
VIP 20190619 013

"Sister Chen, you're eating midnight snacks again..."

After buying the midnight snacks, Chen Guo called all of the Internet Cafe employees to enjoy them together. The smell of the dishes recklessly filled the Internet Cafe immediately causing a wave of wailing and protests from the guests. The time for dinner had already passed yet they were being forced to smell the sweet fragrance from the dishes. That wasn't pleasure. That was a trap.

"Line up orderly if you want instant noodles." Chen Guo called out.

"Sister Chen should eat kitchen food everyday. We'll eat instant noodles then." No one rejected the temptation. They could only grab Internet Cafe instant noodles and eat while jealously watching the employees eat their full course meals of six dishes and a soup.

"If you also want to go out and eat, don't ask my employees to go on an errand for you." Chen Guo said.

"Next time, could you tell us in advance? Can't you help deliver it to us?" A person said.