
Weak Hero Call me Ryu...

I walked up and down the street in a panic ''If I go right, I'll have to walk past Phillip Kim, but if I go the other way, I'll bump into Colton Choi!'' Just as I decide to make a decision I find myself in a seemingly endless white expanse, it was so white that it almost became jarring to the eyes ''Hello my son'' ''Huh?!'' the mysterious mans voice echoed inside my head ''My name is God''...

szechuansauce · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Reinventing myself

I walk up and down the road in a panic ''If I walk down the right, I'll run into Phillip Kim, but if I go down the left, I'll run into Colton Choi!'' Just as I decide to go down the left I open eyes and find myself in an endless white expanse, it was almost jarring to the eyes how the color stayed the same all around me'' ''Hello my son'' I looked around me looking for the voice echoing through my head and saw no one ''My name is god, you have been selected to take part in an experiment, of which you will be taken back in time and given 4 wishes, to assist you, you'll also be able to reinvent your appearance and change your name, but you cannot change your family, you will be granted as much time as you need to decide your wishes'' I stood there shell shocked for a while, I knew what wishes I wanted, I was just kinda shocked I snapped back into reality a few seconds later and began to state my wishes ''For my first wish I want to be as physically strong as Aaron Tide from The Boxer (to give you some perspective Aaron hit someone so hard that their whole skull was cracked, and there was a hole in a brick wall created from his punch all in one blow so yeah), I want to be as fast as Yu from The Boxer, I want time to slow down 2x whenever something harmful is coming my way, and I want to be as flexible as Ryu Baeksan from The Boxer'' ''No problem'' ''For my appearance I want to look the same as Ryu Baeksan, and I'll keep my name the same'' ''Off you go then my son'' My vision somehow managed to get, whiter as I fell through the floor I stood on. I woke up in a cold sweat and began to rub my eyes profusely, why do my eyes itch so bad? And why is my vision so good?! The rubbing finally came to a stop as I slowly opened my eyes, I went for my glasses on the table only to realize they weren't there, actually, my vision was amazing! I got up from the bed in a frenzy as I stammered towards the mirror in my bathroom I realized my coordination was all wrong and I could barely control my miniature body, I look into the mirror only to see slightly dull red eyes, and seemingly magical hair sticking out like an explosion as if i were some sort of anime character, regaining my senses I look towards the clock in my room and realize, 7:15?!

''School starts at 7:30, I throw off my clothes as I hop into in the shower 10 minutes later I jump out of the shower in a sprint, well as fast as my 5'6, 15 year old body could carry me, drying off my body as fast as I could, I slap on some deodorant and decide to bring the cream with me, this is my first day at Eunjang I say as I look at the date on my phone, I go into the living room and my mother looks at me in absolute shock ''Ryu what're you doing here you're supposed to have left already'' I throw a piece of untouched toast in my mouth as I open the door, all whilst grabbing my bag throwing it over my shoulder shutting the door I break out into a sprint, for some reason I had an unusual trust for my body, maneuvering through the crowds was easy, as time slowed down as I ducked and weaved through the packed streets, easily dodging the cars I ran across the extremely busy roads with no regard for traffic, the cars didn't even have to stop because of my sheer speed and reaction times they simply had no time to.

Running through the closing school gate at immaculate speeds caused everyone to look at me as if to say I was a madman, they had seen the stunt I had pulled running across a road packed full of speeding cars, and now I entered school just in the nick of time, at a speed they could barely even follow with their eyes. Paying no mind to my borderline superhuman abilities I memorized my first class from the memory of my past, and made my way to it. Pulling the door open everyone looked my way I look around and have second thoughts, are these really 15 year olds? most of them are between 5'10 and 6'0, and I thought I was a decent size for my age, but this! My thought process is disturbed by some idiot trying to trip me up, Colton Choi, teacher hasn't arrived yet, and I've always wanted to break this pricks jaw ''G-'' I picked him out of his seat, my hands surging with raw strength beads of sweat appeared on his forehead I pushed him onto the floor where he quickly assumed standing position once again *WHAM!* the sound of my fist and his face connecting were brutal! I had hit him with enough force to send him flying through the air, at least 10 metres. The class was silent except for one Ben Park who happened to be watching my actions through the window, he didn't say anything he just looked at me in utter shock, he was known for his unnatural strength, but even he was sure he couldn't do that

''Ben, BEN!'' ''Ben was snapped out of his daze by Alex's yelling ''Did you see what I just saw?'' ''Fuck, yeah dude. He's awesome'' I walked under the bridge after school as it was an easy route I could take to get home, but I just happened to meet up with a not so happy looking Colton Choi and his goons, I say not so happy looking because besides his jaw, which is wired shut by the way, he looked at me through his eyes, which loomed underneath the shadow of his particularly large forehead. When they saw me, it was on sight, I was a bit nervous because it's my first time being in this type of situation but something told me I'd be untouched by the end of it, two goons ran up to me and the orange haired one was first to reach me, is moved a little bit to the left and delivered a incapacitating uppercut to his jaw, this took him off his fucking feet, which even I was surprised by, this guy looked HEAVY, like even heavier than the 5'11 Colton, and even stockier, the punch was so hard he did a backflip and landed face down, his friend looked at me menacingly while crushing his cigarette under his heel as if that clownery was supposed to be intimidating, he knew he couldn't do jack shit to me considering how he watched me turn his friend into a pancake the way I flipped him around, a look of pure fear arose on his face, lets get some revenge...