
Weiss : Journey Beyond The New World

When the world is filled with wars is it possible to find peace in it? I just want to live peacefully, but it doesn't seem like it will happen quickly.

InVoS · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Basic Knowledge Matters

After resting all night, I finally recovered from the fatigue and aches in my body. Today, I'm travelling to Leben City with a group of Erste Village farmers who want to sell their crops.

The group consisted of two carriages, one carrying the crops and the other carrying the people responsible for organising the sale in the town. The people themselves were the village chief and some men who looked like yesterday's gatekeepers.

I didn't talk to them much due to my lack of topics, so I decided to enjoy the scenery. Wheat fields lined up as far as the eye could see, this was very different from what I usually saw in my life on earth. Coming from the East Asian continent, I was used to seeing rice or other exotic crops, so seeing wheat fields like this was new to me.

We also passed through several villages along the way, but like Erste Village, they were not very large. Whenever the afternoon came, we would always hitch a ride to rest in the villages we passed, even though we were still sleeping in the carriage.

After the third day, we finally reached the town of Leben. The giant fortress was my first impression upon seeing Leben Town. It's really like a medieval building, a huge and tall fortress surrounding the town. Soon after completing the administrative checks, we finally entered the city of Leben.

Quite a lively town if I must say. The layout of the buildings and streets is quite neat, unlike Erste Village the buildings here seem to be made of bricks and a mixture of wood.

After arriving at the town's trade centre, I said goodbye and thanked the head of Erste Village for allowing me to follow his entourage to Leben City. It was also thanks to him that I wasn't suspected by the city gatekeeper, so I was able to get permission to enter easily.

Well, now I think I should go to the clothing shop to buy a few pairs of shirts and pants for now. That's because it seems like my clothes from Earth are really flashy compared to the standard clothes here. I think the selling price of the clothes I currently have should be quite high considering what the head of Erste Village once said.

Clothing store... Clothing store...

I wandered around for about 30 minutes but didn't find a single clothing store there. Wait a minute, are clothes sellers really that rare in this world or what?

Finally, after reaching an impasse, I decided to ask the locals. From their answers, it seems like the clothing stores are in a different region or district from here.

Looks like I'll have to go looking for information about this town after getting the money, it would be nice if there was a library in this town.

After 15 minutes of walking, I finally found a building with pictures of clothes engraved on wooden boards that were hung up. The shop front itself didn't have any glass. It would have attracted more customers if the shop could be seen from the outside so that visitors could see the goods from the outside.

But, could it be that glass hasn't been invented here yet? No way, even on earth glass is thought to have been discovered more than 1000 BC. Or it could be that glass in this era was still very expensive, I think in ancient times only royalty-owned glass items. If that's the case then it makes sense.

I continued walking towards the door.

Wait a minute, if glass is so expensive how about knowledge? I mean books that contain knowledge must be very expensive.

Many things flashed through my mind, but I quickly regained my senses and focused on my current goal. Collecting some money for survival capital here.

Alright, let's prepare to bargain.

~~~ to be continued...