
wedlighton: finding answers

wedlighton was a city no one knew of it's origin, the city bustled with life but all of a sudden strange events began happening living the residents scared. a city with so many past mysteries, different characters from different universes are being pulled by the Hora stone into wedlighton. Thomas Wedlighton a young scientist is sent back in time as he encounters the Hora stone, Mina and her friend Jake are taken back in time to an city they only heard of in their history. seven years old Elizabeth Winston and her friend Julie fueled by curiosity are determined to find out what was happening to their city, can they race against time to stop what's happening in their city before it's too late ?. As the residents discover that they can't leave the city any longer. The woman gives her a mega watt smile that seems awfully familiar to her mother's. a book full of adventure and thrilling suspense. A must read

Chizarum_Samuel · Romance
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17 Chs

chapter 3

It was happening again the clouds turned darker gray and had green flames the ground shook and buildings collapsed everywhere was in chaos, the people scampered in different directions running into one another, Elizabeth and her family had managed to safely leave the scene and got home. That night just as Elizabeth mother put her to sleep she had a dream in her dream she saw a man on a wheelchair he looked very sad and depressed Elizabeth tried to look at the man face but he turned away suddenly she woke and looked around her room her teddy bear which her mother got for her fourth birthday laid on the ground although she knew she had placed in the box not bearing in mind of any suspicious movement Elizabeth reached out for the teddy.

When she turned to get back to the bed she saw the same twins again the one with an awkward smile introduce herself as Milly and that her sister was Jane Elizabeth became confused at her sudden gentleness and asked that they leave her room both girls seeing they where not wanted turned to leave when Milly said "he was broken and so is this city, both girls vanished right after Elizabeth became scared and ran to her parents room.

The next day being Monday her mother prepared her for school Elizabeth was so excited because she was going to see her best friend Julie again, Julie was Elizabeth only friend since kindergarten the two had grown on each other that never left each other side, Julie was from an average family her father was a teacher at their school and her mother was a simtress Julie had a brother but he passed away due to puenomia at the age of two.

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