

An underworld community turns out to be dangerous. An Agent A drug lord A mafia A gangster and 5 idols Who would you believe?

Winner_Secret · Action
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2 Chs

The First Strike

"Come on! Don't be such a bore, let's go out today atleast-", before the young male could complete his sentence he was cutoff by the blonde haired guy "I don't see an occasion", the blonde haired guy said looking at him exhausted. "Oh come on it's your birthday we should be celebrating, right Shawn". Shawn looked at the young male with a tired face before shaking his head a little, "Mike aren't you tired from today's practice, Shane's right we should just stay at the studio". Mike didn't take Shawn's words into consideration before whining again, "Please bro! We haven't gone anywhere since the party".

As soon as Mike completed the sentence Shane's mind struck to his last words.

'The Party'

Shane started having flashbacks from the night of the party. The sight of the scene still haunting him till date. He masked his face gracefully by putting on a stoic face as he looked directly in Mike's eyes trying to establish dominance but the sight of those pure innocent eyes melted his heart in seconds as he looked down shaking his head. A slight chuckle left his mouth seeing the whining male infront of him, "Okay we can go out for a while I guess". He got up from the chair before walking out of the room. Mike grinned in triumph as he looked at Shawn teasingly, "You get his special treatment just because you're the youngest here but that doesn't change the fact that you are an asshole". Shawn said with a straight face while Mike's smile slightly fell but he maintained his expression again and cleared his throat, "Well my servant tell Nick and Kyle we will be going out". Shawn looked at Mike with a sarcastic smile before replying, "Fuck you" in his sweetest voice.

"When will we reach again?", Kyle asked as he looked out of car window trying to navigate where they are. "Soon", Shane said with the same pained expression he had been carrying the whole day. "Cheer up bro! It's your birthday!", Mike said with over exaggerated excitement.

Shane soon pulled the car near the parking lot. No sooner had he parked the car than people started surrounding the car. Shane let out a small sigh looking at all the people around the car. "Wow now that our fans are surrounding us already how are we supposed to get out of the car?", Nick asked with fake amusement in his voice. He knew they are fucked up as now going inside the expensive restaurant would be nearly impossible as their fans will not leave them any sooner. He knew it is a stupid idea to not bring the bodyguards with them but oh well Mike's puppy eyes work like magic on Shane and he agreed to go with Mike's idea of keeping this hangout a friendly one with no security at all. "Oh well ask this little piece of shit", Shawn said glaring at Mike who was looking at his phone to avoid conflict. "Lea-", Shane's words came to a hault when a loud thud sound echoed through background. The thud sound was soon changed to loud screams as the fans surrounding the car started running away from the car. The idols curiously leaned against the front right window to see what's happening. Kyle let out a small cry as soon as he looked through the window. "Woah they fucking have guns!", Nick said as he eyed the people standing infront of them in all black with expensive loaded guns. "What the actual fuck-", Shane said as he studied the situation carefully before pulling the reverse gear but as soon as he did that several gun shots were shot aiming at all the four tyres of car. The tyres burst open as the idols sat in the car with dead terrified faces. They couldn't step out of the car and couldn't go from their either. They knew they are fucked up.