

An underworld community turns out to be dangerous. An Agent A drug lord A mafia A gangster and 5 idols Who would you believe?

Winner_Secret · Action
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2 Chs

The Beginning

Waking up with the same nightmare I tried wiping the sweat on my forehead with the hem of my black shirt. It was that dream again or should I even call it a dream. Glancing at the clock I realised it was 3 in the morning which is too early to wake up for a sane guy but I don't have anything to do anyways, I know I won't be able to sleep now so I decide to step out of my bed and go to the balcony. Faded memories start hitting me like a truck as soon as the chilly wind hit me. The bad memories of the bad start. I exhale a little loudly letting out a huff remembering how I've been behaving from a few days since that happened. I know I can't keep behaving like this, like a dead person or else they'll know. They'll know and then everyone will know. The lie that has turned deadly.