lots of bad company but that's your choice if you want to be like them my advice to teens is to stay on the right track an do the right thing because this life is not easy.

In this life teens basically if you came from a poor family the right choice to make is to make it a better place for you an your family because in this world family always come first before everything, I'll make sure my mom an everyone in my household are living as much comfortable than before. In this you gotta make something out of nothing because this life is a hard life, even if the rest of your household push for better you need to push for better to cause one hand don't clap. Gotta make the world a better place for you an others but out here in this world have a lot of selfish and people who are not trustworthy that's why you got to be careful who you trust because no one out here is for you but you, being a teen I have faced so much in this life I lost my dad when I was 12 literally 5 days before my birthday 9 years ago an that changed me completely because then I would have to grow without a father but it worked out because I had father figures but they couldn't match the love I had from my daddy an still have I hope this life I make the best out of it for both my mom an dad, I wanna thank my mom for being the strongest she can be because she play both parts in one after my daddy died an I'm thankful for that now it's my turn to show my mom that she brought me here for a reason an that reason is to make her happy because I'm 21 years old an the years before that it's my mom making sure everything is good with me an my siblings an I'm thankful for her an that i have a aunty with two cousins an growing up they faced a lot they had it real hard my mom didn't wanted us to be like that so she pushed hard for betterment cause my mom also know growing what it is to have an what it is to do without that's why my mom grow up my siblings an i different and we are thankful for that. All I want to say to teens of this world is that this life is not easy so while u have a good part play that part until it feels not good anymore an when it feel not good anymore it would still be good because after all it's the right thing you were doing from the start keep your head up we are the next generation of the world although some of us are not here because of these sick predators we pray for u an that because these predators don't care they'll kill you as a teen. Teenagers have seen a lot in this life while they grow an most predators attack teens some of attack by stalking,human trafficking or kidnapping. Most of our teenagers are afraid to even come outside because of these sick human beings because they cause corruption within people families to hold teens for ransoms an to me that shouldn't happen because the world is such a beautiful place with ugly stuff going on in it to the parents who try to make the world a better place for their kids that's a good thing because it has a lot of people with bad intentions towards good souls I pray that I don't hear something bad about a teen because most teens don't do anything to get what they get is like they don't deserve that plenty teens have been shot worldwide they've been kidnapped an all sorts of thing but do you think that they deserved that no they didn't. What I am kindly asking is that if we can make the world a better place for our teenagers and the younger ones it would be a better a example for them an the next generation which is yet to come. Adults in this world need to stand up for their rights and make the world a better place for the youths instead of doing them stuff they don't deserve.I am thankful for being here thanks to my mom for making sure I'm good an healthy if it was not for her I wouldn't been here thankful for life teens you as well let's make the place a better place for us an the generations below us because we are the next generation so let's make a better way for our youths in this world an if you need help I'm here for you because y'all deserve better in this life and don't let no one prove you different because we are the next generation. From now till our last day.